Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Hi McCdive, thanks for the input, appreciated the real reviews, lol :circle-of-love:


I received my second Mars 720wt light and added it to my 30"X60" tent on veg. Didn't affect the running temps at all. Room temp is 81f and tent temp is 83f. I don't know how anyone could argue for HPS with numbers like that. My other tent is running 2400 watts in full flower mode (2 Mars lights, 4 Platinum LED lights) and my temps are up to 89f. A gain of 9 degrees. I'm going to add some air induction to that tent to get the temps down, but hey, 2400 watts. What do you want?!?! Try that kind of wattage in HPS and see what your room does.

2- Mars 720s

And the other tent


My Last 2 cents worth.....

Your plants growing great, hah :volcano-smiley:
I love Mars-Hydro front back n sideways any day of the week. THoughts on penetration: look for strains with less fan leaves, as you can see in this photo my old school bush has a lot of fan leaves and it is pretty dark under the canopy. week one of bud cycle. DWC, 1200 MH2, GH bloom n CM 1/2 strength .between 5.5 n 6ph PPM unknown. Trade off for lots of leaf is may be bigger canopy buds and healthier root ball. More stress = more resin but less yield


Haha McCdive, you are right, we are now having a full set of shooting stuff, lol and we will make a lot video, :circle-of-love: I will make sure to share here so that you guys can see. :love:
Guess what, you might see me in video someday as well, lol :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sara, there are hundreds of thousands of dollars pouring in the doors @ Mars. You should tell the bosses that it's time to spend some of it on video and audio equipment and make an instruction video that we can hear without all the crackling and distortion and see. China has the best of everything digital!! Use them!! Damn. That was just about useless. Great idea, a shameful attempt.
Seeing how this is a Mars-LED Discussion Post: Please pass along, to the right people, that this needs improving.
Thanks Sara, Andy.
Hi Alibongo, we will have them very soon, :thumb:
Do we have any umol videos from marshydro on the 700 and 1200?
:thumb: Cannot wait for ya pic ScienceGrow :circle-of-love:
My current grow, 3-4 weeks into flowering, is now finishing under a Mars II 700. Definitely an upgrade for me, both in wattage and light quality. I'll get pics of the new setup up in my journal soon.

This light will also be used on some quality genetics, week 2 to harvest, after this grow is over.

I hope my results look like what you guys have been putting up.
Well done for the first run under LED :thumb: Happyjoy,
hey there everyone.
heres some bud shots after finally finishing the grow.
u can follow it in my sig
in the end, even though my origional space was 2x3', the actual scrog only took up about 1.5x2. so i had optimum watts/sq foot from the 96x3.
im putting in random pics from start to finish:

Hi cali88, the new Mars Pro is tested okay and ready for preorder, each month we will arrange two shipment for the preordered lights, :thumb: Email us if you are interested. :circle-of-love:
when the new models ??
Thanks for sharing, too bad I am in China, I have a bunch of questions, lol :love:
Hey Sara. I hope you don't mind me putting this here. I wanted this to be seen by as many people as possible and your thread has LOTS of people. :)

OK. I am going to put a challenge out to all of you (I will probably do this on multiple threads so forgive me if you see this.)

80% of the county is in favor of MMJ. 60% in favor of Complete legalization of Marijuana. Go to CNN and put questions in for the debate regarding Legalization. The hypocrisy of the Government for keeping it a schedule 1 drug while they hold a Patent on Marijuana. No medical value my a$$. It's all about big pharmacy doners.

Go and ask your questions!!!!!:peace:
Thanks for everyone's sharing,. :circle-of-love:
Great piks from everyone I love the mars2 series here's a link to my YouTube vid.
:thumb::thumb: Thanks ColoradoGriz, good to know these infos, :Namaste:
Don't forget the tobacco industry, they have far more to lose from the legalization of a product that people can smoke that WON'T kill them, NON addictive etc. Without cigarettes there is not much use for tobacco and many of today's wealthy got their family money from investments in the tobacco industry a long time ago. During the war on drugs Marijuana was made a schedule one in order to "lean" on small time marijuana criminals with felony charges to give up their sources. Desperate times bad solutions. Back to big tobacco and my reasons for pointing some of the blame in their direction. Colorado: Can smoke cigarettes in public, next to children, standing in a crowd, on the outside patio of a bar, in your car, outside the front of your house, etc. Marijuana, although recreational legal like cigarettes and alcohol, and no danger of second hand smoke (unless you are hotboxing in a car, contact high unlikely) can only be done in private. So it's okay to have to smell and breathe a cancer fighting cigarette in public but let's hide the medicinal cancer-fighting stick.

Big tobacco needs to start growing pot. I know a lot of people would think that bad but let me say, I've made my own beer. It was a lot easier than growing weed but guess what, I still buy beer. In other words, a lot of growers grow because they love to grow and will keep growing. Big tobacco hurts those that grow it for greed and drives down the price that is already over inflated. Weed should be free. We should be just sharing it with people like vegetables from the garden. Dispensaries suck anyway. They crank out for yield and their quality sucks. I will take marijuana from a home grower any day over that crap.

Now top that off with the big paper companies and industries that would be negatively effected by hemp production.

Colorado is making a lot of people look really bad right now. Crime has dropped, Jobs went up, tax revenue went up ($60M as of June) illegal marijuana use among teens has dropped, no marijuana related deaths (eating a whole brownie and jumping off a balcony is stupidity related not marijuana related), alcohol is the leading cause of DUIs and even when THC found in system, not a contributing factor. Studies show people drive fine when high and it actually makes drivers pay more attention instead of less. Point being, everyone thought we would look bad, that we would crumble, crime would go up, people would quit their jobs, the crime lords would run the city. Here we are, better than ever, and the rest of the world is taking notes.

Ya, that's my rant. I've been arguing legalization since 1993, the release of Cypress Hill - Black Sunday. I remember picking it up getting ready to go over to Somalia. The inside album cover had 19 marijuana facts on it and I was all over it. Twenty-Two years later I'm legally growing.
Now. Just condense all that into a question for the CNN moderators to ask the candidates!!!!! :peace:
:volcano-smiley: haha, I am sure your plants also wanna to be growing free, :circle-of-love:
I'm not familiar with what every state is doing, but I do know that Ohio and Florida have plans to place initiatives on the ballot that specify who can grow', effectively switching control of the trade from one cartel to another. Only the bills sponsors would be allowed to grow commercially legally.

There are rumors that Obama is thinking about issuing an executive order decriminalizing weed before he leaves office. Bombarding the president and your representatives with letters encouraging nationwide legalization might be the way to go, especially with the election year approaching. Kind of hard to argue with millions of voters breathing down your neck.

Any steps any of us can take to change our archaic laws should be supported by this community in my opinion. I'd like nothing better than move out of the tent and into the garden.
:volcano-smiley: How I wonder when China is legal as well, ppl are so cheated by the government, :(
I live in NJ with Christie doing all he can to make NJ's bad MMJ program worse. $560 / oz for medical weed is outrageous and Christie wants to prosecute people in states where is has been made legal. The candidates need to wake up and smell the refer. 80% of the people want Marijuana for medical uses and 60% want it legal outright. Once again we have our government going against the will of the people. Ask the candidates your questions!!! :peace:
Well said gnarl
Yes, too bad now it is a ear that ppl only take the profit at the first place, :( but we will make this happen step by step. Hopefully one day we will make the world better. :peace:
I won't say where I live or post pictures for the very reason that our state is on a witch hunt. I wouldn't be surprised if some one from our state government is setting reading every word I type.

When I got my last electric bill it contained a news letter with an article telling how every meter reader is trained specifically to watch for piracy and any signs of a grow, like increases in electrical usage, odor, darkened windows, recent addition of window air conditioners, etc. It goes on to describe other signs of a grow and urge customers to watch their neighbors and report any suspicious activities to local law enforcement.

Asking questions would be fine, but I doubt that any republican candidate will support legalized mj. There is too much profit in keeping things as they are. Some one like Sanders might support legalization, but I doubt Hillary would. Too many people profit from keeping it illegal.

I might add here that my Mars 2 1200, even in the longer veg cycle only raised my electric bill by a few dollars. My only fear is the damn skunk farts that waffle on the breeze now and then. :)
Very well said!! "Too much profit in keeping things as they are" pretty much sums it all up right there!!! The sad truth is the entire battle on mj has only ever been about "profit"...
The lens problem, can you email me with the pic? Can you do soldering yourself? We will figure out the most suitable way to help you get the light fixed without affect your growing too much :high-five:
I noticed 6 yellow lenses on my 48x3 today... Not knowing if this was normal or not... I turned off my 144 x 3 and found 6 yellow lenses on each of it's 3 48x3 sections. Is this normal!? Or are these the faulty lenses that were mentioned on here previously!?

While I was in the process of checking all this out I definitely did find a faulty lens on my 144x3. Its a blue diode when on but when off the lens is amber/brown not clear like the other lenses. Sarah.. Can you please send me the replacement lens for this faulty one?

When the yellow colored lens are off they are yellow and not see through. All the other lens are clear and you can see the diode inside when the light is off. Hope someone can let me know if this OK, or if I should start typing up a warranty request email!?!
happy as you are and will be 420flyboy, :cheesygrinsmiley: Hope to see your smile when you see your plants growing under them, lol :Namaste:
Oh happy day :) , we have 4 1200w on the way .
Hi randy :Namaste: sad truth everywhere, :(
WOW Gnarl, That's a real witch hunt reminiscent of Nazi Germany Turn in your neighbor program. Here in CA it's a $180 a year get out of jail free just follow the rules and get a card then you can grow as needed, have up to 8 oz in possession, and sell to anyone with a Dr recommendation and now no one cares just go to Craigslist and find a dealer. They still go after the big grows but if your a medical user it's just "Have a Nice Day".
I really think come 2016 it will be legal here and with all the medical facts coming out in the open people everywhere will demand it.
:cheesygrinsmiley: looking great

Woooo hoooo!!! You sure are on your way to flowers o plenty!!!!!

Here is (1) VIP Torpedo under (1) lil 144x3 28days 12/12 in a 36" x20" x64" mini.....!!!
This is a solidly republican state and they have a plan to make medical marijuana legal, but they specifically designate who will be allowed to grow and if you do a little research you find that those companies are some of the biggest republican contributors in the state.

I applaud those states with progressive laws, but here the only solution seems to be nationwide legalization to take it totally out of the hands of state legislatures.
Morning Dennise, always love your real sharing lol :circle-of-love:
Yep... the laser was one of the first things she got.... she is hands down the meanest kitty I have ever been around.... My legs look like I have been in a razor fight with a short person..:straightface: and lost...:thedoubletake:
I popped the bean on 6-1 so she was 91 days old.... She took forever IMO but I had her in the bloom tent the entire time at 12/12 cause that was the only place I had room for her and apparently it makes quite a difference over 18/6... :circle-of-love:


I was kinda wondering that same thing... Can you say troll...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:

Well for the last few years it seems mine have been doing a fine job...:blushsmile: Kitty hasn't really figured out the MJ thing yet... now my Rat terrier is my grow buddy and he gets 2 fan leaves every day...:thumb:....:circle-of-love:

:thanks: Sara... Hope you are having a wonderful week... and BTW I love my M-H and I'm a real person...:yahoo:...:circle-of-love:
Just saw the pic, it seems it is the normal color, lol :thumb: No worries, the light is okay :circle-of-love:
Sorry to ask again... But please can anyone confirm 6 yellow lenses being normal on reflector series lights!?

Thanks randy :circle-of-love:
My old 96 x 3 has them right or wrong they are there
:cheesygrinsmiley: haha
Thanks Randy!! I appreciate the reply!!! My 144 x 3 has them all in the same spots as well. So that's at least (6) 48x3 panels between yours and mine that have them. Think were safe to say its intentional and OK!!!

I do have a burnt lens, and I can tell when I look at it ... Its burnt! The lens is dark amber, brown when light is off, and sticks out like a sore thumb against the rest!!! Hope Sarah will be on tonight to let me know what's the best way to go about getting a replacement lens/diode..!?!?!?
I had vacation, but now I have been back for several days, lol :circle-of-love: What do we say, some vacation just as tiring as working, but we like it, :circle-of-love:
Is Sara on vacation? Saw her Facebook page and it seems she was in Europe and hope she still is, hard work deserves the perks:goodjob::party::party:
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