MassMedMan's Greenhouse

Getting busy in the greenhouse... pics shortly

couple shots inside, the left looking in is the non 420 area.

I have a hoop house inside the hoophouse where my seeds, some seeds are starting, upper left:


lettuce, onions, scallions, flower shit, and some other goodies:


Seeds area:


West facing has the wood, not pirty but im still working on it,, and it's effective:


Potatoes in black cans, one is racing slick I cut the sidewall out, other is piece of water main (white bags in back have horse manure and manure covered hay for next years punkin hole):
Busy morning, my son and I started digging the hole for our 2016 pumpkin, the large one.

The raised area on right with blue kids shovel is this year's pumpkin hole. I prepped that last summer. I'm trying to get a hole rotation, so that is the reason for prepping another hole:

A close up, this hole is halfway there. Once four feet deep, squared, I'll begin filling it back in with rich organic material:


Horse shit is great for pumpkin holes, horses have a two stage stomach meaning most seed they eat is not fully digested. However, cow shit is very good for top dressing gardens because cow's have a three stage stomach which processes the seeds they eat so it's not as likely to spread seed with fertilizer/shit,, I stop on the side of the road and pick up the free fertilizer my neighbors leave out:


Some flowers and stuff, first a Japanese Peony tree, started this five years ago from bare root:


Daffodils are finally popping, so many I've planted over the fifteen years I've been here, most are still living in leaves....



How's the head feeling??

Happy 420 Dutty ;)

I'll see if I can get a name change, you can add all and anything you'd like....
I'm in. Always good to support fellow vets, even if they are jarheads! LOL
Cool vid.
You said you're going to be growing some spuds. Best way I know to grow them is also cheap and super-ez. Mark out the bed. Then go through w/a spading fork; don't turn over the soil, just sink the fork, wiggle it and move backwards 6" and repeat. Lets water and air in and gives worms a path up & down. Lay down 6-8" of wheat straw and water well. Plunk your spuds down and put on another 8-10" of wheat straw. That's it! As the spuds grow up, keep adding wheat straw. Easiest harvest ever: just rake away the straw and pick spuds up. No digging, no BS, and you never damage your crop. Great for finger potatoes too, just reach under straw & pull them out. Kind of a double-whammy: that bed will grow anything the year after. Hordes of worms will move in.
Good luck, Marine.
Hey Ranger, very happy to have your eyes on. I'm not bothered by names, and proud to be called jarhead, Marine, or jackoff. No worries brother. You just know I can't have thin skin. So, great info on the spud bed. I'll add a third bed on your recommendation. My wife is full mick, I'm full ginny, so we have mixed mick/ginny kids that eat lots of potatoes. Thanks again for that tip, your knowledge is off the charts.

And your willingness to share it speaks to your character.

I'd like you to check out my new guerrilla grow thread. I'm hoping to attract some people like yourself who know the brush like few others.

Growing the plants is only half the fun, scouting, prepping, observing, maintaining, harvesting, is where it's at for me.

It also gives me a chance to work on some rusty land nav skills, like tracking.

So, thanks for coming by, and hopefully I'll see you over on my, dark side, thread. ;)
Dude, you know I wouldn't tease you if I didn't think you could take it. Fully expect to hear some "ground-pounder" comments somewhere down the road. LOL Very psyched to hear you're doing a guerilla grow too. Couldn't find the link, so square me away. I'll be starting mine soon too, an urban GG. I agree: there's something really cool about a well-planned and executed GG. Scouted and prepped last Fall and planted my 3 sites 1APR (local LFD). 1 TrainWreck and 1 Green Manalichi per site. We'll have to compare notes.

DP: Spuds all come w/eyes: they're the little indentations. Cut seed potatoes up so that each piece has 2-3 eyes. Then let dry over-night so the cut side kinda skins over. This protects against rot. One caution: NEVER lime the bed. Lime is good for a lot of veg, but spuds don't like it and they'll split on you making weird-looking spuds. Still edible, but lousy crop and they look terrible.

This might sound kinda goofy, but I like you guys! Glad you're both around.
Yes, need to add to my sig. I read you talking about it, got to thinking, and, well I took a walk. So, I'm far behind on prepping, but, I think my sites are solid. So, I'm going to drop buckets in the ground... next year I'll drop seeds in prepped dirt.... here you go, pics I tried to add of sites need work.....

MassMedMan's Guerilla Grow
Yes. Mound, mound, mound. Don't let your spuds see the sun. They'll go green on you and be poisonous to eat. Solution is simple: just keep adding wheat straw until the top leaves sticks out. Spuds will love you, and make more and more tubers.
I get my spuds from Ronniger's. Always healthy, and a killer assortment.
I cut these Saturday. I'll plant tomorrow.

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