Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I got your popcorn Bubba...:circle-of-love:

If what I grew is considered popcorn buds shit I wanna see some none popcorn nugs they have to be gigantic
Hi Dennise,

Are these from Seed or Clones?
This is how I am trying to get mine to look like. I like your Pics a lot.

I got your popcorn Bubba...:circle-of-love:
Hi Dennise,

Are these from Seed or Clones?
This is how I am trying to get mine to look like. I like your Pics a lot.

Pretty much everything I have grown has been from seeds... I don't really know why but I just don't ever think to take clones and I like the variety of growing from seeds... You just never know when your going to get something really nice...:).....:circle-of-love:
Pretty much everything I have grown has been from seeds... I don't really know why but I just don't ever think to take clones and I like the variety of growing from seeds... You just never know when your going to get something really nice...:).....:circle-of-love:

I like growing from seed as well but growing from clones take so much less time that I always do double runs I grow from seed then take clones at least 1 from each plant I'm growing at the time and regrow
Wazuup community ! hope your all fine , damn those mars hydro are doing a great job for each of yaa :thumb::circle-of-love:

sorry for my english , its not my first spoken language but i will try to do my best for explain , thanks in advance .
im gonna uptade my lights in these days , but i still dont know which light chose , for my 2x2 grow space . i got the 48 reflector 3 w before but im thinking to update for 96 or a mars 2 400w .

which one you think its better ? whats the big difference , its only the light intensity from the mars 2 ? like i see now the reflector series have a 5wchip too, and the power draw from this unit its a little bit more thant the mars 2 , its it got more leds and the price its a little bit less too thats a + for me :love: lol

thats why im still undecided ,

thanks for the help you can bring me , its will bee really apreciate:love: . have all a nice day and cheers :circle-of-love::thumb:
That is absolutely the smarter way to go... There have been several genetics I wish I had held on to but I seem to always find another I like too..:)....:circle-of-love:

Me to. I just love growing as many diffrent Genetics I can. Waiting to start 2 diffrent grows another crop king there green crack and New York diesel auto, then a Fast buds Girl Scout Cookies and Green crack auto and sweet seeds Dark Devil
:thumb::thanks:thank you for those words, Stoney.
I got just under a gram per watt with my Mars leds To me that's way worth it. With hps I got about a half gram per watt. I see people on youtube getting over a gram per watt with Mars leds. I'm sure if they were such horrible lights they would not be as big as they are and have such a good record with growers from all over the globe
:circle-of-love:Hi Zebs, sorry about this. It seems to be due to failed driver. Could you please do us a favor, to verify this? so we can solve it accordingly. Here are the steps.
1: First turn the power off and then unscrew the case and inside it you can see several rectangular black boxes inside which are power supplies.
2: Each of them supplies power to a group of leds. So you can try to replace the power supply provides power to the nonfunctioning leds with other normally functioning ones.
If the light is on again, the problem is the driver. We will send replacement parts for driver. If the light doesn't come on, we will send replacement parts for led diodes. On some occasions, both drivers and led diodes have failed. Therefore, please also watch closely whether the section with the driver from nonfunctioning side is still on or not.
You can try as the steps i told you and here is our repair video.
Zebs, I hope to solve the problem for you as soon as possible. You can reply me here the result and send me the shipping details by email. We have maintenance service center in UK. If you don't know how to replace led diodes, you can choose to repair at our service center.:Namaste:

pleas try to switch driver,and let me know the results,sorry for the inconvenience
hi sara.

looks like ive had a bank of leds drop out, ive attached photos can you mail me with return details in the uk. 1200 mars2 light and is about 9 months old

:)Nothing is happier than customer's satisfaction.
Nothing to say now that you see I got just under a gram per watt huh. The coverage is great and the yeild Of 550+grams total under my Mars ll 1200 that is a great yeild
:circle-of-love:truth speaks louder than words.:blushsmile:
Arguing with ignorant hps/hid guys is silly. We know they're wrong, we tried both led and hps and found led is much better. They only tried their old shitty lights or they would have seen the truth for themselves.
:hug:it owes to the courier.:thumb:
Got my light yesterday. Now if I can only get my wife to get her crap out of my closet I can set up my tent and start growing. I gotta give it to Mars when they say quick shilling they mean quick.
:green_heart:Hello Dennise, every day is beautiful:kiss::green_heart:
May I ask why the nastiness... If you don't want to grow with these lights... Don't... but those of us that do choose to use these lights seem to be quite happy with them... I'm terribly sorry you have obviously had a bad experience with them but if you are set on not growing with these lights why do you insist on slamming the rest of us... It is obvious you are not happy... We all get that and IMO if you have a problem and had given Sara the opportunity to help... it would have been taken care of... If it is just something that you feel you have to continue to do to make yourself fell better... I'm sure Sara will let you continue to rant... She is much kinder than the average person... I don't however see where the constant barrage of insults is going to solve anything.... Hope you have a blessed and green day....:circle-of-love:
:)thanks, Gorgar. It's ok. I am cool and calm.:hug: Seldom will I be agitated. Putting myself in others' shoes will help me to understand their behaviors. To me, sometimes, problem-solving works better than explanation.:ganjamon:
No matter how anybody feels about the MarsHydro lights, you've got to give Sara a lot of credit for keeping her cool and keeping this thread very open!
:thumb:I will give my vote for bushy side.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Ok, Pros and Cons I have been watching on YouTube...
The 4 Plants on the left, I am leaving bushy.


The 3 Plants on the right I have really trimmed them in the middle and sides, to let the Lights shine in and everywhere, with better air flow and Led Penetration.
I am leaving open the shoots to grow taller with less little buds on the bottom and middle. So it will turn into tall & thicker buds.

So I will know personally which one makes thicker and better buds. :)
:dreamy:thanks for the experience sharing, OttawaGreen. I also feel so...
Side by side comparison only works with clones about the same size or it is not a fair comparison.
I have done it with clones before and found defoliation reduced overall yeild. The reason being you end up with a smaller plant if you defoliate. A bigger plant with all its leaves makes more bud than a stunted one. I stopped doing it after that and wish I had not wasted so many hours defoliating for years before that... I used to spend like 10+ hours per grow on defoliation just to get a little less yeild.
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