Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

No worries, anytime you leave a message to me, I will get back to ya as soon as I see it. But to make sure, Email will be more quickly to reach me. :thumb:
If Sara isn't around just drop a note on the Mars Hydro site someone will get back to you
Just saw the pic, it seems it is the normal color, lol :thumb: No worries, the light is okay :circle-of-love:

Thanks randy :circle-of-love:

:cheesygrinsmiley: haha

Hi SmokeSara!!!

Thanks so much for your reply!!! The yellow lights appear to be OK. But I do have a burnt lens on my 144 x 3 I got in February of this year. The lens is brown/amber when the light is off. The diode under the burnt lens is blue and working when light is on, but the lens blocks most of its light from coming out. Can you please send me some spare parts!? Order # 100003522 (2/10/15)??? Thank you in advance for your help!!!
Morning McCdive :love: I am sure now he knows it is only the normal color, actually the different spectrum leds will show different color. :)
Sure you're not looking at the I/R LEDs, Moto?
Yes, that is us, :thumb:
I don't think being on vacation means they aren't working or checking the forum or answering email. Lucy responded to an email at midnight Sunday her time once.
Hi TheLoungeLife, can you email me your problem, I will make sure to get back to you very soon :circle-of-love:
After good results with 400w I ordered a 700w...3 days after it was in use 20 LEDs are flickering like a strobe light??? And after a week still no response from customer service....funny how they put a sticker on the panel asking to give them a chance before posting negativie feedback but when given that chance...Nothing. Needless to say I'm pissed...
Thanks randy, that is so sweet you said so, BTW, I am almost use to the way I answer your question here and emails and fb etc etc, if one day, I did not check them, I will feel strange. haha
Gnarl I personally think if they are it is well deserved and hope they enjoy themselves they work hard and put up with all of us
Hi Moto, actually the US warehouse we have not shipped any 48x5w lights yet, and that is the reason we did not also increase this light price, :peace: I apoligize for whoever said so to you, they just express in a wrong way, but I am sure they don't mean to hurt you. :( :Namaste: Hope you can understand
This is my biggest concern as well!! There are many many companies out there that are good at taking peoples money. What sets a great company apart from all the rest, is taking care of the customers when it isn't as easy as just collecting the money. What do they do when there is an issue with their products?? How do they handle things when there is indeed a problem??? I haven't exactly been impressed with their post sale customer service efforts... Especially when it comes to correcting issues.

For example, my recent purchase of the 48x3... I ordered expecting to receive a 48x5. When it arrived and I found out it wasn't a 5 watt version it was a 3 watt version. I immediately wrote into mars/hydro to have the issue taken care of. Instead for them to say, "we are sorry, we will send you the 5 watt version and you can send us the 3 watt version back.... They simply tell me, "we are sorry for the mistake, but next time YOU should check better before ordering!!!?????" WTF kind of customer service is that!!!??? I mean its basically saying "We already have your money, and you already have a light ... Doesnt matter if it's the light you were ordering or not... Even if you return the light, and re order ... we will still just send you another 3 watt version!???"

To me, that is piss poor customer service. As sad as I am, to say it here amongst all the mars /hydro fans.... Each time I've written in with an issue, Ive been answered eventually.... but my experience has been someone who is politely telling me its either my fault, or that there isn't anything they can do to help... Except to suggest iffff I'd like to purchase another light, then maybe they can get it right on the next order!?!
I am sorry LoungeLife, I did not check email yesterday as we had a one day off due to the anniversary, we are watching the military review, it is kinda a big thing here in China. :(
This is not the first story like that I've's disheartening because it's seems like when they work they are a bang for the buck deal but its crap shoot if you'll get a 100 percent working product and if you don't your customer service experience will be sub par if you even get I have a 700 watt I'm scared to even put in my tent for fear of stressing out the girls. Not a very good investment imho

the only good customer service stories I've hear come from people dealing with SmokeSara which is what brings me here but I've been losing patience. So quick to take my money but not sense of urgency when it comes to fixing their mistakes...
Thanks Kriaze for the clearifiction, :circle-of-love:
I had a problem with my Mars Hydro LED's that wasn't even a manufacturing fault. Basically I was unhappy with some of the diodes that were in the light and it caused a fair amount of debate on this thread between those that had green diodes and those that didn't. End result?


I was quick to knock them and they were pretty quick at resolving the situation, you should give them a chance. I wouldn't say they have the best customer service in the world but they do have some pretty damn good representatives on here that will bend over backwards to help you. I can't knock them for that :thumb:
Sorry again :Namaste:
Not knocking them quite yet...I mean when their product works it is totally worthwhile. My first ever grow pulled just over 3 oz under a marshydro II pulling 210 actual watts with beautiful dense colas...which is what prompted me to get a 700. I was actually planning in ordering 2 more in the next month before this hiccup. As growers a lot of times we don't have the luxury of "it can wait until tomorrow" and right now it bugs me that I have a defective light and I can't even get a response let alone a resolution. :lot-o-toke:

Also the other thing that worries me is I've read that most times they'll just send replacement parts to what they think to be a problem instead of replacing a light...which wouldn't worry me except for the fact I have no idea where to start when it comes to fixing electronics. Not to mention that if something went wrong in the first 3 days how many times will I have to deal with this over the course of 3 year warranty??

Once again not knocking their efficiency of there working products(actually talked them up enough for 2 friends to buy a few panels after seeing my results) but rather frustrated about the lack of quick and speedy resoultion of a defective product.
Thanks for sharing the video for us Neil74 :circle-of-love:
This video makes testing and repairing these lights as simple as you can get, even I who am truly electronically impaired can understand and follow along. It was my understanding that these supplies were now available in the two warehouses here in USA, Should be easy and quick to get the replacement parts. Some peoples weeth bad english may think over indulging is the same as responsible smoking. Next time don't smoke the whole bag and then decide to drive, same as with drinking, one or two small drinks is relaxing and one or two bottles is over doing it. Learn to be prepared and ready for problems before they happen instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

From your description, it should be the power supply's problem, change it then problem solved, :circle-of-love:
Thanks Neil for the vid! Very helpful! Going to see if maybe this is just a loose connection that's making my panel strobe. Would still like to hear from Mars but this is a definite start.
Isolate which driver or power supply it is and then email Lucy and she will send you another one. It's not a loose connection. The strobe effect is caused most likely by a capacitor that charges normally but then discharges causing it to cycle over and over. Replacing the unit will solve the problem.
Have you reached any mars representative and did they reach you already? If not, please email me so we can send the replacement part to you very soon. :circle-of-love:
Thank you very much! Out of curiostiy do think it could still be used while waiting for replacement parts or would it be too stressful on my girls? The rest of the panel shines strong. Just 20 diodes in a corner flickering.
:) Thanks supergroomer :circle-of-love:
Not sure about the flickering, but I ran 1 of my 400s with 1/3 of the panel out till I got it fixed. Less light, but worked fine. :peace:
Sorry for your loss of your friend GEG, though it was ten year's ago.:Namaste: Cherish the beloved one we have and make things better in future, :Namaste:
I knew him 20 years and we played in a band together. We were like brothers. I flew over to the Philippines with him . He went to his Island (siquijor) and I went to Cebu. We met at the air port in Manila for the flight home and he hated leaving. When the engines revved up for take off he had his first small seizure. By the time we changed planes in Tokyo he was weak, but refused treatment. When we landed in Detroit I called EMS and they kept him over night. I flew on home and he arrived the next day. A day later he was dead. Any one who thought he was just a pothead claiming he needed to smoke learned the truth at his funeral.

Ten years later I still take care of his property for his sister and can't look at my guitar without thinking of him. He said at the airport that his time in the Philippines was the best of his entire life. At least he experienced that before he passed.

Thanks for allowing me to tell that story and sorry it was off topic.
That is true, what I mean is also you friend won't feel good if he can see that you don't play it any more, :circle-of-love:
Don't just look at your guitar. Pick it up. Play it. Feel your friend. I pick up my guitar and play some of my father's favorite songs for my kids. They love it and I remember my dad. Feel the joy in the memories. :peace:
Supergroomer is correct.

Those 20 lights are powered by one driver. I don't know how many drivers your light has. A driver has one set of output leads while a power supply has two, the second one being to power one of the fans.

I just replaced a power supply in my 1200 a few days ago. It has 4 fans and 8 total drivers. My plants were fine while waiting. The only problem you might have is if your faulty driver also controls a fan and the remaining fan(s) are not enough to dissipate the heat. You will be able to know that just by feeling the temperature of the exhaust from the fans. When my power supply did ship it came from Cali in about two days (your luck may vary). Good luck.
:Namaste: thanks Neil
Someone posted here that after replacing their power supply they took it apart and found a bad solder connection. They repaired it and now have a spare. Not real sure but may have been Gnarl E Green, would be helpful to see a video of the inside of a power supply. Maybe Gnarl? or Sara can provide one for us? Might be helpful to have a trouble shooting site on MarsHydro site with these videos and a place to order parts also.
Yes it was me, but I have this need to know and fix everything. my part was delayed because of a shipping partner foul up {no fault of MH) take my word for it, just contact Lucy and she will fix you up, no need to tear apart the old one unless you are like me and just can't stand anything broken. Just replace it and pitch the old one in the trash and be happy.

I have extensive electrical / electronic background. I don't necessarily recommend any one to open their driver. Replacing it is very easy as the video shows.
That is right, if you cannot fix the light, you can ship to our US repair centre, and we will help you fix the light. Around only one week, you can use it again, :thumb:
You need to remember you are dealing with a company that is in a different Country with different polices(holidays shut down the whole company) it is one of the inconveniences of not having a local distributor but on the other hand lights would be 50% more if they did. If you are here in the US they have a repair station if you can't repair the light. Soon you will hear from them and things will get fixed.
Ya. At first I just chalked up slow response time to the time difference...after a week though it started getting frustrating. I have faith they will get me situated...just about to email Lucy now actually
They will get it worked out. As far as the fix goes, if you can use a screwdriver you can fix it. Super easy!!! :peace:
haha, that is right, we only arranged it, the one who send the lights and parts are in US like you guys, :Namaste:
Just remember Righty Tighty.............Lefty Loosey and no that's not Lucy who will send your parts:oops:
Like them, keep doing the great job, :thumb:
So after being under T5s for most of the grow I switched them over to 3 144x5s a week ago.

Here they are day one of week 5 Veg. Personally after dealing with these plants and always finding dead growth in the lower canopy under 8 T5s, I'm happy to say these LEDs have great penetration and new growth is crazy. Stems have not only thickened but have also strengthened. Still flexible enough to tie down without fear of breaking but able to support weight.

My bushes in 7 Gallon Pots


Foxy has taken on a Donald Trump hairstyle


It's the training. I LST my plants to lie flat and grow sideways. The main stem branches left and right which are curved around the pot. The trump effect is caused by the length of the right stem.


I will keep these in Veg a few more weeks.
They are looking good!!! :peace:
Thanks for sharing gudyul, hope you growing happy under our lights :circle-of-love:
I love Mars-Hydro front back n sideways any day of the week. THoughts on penetration: look for strains with less fan leaves, as you can see in this photo my old school bush has a lot of fan leaves and it is pretty dark under the canopy. week one of bud cycle. DWC, 1200 MH2, GH bloom n CM 1/2 strength .between 5.5 n 6ph PPM unknown. Trade off for lots of leaf is may be bigger canopy buds and healthier root ball. More stress = more resin but less yield


Thanks Dennise, I do, hope next time I can come to US and visit you, my friend lol :passitleft:
Hope you had a nice vacation.... Welcome back....:circle-of-love:
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