MassMedMan's Greenhouse

Hey MMM!

Great stuff going on there, love the look of those tomatoes :thumb:

I bought a pack of mixed Caribbean chillies from a B&Q in the UK last summer cos they were cheap and interesting looking. Have identified 4 out of the five varieties, this orange fella however is a new one on me. Took forever to fruit and then they remained green forever and now this pretty orange.....any idea what they are?

Also when you have a spare 5 minutes, I would appreciate having your salsa recipe; it's not something I've ever made....

Hope your weekend is going well :surf::allgood::rollit:

I uploaded them to the wrong place and they got kicked to the kerb :rofl:

Must have a greenhouse.

I love to spray slugs w/50/50 ammonia/water. Doesn't hurt plants. You can douse a whole plant and kill all the unseen slugs and eggs. Warms my heart just thinking about it.
I'm a bluegrass banjo player and fiddler. Right, Bob, nobody needs a banjo amplified. ;-)

Really enjoying your greenhouses, but I'm only up to May posts. My garden was the best yet bc we started seeds under a 1kw HID light for the first time. The hottest summer on record might'a' helped a little. Now I'm wondering what food crops I can grow in the bsmt over winter. Might bring the tomatoes and peppers in. I have African violets, orchids, avocado and lemon seedlings, a rooted pineapple crown...winters are dismal at the 47th parallel.

Ranger, going to grow potatoes your way next time.
Hey MMM!

Great stuff going on there, love the look of those tomatoes :thumb:

I bought a pack of mixed Caribbean chillies from a B&Q in the UK last summer cos they were cheap and interesting looking. Have identified 4 out of the five varieties, this orange fella however is a new one on me. Took forever to fruit and then they remained green forever and now this pretty orange.....any idea what they are?

Also when you have a spare 5 minutes, I would appreciate having your salsa recipe; it's not something I've ever made....

Hope your weekend is going well :surf::allgood::rollit:

I'm sorry, Bapple. I'll get you my recipe. Just, been busy. But I won't forget you. Thank you for coming by, always nice to have your expertise.

I uploaded them to the wrong place and they got kicked to the kerb :rofl:

I LOVE those things, best flavor I think,, teasing me
I'm a bluegrass banjo player and fiddler. Right, Bob, nobody needs a banjo amplified. ;-)

Really enjoying your greenhouses, but I'm only up to May posts. My garden was the best yet bc we started seeds under a 1kw HID light for the first time. The hottest summer on record might'a' helped a little. Now I'm wondering what food crops I can grow in the bsmt over winter. Might bring the tomatoes and peppers in. I have African violets, orchids, avocado and lemon seedlings, a rooted pineapple crown...winters are dismal at the 47th parallel.

Ranger, going to grow potatoes your way next time.

When I think banjo,, I immediately think, row faster. Deliverance. Haha. I'd love to play the banjo that's awesome. I want to learn the acoustic but I talk more than I do on that.

I'm thinking about something inside this winter. I have lights, I'd have to work at it a little,, gets cold and I have to figure a cost effective way to do it,, but ya got me thinking....

Great another project,,, thanks for stopping by, happy to have you. Happy harvests!

At home on a sick day and read through this entire thread of yours, good stuff man! I've been a gardener for about 50 years now and still love to learn about growing plants. I wish I liked tomatoes! I do grow them for the family to consume, but I have just never liked them myself. Thanks for taking the time to record your grow and share it with us, great job and reps to you.

I have worked with all 4 branches of our military over the years, and will do anything I can to help a Vet in need. A couple of months ago I was driving to work and encountered a homeless guy was hawking change at a traffic corner. I was early for work that day and pulled into to the parking lot behind him and motioned him over. As his ragged sign indicated, Semper Fi, it conveyed he was a Jarhead. He was a SSgt in the USMC, toured in Iraq, and in total did 7 years in the Gulf region, and unfortunately lost a leg in Afghanistan ending his military career. Since I know and support local resources that are available to Vets in need, I talked him into driving with me to the Vet and homeless shelter. On the drive he told me his adult life story and how he came to this point in life, and he wasn't blaming everyone else for his misfortunes and choices. He was refreshingly honest and not drunk and drugged out, but was in a bad way in life. I was more than fully rewarded a few weeks later ... I see, Billy, on the cover of the local newspaper. He had made some contacts at the shelter with a local artist that helped him get on his feet with painting supplies. In just a short time, he was earning income from his impressive artistic abilities. In the article, he wanted to thank the stranger that drove him to the shelter and gave him confidence that he could start over yet again. I filled up, swallowed hard and mumbled to myself "you are welcome", what a Karma payout. Just had to share that with some Vets ... it seems many Americans don't believe these folks have anything to do with their freedom. WRONG!

Best of luck in your harvests! I will start some Hay Bale growing now than I have learned about it from your journal. Great Share man, thanks.

Nice to have you JB. And thanks for sharing that story. I think the success of all gardeners is largely dependant on sharing. I've learned everything from someone who learned it from someone. At some point, I experiment, but, if it ain't broke.....

Wrapping up this garden season. Very tired of canning each night, cutting, cleaning,,, very laborious. But, so worth it. Thanks to all for being here, sharing. I'll be back soon,, heading north for some apple picking tomorrow...
Apples, my late fathers favorite. Apple dumplings, with Butterscotch sauce. Peel and core apple, wrap with pie dough, fill center with butter , and cinnamon-sugar mix, wrap top, sprinkle with mix and bake
Spent a little time in my garden today. Having a little spring fever, perfectly timed with the foot or snow possible for tomorrow. :bravo:

I hit my year anniversary recently for my youtube channel where i passed 420 subscribers and almost 60k views. Most of that wasn't views related to my garden.

But, it's my roots, i was growing veggies long before buds. But I'm sure my experience in my garden has helped a bit in my medical gardens.

Anyway, short video of what I'm up to, stay green friends :thanks:

Welcome back MassMedMan

How's your health? 60% ?

My health, I'd say 110% never felt better actually. Actually, I'll feel 120% Sunday morning when i extend my seat on the flight to Florida for the week.

How about you? Get any snow today?
My health, I'd say 110% never felt better actually. Actually, I'll feel 120% Sunday morning when i extend my seat on the flight to Florida for the week.

How about you? Get any snow today?

110%. Fan-@#-tastic !

Yep, 3-4 inches. It has already melted off the driveway wher the sun has reached. About 1" left on the open ground and 2" left under the trees.

I though about your garden in white soon after waking this morning.
110%. Fan-@#-tastic !

Yep, 3-4 inches. It has already melted off the driveway wher the sun has reached. About 1" left on the open ground and 2" left under the trees.

I though about your garden in white soon after waking this morning.

Yeah, i told my wife and a renter/tennant of ours that the predicted snow for today was weatherperson talk. I wasn't buying the predictions. So, that's why this morning after i looked outside and then responded i was 110% :)

I didn't have to deal with anything, we were lucky to get 2 inches.

I'll be on the beach soon, hope they (you) get a foot :)

Nice to see you, Rad

Going to be germing these seeds today. Looking for a Monsta pumpkin. ....
Think spring


Stay green
I wanted to germ these monsta punkin seeds before i left on vacation but it didn't happen. So, i started them today

Yeah, the pumpkin seeds cracked. Going to get them in soil, three gallon cans, sometime the next few days. Keep them in the cans for a month, then they'll go outside.
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