
you just got to hang around awhile and you need 50 posts
Patience young padiwan, patience.

You must become one with the marijuana to be the marijuana club member. One does not simply go out and join the illuminati in seeking world domination, nor does one just become a member to the greatest Mary Jane club on all of the interwebs! We must learn the ways of the BBB before one can be accepted into such a prestigious organization.

Noooooooooooooooooooo I dont mean the Better Business Bureau, that place is for noobs. I am talking about the ways of the Blunt, the Bong and the Bud! Master the ways my Clever little friend and you shall become the 420 master!

Or as Fishy said just make 50 posts. I guess that would work too, its just not nearly as exciting.
yeah what Jimmy said young bud grower:)
Funny reply Jimmycricket. I think this is my first post. I have been reading everything I can before I post any questions. 1 down 49 to
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