Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Until you read about superior success with the new light design, I would save the big difference in cost. I'm using 3- 60x5 units in my 2x4 room and they grow great buds.
My guess is the 96x5 and 96x3 will also.
Those old 60x5s are bright as hell. Ha-ha. Have one next to my mars 2 400 and it almost looks brighter.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using 420
:circle-of-love: thanks for sharing us your experience, randy.:hug:
Several smaller lights will give you better coverage plus if one should have troubles it is a stress free situation since you still have lights also during veg or for seedlings only one light is needed until the plants get larger, as Sara said four Mars 2 400 or three or four of the 144 x 5 would be ideal.
Myself I have eight lights in a 5 X 9 tent and use three power feeds so for seedlings or clones only one 144 X 5 then as they grow into veg only four lights are used and all eight lights for flower saves on power and gives great coverage
:circle-of-love:Hi Datsikson, 1pcs MarsII900 will cover 3.5'x3.5'. You can place one during veg and add one more during flower.:high-five:
Hi there, i was wondering how i should go about setting up my tent, i have a 3'11" x 3'11" x 6'7" grow tent and two Mars2 900 LED lights, would it be good to put both lights into 1 tent and place them evenly in the tent or would it be better to just run off the 1?

:circle-of-love:Hi MusicB, so sorry about this. We don't want it to happen like this.:straightface: The shipping address we sent is in accordance with the paypal address. The courier will aslo require for signature. However, as we find it out, in most cases, if the owner is not at home, they will just leave it at the front door:trance:... To tell the truth, I also couldn't understand it. In China,even if the owner is not at home, the courier will hand it over to the safeguard. Leaving it at the door risks a lot here... The way of handling abroad go differently. I think you must have a good neighborhood. People trust each other.:dreamy: MusicB, the staus has showed "delivered". We will contact the warehouse to investigate the package. At the same time, you can go to the previous address. I believe someone there has kept it for you.:circle-of-love:
@sara hello, I've been experiencing a somewhat similar situation that was stated above a few posts, and I've been Messaging with Maria since December BEFORE Christmas about my light that I ordered. (The 144X 5 reflector) Yet I continue to get no where. It really sucks and is quite frustrating as I am now out $254, I have no light, I have been wanting to try out your lights since I continue to hear how great they are, and all 12 of my seedlings that I had started have died. (which aren't cheap and im down to my last 3 until I can order more)

Also she's been telling me things such as: "Could you please make a phone call to your neighbor to find the light?" or "Go to the porch where the parcel was left at and get the light."
1) the address in which my LED light was sent to is over an hour from me. First off how am I suppose to call "them?" I don't even know who "them" is!?? The address the light was sent to is no where close to me to even be labeled as my "neighbor" and how would I be able to call whoever the light was even shipped to ?? I don't know who resides there ?? I don't just know random people's house or cell phone numbers ?? Shit if I knew who stayed there we wouldn't even be having the problem of me contacting Mars hydro about my LED light. She made no sense to me when she asked me to do these things... Moving on....
2)when Maria had emailed me to go to the address and get the light from the porch I first thought... Did she really just message me this?? Like seriously!!? In that email Maria basically is trying to tell me to fuck off and go travel over an hour away for a package that was suppose to be shipped to MY residence, yet it wasn't! I'm sorry Mars Hydro but I'm not going to trespass upon somebody else's property to go look for a light that is most likely no longer out there because it just got sat down on the porch!?? (At least this is what I'm told by Maria and the tracking information) <--- in which the tracking information wasn't shipped to me until way late on December 27th and then this is when I found out this big catastrophe was even occurring!

I did not even know that my reflector had been shipped out yet but then on the 27th of December at 7:48PM I find out that the LED light/reflector had been shipped and that it was shipped Not to mention that I should have had to SIGN for the package when it arrives to ME!! This should add the security and proof that i am indeed receiving what I purchased and paid for and that It is in fact me and not incorrectly delivered nor someone else receiving my product!!! (This could have all been prevented!) And before I even ordered from you guys I double checked on your website to make sure signature was required upon delivery!! As it even states this in the FAQ's part of Mars Hydro's website!! But nooooooo. Even after I called the phone number on the website, hours after my order was placed to make sure the shipping address was indeed correct; and who I spoke to clearly informed me that they had my address correct where I currently reside as the address my reflector was going to be shipped to, but instead I got lied to!

Instead They shipped my light out to a different address in which I used to live almost 7 months ago.
It has now been 2 and a half weeks and still nothing... What a horrible start to the new year!! Hope you can help me Sara!!

I'm also trying to get this resolved as soon as possible because I remember you posting that there will be delays in the warehouse and I don't need more delays or situations with my reflector as this is already drastic enough!
:thanks: thanks, Glitch. I agree with you. It's the fast way to find the package. :high-five:
It's interesting how it ended up at an address you lived at 7 months ago. If you bought with PayPal and that was the PayPal address there's your problem. Now I agree it is kinda crappy for them to tell you to drive over an hour to find your light. Bit if I where in your shoes and worried about loosing hundreds of dollars I shure would anyways. Just politely ask if they have received your package. I could be wrong but unless it was shipped back to mars hydro I doubt they will ship another one. Get those babies under lights asap.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using 420
:laughtwo:Haha, Neil, the recommend coverage of 60cm and 120cm is respectively 0.5'x2' and 0.5'x4'. The warranty is the same, 2 years warranty. The price for 50pcs, 100pcs and 1000pcs is different for sure.:laughtwo: The warranty will be guaranteed to our agents.They will not be sold in smaller lot throught Ebay or Amazon.:high-five: I advise you pizza.:drool: My favorite movie is Fight Club.:)
What is the recommended footprint? How many needed to cover a 2' x 4' shelf? What is the price of these lights? What guarantee is provided if they are bought in 50 to 100 piece lots? Would there be a different price if I ordered 1000 pieces? If a large order were placed and shipped would MarsHydro still warranty if they were resold individually here in Florida by the bulk buyer? Will they be sold in smaller lots through E-Bay or Amazon? Should I have pizza or chicken wings for lunch? What is your favorite movie? .... damn got caught up in the interrogation:)
:cheesygrinsmiley: that's true, Glitch.
I've heard they will only be sold in bulk because they can't ship them without breaking them yet lol.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using 420
:circle-of-love: Hi Happyjoy, Cree128 or Epistar160 will also do the space. The pro series' design is better. The spectrum is mixed better and the light runs cooler. Those are the differences from Reflector series.:cheesygrinsmiley: However, I advise you to keep 96x3 and add another 96. The total draw power of 2pcs Reflector96 is more than 1pcs Cree128 or Epistar160:tokin:
thnks eveyrone for all the feedback.

im starting to think about perhaps just selling my light, and buying one of the new pro lights.
in particular, the cree 128. or perhpas the epistar 160

will the performance of the cree 128, actually be better than a 96x3, and a new 96x5 combo?

both options have almost identical wattage draw, but appearently the cree 128 is a more superior quality piece...?

im not talking about all the bells and whistles on the pro series. just about final quality....

also, im sure uve been asked this before sara,
but is the actual outcome difference so big between the epistar 160, and the cree 120?

:thumb:great to know that, plugged~~:hug:
Until you read about superior success with the new light design, I would save the big difference in cost. I'm using 3- 60x5 units in my 2x4 room and they grow great buds.
My guess is the 96x5 and 96x3 will also.
:laughtwo:Haha, the old model has more white.
Those old 60x5s are bright as hell. Ha-ha. Have one next to my mars 2 400 and it almost looks brighter.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using 420
:laughtwo:Haha, Neil, the recommend coverage of 60cm and 120cm is respectively 0.5'x2' and 0.5'x4'. The warranty is the same, 2 years warranty. The price for 50pcs, 100pcs and 1000pcs is different for sure.:laughtwo: The warranty will be guaranteed to our agents.They will not be sold in smaller lot throught Ebay or Amazon.:high-five: I advise you pizza.:drool: My favorite movie is Fight Club.:)

With .5 x 4' in a 2 x4 shelf = 92 x 4=368 368 divide by 8 = 46? What is the actual output? Fight Club and Pizza sounds like a nice start to an evening:)
:laughtwo: The acutal draw power of BAR48-120cm is 92w.:cheesygrinsmiley:
With .5 x 4' in a 2 x4 shelf = 92 x 4=368 368 divide by 8 = 46? What is the actual output? Fight Club and Pizza sounds like a nice start to an evening:)
:circle-of-love: hello my dearest friends, here is our stock updation. Some models will be out of stock .The new stock will arrive soon.:circle-of-love:

Do you notice the cute monkey? In 2016, Monkey is our lucky animal.:hug:
:cheesygrinsmiley: One more thing, my dearest friends, we are much looking forward to working with MY GROW DEPOT, INDOOR GARDEN DEPOT and GROW GREENMI, so as to offer local pick-up and service for our customers. :dreamy: However, they seem not to know much about us as you do. :angel: Could you please help to recommend us to them? so they will know that our lights are worthwhile and help more people to get a led grow light at affordable price.:kiss: Thanks in advance.:circle-of-love:
Hi Sara (or anyone); can you tell me what the CFM of the fans in Reflector 144x3 is please? You have already told me once before but I can't remember and I can't find it!
Hi Sara (or anyone); can you tell me what the CFM of the fans in Reflector 144x3 is please? You have already told me once before but I can't remember and I can't find it!

Hey I found it "the CFM of the fans on Reflector 144x3w is 79.75CFM."
Thanks for that info.. Is that 79.75cfm x 3 fans total or for one fan??
Three fans in total is 239.25CFM

Hope it helps !
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