Mad Scientist 7D2

Hey Dust :ciao: your ambitious and busy. :welldone:
Your gardens always look great, sorry I don't mention it more.
Been so so busy constructing the new facility and just living through 6' of snow :rofl:
Firewood and shoveling are killer I'm so fed up with winter up here.
Hope your enjoying your weekend my friend and everything is going well.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Yeah winter sucks up there. Tropic weather so much nicer but humid crap down here bro. You can't breathe sometimes. Kinda sucks too
Flash doesn't do plants justice at all. Like big white ball.





Well ak47 doing ok she starting to put on weight but I'm about chop her now. She not going to do much more and if she does it be next year. Growth wait of this plant is horrible. Pure strains suck. But good for other stuff. We have clone of her we going make seeds and add spice to the mix. Should be good smoke.






Anyone ever heard of Electromagnetic gardening. Tesla had a theory and I been hearing some good results since we are all frequency and currents.
Have to give this a look see if it does work on weed.

Tesla was freakishly smart! I bet he was on to something!
Yeah they Clinton'd him for it too. Just like all rest folks that did something some organization didn't like. What he said about frequency waves is correct . Everything is effected. Last month guy healed his cancer one treatment of high frequency sound waves he made out of a baby sonagram unit. Appearance showed you can do any cell in your body. Few weeks later we have a bed u lay in. But u can't use it . Only elites get to use it
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