Maui Waui First Grow

im very new to this im looking for as much info as poossible got them as clones 4 and half and 3 and half have 4 20 inch clones im throwing in two flower with them set up 340cbf inline van duct to the attic ill have pictures up tomorrow the ladies are sleeping :)
how much should i water them during flower sorry didnt know where to start with questions any suggestion on nutes? i just installed an inline fan rooms staying at 68 is that bad? humidity is 67.
Just water them when the soil is dry. Check about 1/2" down and if its dry water. You can also look at your drainage holes in the bottom of pot to see the soils dryness. Another method is to wait till you know for a fact your plants are dry and pick up the pot to see how heavy it feels. Takes a little time to get the feel but you can kind of judge by the weight, see how it feels after watering and when dry and you can kinda judge.

For nutes, I am using blue planet nutrients. They are a sponsor on this site and sell their nutes for super cheap on their website at like wholesale prices. Alot of other members use them and like them. Blue Planet Nutrients

Temperature seems fine but humidity is a tad high. 50-60% is ideal. With temps being 70-80 during the day and slightly cooler at night.
how much should i water them during flower sorry didnt know where to start with questions any suggestion on nutes? i just installed an inline fan rooms staying at 68 is that bad? humidity is 67.

hello a4sheckler.. i would only water when the pot feels dry.. what nute's ru using?

as for temps anywhere from 76 to 80 while the lights are on and as for night time temps i like anywhere from 68 to 70 but thats me.. good luck hope everything works out good for ya..:thumb::thumb:
just bud candy thats the only one im in week one of flower can i change nutes to like fox farm big bloom or something thanks for all the anwsers nice to meet you both :) have pictures up in 20.
nice little bonsai's you got there! ;)
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