Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Actually I do it by moving the lights. I had 3 lights last grow, so I just adjusted them according to the plant that was under each light. This grow I have 4 lights and will be able to adjust to four different lights for four different plants.

In this photo I had them all at about the same height so I could take a picture and look for any burned out LEDs, but you get the idea.


When you are in a bigger space with multiple lights, this works great. I would raise and lower my 2 400s in the veg tent. But when you are in a smaller space and are only running 1 light, I have found adjusting the pots to be the better option. :peace:
Actually I do it by moving the lights. I had 3 lights last grow, so I just adjusted them according to the plant that was under each light. This grow I have 4 lights and will be able to adjust to four different lights for four different plants.

In this photo I had them all at about the same height so I could take a picture and look for any burned out LEDs, but you get the idea.


There is no wrong way. What ever works for you. :)
Hey guys, Im thinking of adding more light to my 4x4 tent. I have a Mars2 900 in there now. Any suggestions on which to light to add? I could go with another 900 but would that give me a hot spot in the middle between the 2 lights? Or would the Reflector 144 be better because it is longer and would cover from end to end better? Cheers :Rasta:
Nice. I have the same temperature gauge/humidity meter from Amazon, and I was literally just checking the plants and looking at it. So it was like a mini-flashback coming to the computer and seeing yours. I am a total newbe, so I don't know if my critique is worth anything, but to me your setup is looking really good.

I am thinking that you need to aim for >50 true watt/sqft with these panels. Last round I was around 47 true watt/sqft and I got pretty solid results but there is more to be had. All the plants in my first run were LST trained so the canopy was pretty even and the lights were always close (usually between 8 and 12 inches away depending on how I felt that day). I have some dried bud that is solid as a rock and sticky as glue, and the size of buds are typically the size of wine corks, with the main cola buds about twice that size dried. Looked at the big pile of bud, I think my results are closer to about 16 ounces rather than 8. I really need a scale, but I took and made piles about the size of an ounce each and I made 10 solid piles, but I have already given away a lot of it to my family and friends. Anyway, what I am trying to say (in a very slow way) is that I think you need at least 50 true watt/sqft with the Mars Hydro panels to get solid results, and this will require you to also train the plants so that you get an even level of light to all the buds.

I acually use the 144x5 in a 2x4 area so 39 Watts FT/SQ and have pretty good results. im sure there could be more added but for being so new to growing i feel there is more i can improve on other than adding more light. i had a few issues with my last grow and still ended up getting 0.5 gram per watt, i know that isnt amazing but for my first grow under LED and only me 2nd real grow ever i feel the light performed amazing and i get some of the best buds ive ever smoked on! so i think that 35-50 watts is a good min-max watt range from my experience and def what to get a light that fits your grow space as i dont like to have plants more than about 7 inches from being directly under the panel
A question for someone smart and intelligent...
Since I am going to try the Leds and a closed Grow Room without any outside air for the first time, yes I will be using Co2...

Do I need a dehumidifier?
The lights are not going to create a lot of heat so will there be much moisture?

Right now here in Washington it gets down to around 47 degrees at night, but with my insulated room and a radiator oil filled heater on low, the inside Temp air never drops below 78 degrees and never hotter than 79 degrees. No more than .5 to 1 degrees difference between low and high.
A question for someone smart and intelligent...
Since I am going to try the Leds and a closed Grow Room without any outside air for the first time, yes I will be using Co2...

Do I need a dehumidifier?
The lights are not going to create a lot of heat so will there be much moisture?

Right now here in Washington it get down to around 47 degrees at night, but with my insulated room and a radiator oil filled heater on low, the inside air never drops below 78 degrees and never hotter than 79 degrees. No more than .5 to 1 degrees difference between low and high.

If you are not venting air out, I think you will need a dehu. You will find your humidity rising after you water and it starts evaporating. My fan keeps the humidity down. No fan, I think you will need the dehu, especially in flower. You don't want the buds too moist. I am usually under 50% RH usually in the 30 or 40s. :peace:
I'm unsure on the humidity but I worry about u having no fresh air coming in. Co2 is good but I worry if it's enough to accompansate for the thousands of litres of air your fan will be suckling out the room each day? Night time temps/lights off temp can drop to the 60's without any ill affect.i find lights on temp best in low 80s. 81-84
If you are not venting air out, I think you will need a dehu. You will find your humidity rising after you water and it starts evaporating. My fan keeps the humidity down. No fan, I think you will need the dehu, especially in flower. You don't want the buds too moist. I am usually under 50% RH usually in the 30 or 40s. :peace:

Thanks Supergroomer... And I need to make sure it doesn't go above 50% Humidity?
Oh, I wasn't saying one way was better then the other. Sorry if it came across that way. Just saying how I did it in my little tent.

no worries man didnt mean to come off as defensive just some info haha funny how the internet can do that haha no emotion :hippy:
I'm unsure on the humidity but I worry about u having no fresh air coming in. Co2 is good but I worry if it's enough to accompansate for the thousands of litres of air your fan will be suckling out the room each day? Night time temps/lights off temp can drop to the 60's without any ill affect.i find lights on temp best in low 80s. 81-84

My Fan will be recycling within the room and not going outside. So I will not be losing the Co2. I have been watching YouTube videos on enclosed systems without sucking your air outside. That is one of the reasons for using Co2 if you are not using outside air or venting inside air out. :)
My Fan will be recycling within the room and not going outside. So I will not be losing the Co2. I have been watching YouTube videos on enclosed systems without sucking your air outside. That is one of the reasons for using Co2 if you are not using outside air or venting inside air out. :)

Arrrrr I see iv not came across this before. I presume ur using A/C also?
Arrrrr I see iv not came across this before. I presume ur using A/C also?
I am just trying to get all the other stuff ordered and installed first. Lol.
I am hoping with all the insulated walls and about 2 feet of insulation in the ceiling it will stay cool.
Plus in Washington it doesn't get really hot and it always cools off at night on this side of the mountains.

That is why I invested so much money into the MarsPro Cree128. I am hoping the room doesn't get to hot.
If it does then I will buy one of those portable air conditioners on wheels.

Learning so much with the new Led lights, enclosed grow room, Co2 usage only during the lights on since it is wasted when the lights are off and etc.... always something to learn. It is becoming my Hobby as well. Lol.
Cool fingers crossed for u mate I no Co2 enables plants to thrive in slightly higher than usually optimal tempretures anyway. Iv just Subbed up to your journal

Thanks Calidreaming. I have never done a Journal before. I didn't even know what it was until LEDBud said to do it, and I said what? LOL.

I didn't even know about this MarsPro forum until I started researching the Sellers of the MarsPro to see if they were Legit and trust worthy to buy from. So I found this forum on 420 and saw it was a couple of years old and everyone loves MarsPro and SmokeSara.

So I started the journal showing the beginning stages, then installing the lights when I get them. Hooking up the Co2 next week. And etc and etc throughout the whole process. It is becoming fun, my new hobby and everyone here is so nice and supportive.

I wanted a grow room that I could walk into and enjoy it without being to many plants all over the place. lol.
Just thinking about heat build up if you insulated that well. The cree 128 produces 1098 btu's plus, adding small amounts from fan motors and any other small heat producing devices you may overcome the losses. But that's the hazard of a sealed environment and beware of dehu' s cuz they make 1500+ btu's as well. tell me to go away LoL
Just thinking about heat build up if you insulated that well. The cree 128 produces 1098 btu's plus, adding small amounts from fan motors and any other small heat producing devices you may overcome the losses. But that's the hazard of a sealed environment and beware of dehu' s cuz they make 1500+ btu's as well. tell me to go away LoL

well it is a learning experience. Lol. :) Lots of pros and cons in growing...

And I could open the door a little to fresh air outside if it got to hot.
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