Method 420-s1ing gets waxy

Imo and experience in doing it, the amount the 73 bag catches has more to do with strain and level of agitation. I use two buckets; one with the 220, 190 and 160 and I pour the water from the first into a second with the 120, 73 and 45. I don't use the washing machine at all. I load the first with a little ice, float it in a little water, put in trim, more ice and then water up to about an inch from top (staggering trim/ice when doing large run before putting final water in.) Let it sit until water is no longer under the ice and then hand stir fairly gentle with a plastic spoon for about 5 minutes and then let it set again for 30 minutes or so. Lift the 3 bags out of the first bucket and pour into the second and let sit for 20-30 minutes and then start grabbing the hash a bag at a time. I do two runs and keep the 73 and 45 from the first and the 73 from the second which I eventually mix/cure with the 45 from the first (I keep the first run 73 completely seperate as its the bomb and full frick'in melt.) All other grades I make shatter with using QWISO method. I also didn't get anything really at first in the 73 when I was agitating w/the spoon in a cordless drill for 15 minutes...I believe the reason has more to do with breaking the heads up from over agitating than anything else as I've used the exact same strains from the same original plant (cloning) over a year.

If you're making "wax" BHO tastes better than QWISO Imo. But, for shatter it doesn't really matter from my experience and is just easier, faster and more resource effective, imho, to do QWISO. Plus, with QWISO you don't need to mix the hash with bud in order to "blast." The texture (shatter vs wax vs sap) has more to do with the temp's used durring purging then anything else imo.

Also, if making shatter from BHO, you don't really need a vaccuum to purge. Blasting with alcohol and winterizing handles the butane...and the alcohol is eventually completely purged for we friends of Bill W. Oh, and point of reference on using a fan to speed up evap...don't blow it across the top. Suck the air from across the top if one insists on using a fan at all. Keeps the dust and debris from mixing with the product. However, if the end goal is shatter anyway, hotplate/double boiler kinda set up works just fine and at most the fan reduces the evap time very minimally from my experience. Qwiso shatter is a very "up" high while BHO wax is more "couch lock," at least to me and how I make them. Proper vacuuming just takes way to long imo, honestly, like the saying "if it ain't shatter, it don't matter" and I'd rather have high quality bubble/ice wax than go to the bother and added expense and hassle of blasting, purging, vacc'ing BHO wax.

EDIT add: after both bubble runs I then run the rest through the 25 bag and that's the freebie bowl/bong toppers for social occassions. Its usually a tad beneath making a QWISO run w/o getting some undesireables for eye appeal in the final product.
Thanks a bunch jamthe3
any URL's I could read up on that would further explain some of those acronyms?
Thnaks again and ahead of time
reps also
sap/wax/shatter are textures of the oil extract. BHO is using butane to extract. Blast is just lingo for discharging the butane into a packed extraction tube. QWISO is qwick wash isopropal alcohol to extract. Full melt is how it burns for the most part. Full melt hash using water to extract can be dabbed same as oil btw; usually full melt will normally be in the 73 bag if at all.

You don't need to freeze for so long if at all by the way. I actually do freeze fresh frozen for a day or so when doing a decent harvest. If I'm harvesting a staggered amount of plants piecemeal, I'll usually dry it and then freeze it to accumalate enough for a decent run. But really, if you have enough from a trim session to do a run, just let it sit in the ice water for a bit. Like that video French dude says, the cold is only to make the triches seperate easier imo. I'd suggest looking at ALL of his videos before mimicing on a large run btw and if using the plate thing like he does, I'd try a mixing bowl (like them shiny ones) turned upside down...way easier than a plate, although completely unneccessary.

I can look up the various places I read on a year or so ago and have a good tutorial on QWISO shatter if you want to pm me for it. There's also a dynamite video on making shatter using butane and alcohol out there; I think its called Absolute Shatter if I remember right. I don't like posting one sites links on another as it might offend and I already seem to have problems communicating w/o offending by accident sometimes so I try as best I can to not be intentionally what might be considered as rude.

Any hoots, you help e1 so much I have no prob going through my favorite's links and desktop folders of saved stuff if you'd like; just let me know. I honestly like bubble hash and oil way more than "flowers" but e1's different and sometimes there's just nothing that compares to a good 'ole fashion joint...especially if you load it with all three! ;)

edit: Oh, and he gets one thing backwards imho, I've found you need to use LESS by volume if its dried frozen trim vs fresh frozen as it tends to expand alot once water logged
sap/wax/shatter are textures of the oil extract. BHO is using butane to extract. Blast is just lingo for discharging the butane into a packed extraction tube. QWISO is qwick wash isopropal alcohol to extract. Full melt is how it burns for the most part. Full melt hash using water to extract can be dabbed same as oil btw; usually full melt will normally be in the 73 bag if at all.

You don't need to freeze for so long if at all by the way. I actually do freeze fresh frozen for a day or so when doing a decent harvest. If I'm harvesting a staggered amount of plants piecemeal, I'll usually dry it and then freeze it to accumalate enough for a decent run. But really, if you have enough from a trim session to do a run, just let it sit in the ice water for a bit. Like that video French dude says, the cold is only to make the triches seperate easier imo. I'd suggest looking at ALL of his videos before mimicing on a large run btw and if using the plate thing like he does, I'd try a mixing bowl (like them shiny ones) turned upside down...way easier than a plate, although completely unneccessary.

I can look up the various places I read on a year or so ago and have a good tutorial on QWISO shatter if you want to pm me for it. There's also a dynamite video on making shatter using butane and alcohol out there; I think its called Absolute Shatter if I remember right. I don't like posting one sites links on another as it might offend and I already seem to have problems communicating w/o offending by accident sometimes so I try as best I can to not be intentionally what might be considered as rude.

Any hoots, you help e1 so much I have no prob going through my favorite's links and desktop folders of saved stuff if you'd like; just let me know. I honestly like bubble hash and oil way more than "flowers" but e1's different and sometimes there's just nothing that compares to a good 'ole fashion joint...especially if you load it with all three! ;)

edit: Oh, and he gets one thing backwards imho, I've found you need to use LESS by volume if its dried frozen trim vs fresh frozen as it tends to expand alot once water logged

thanks Jam, its like Xmas here today lol
theres so many posts that I havent had time to catch up on I just want to say a quick thanks to all, ill catch up tonight before lights on
I brought home a half pound of A+ trim from shotts Bubba OG (so many trics its crazy)

cant wait to work with my 20 year old Son this morning been wanting to work with him for a week now, then its washing machine time!
Ill try my best to get some pics or a vid asap
dude...the resin density on those is sick.
Thanks chz
if you really want to see some better shots of that cut look at shottafires journals
its good to have sons they like do stuff daughters don't wanna do :thumb:
Man my daughters are the ones who will get their hands dirty or even help me pluck a chicken for the pot but the sons? sheesh lol
Always a pleasure to see your grow s1ingblade.
Shes from a clone and to be honest she didnt get topped more than twice.
I will top or pinch ( I call it micro tipping) but I do that once when the clone is say 10 days (approx.) and then again in about two weeks once shes got her new tops and there a nice size.

I plan on doing a thread all on how I top and tie (LST Low STress Training) soon. I have to apologize up front for the lack of free time I get, Im always taking on more work than I can chew but I feel its ultra important to go into my ways a little more.
I did take a Critical MAss x AK-47 and took the top of the original plant and stuffed it in the aero cloner (turbo kloner) and I did a defoliation and a tie down and the next morning it looked real nice, Ill look to see if I have a pic and if not Ill get one Sunday Night, post on tuesday when I get back.
Again sorry I am not able to spend more time here. I am hoping once this move is final and my outdoor project is running smooth Ill be able to put out a nicer in depth journal or maybe a closed blog with a link to a discussion journal. That way members or even lurkers dont have to weed thru 35 pages of high, hows it going.

So I couldn't find a pic of that LST plant so here is a pic of tonights "LollyPoppinG" or what I call "raising their skirts"


After all these grows it still hurts a little taking off all that lol

the first tray plants (same plant) are 11 days ahead of the tray I worked on tonight, heres the back right corner where theres like 5 tops, a little cola forest and Ill show it a few more times so you can see the comparison

two days later

So far with my experience with this plant I am seeing awesome results from switching from ANs 2 Part Bloom (ph perfect) to their connisueir ph perfect. Got a great deal on 10L jugs but its still more than Id like to pay.
Next tray or two will give me an opportunity to go back to testing the GH three part flora series with flora bloom, couldn't continue as last year when the ranch got broken into I had to make it as easy as possible for my neighbor to adjust my reservoirs so it was back to the Advanced Nutrients 2 part bloom or Grow in veg, their grow is also a two part.
MAn Im way off track for this thread, maybe we ought to move all this to my 2nd journal and keep this one for concentrates, not that I mind but it might throw lots off track later
4000 Watt Top-Feed Rec Grow Cubes Cap'n Style OG Kush
OOps, sorry 'bout that, I follow both and when I click on I go to the last seen post usually (although not always, pinche 420, lol) and didn't realize which one I was in when I asked that. I'll try to be more careful with my curiousity next wonder I'm down to the last couple of my nine lives, to anxious.
So after reading this thread I was inspired to make some Bubble Hash. I dont have any trim cuz I made hash out of it after my last harvest so I decided I would bust up a QP of dry cured buds.

Ive never made more than 4OZs of trim worth of hash and it dont last long so I have never dried and cured my hash. After watching Frenchy make a Cannoli I wanted to go ahead and give it a try.

My question is how do I tell if its dry enough. I watched both videos and the 1st one twice but either missed it or it wasnt there??.
What Ive read says it depends on temps and humidity. I have 75 to 80 degrees and 35 to 40% humidity since making the hash 24 hrs ago.
Heres a few pics taken after it was chopped up.

This one is of the first 2 runs, 1st run in back, 2nd in front, left to right 45-73-160

This one is 3rd and 4th runs combined, 4th had next to nothing so stopped there. 45-73-160 again

This one is of the 3 separate 73 runs which I want to press and age. The 3rd, lighter colored run was done about 2 hrs later than the first 2 runs so they are darker.

Being that its not that much would it take more than 24 hrs to be dry enough to press and not mold?
if you have a pyrex with a top, put the runs in there, cover and put in the freezer for a bit (1-2 hrs.) The water trapped in it, if any, will precipitate to the outer edges. Let it sit out again for awhile and that will help evaporate it away. I don't usually press mine but I wouldn't press for at least another day if it were me and probably not for two or three; but I dry mine outside for 24 hours then toss in the fridge for another day before breaking it up usually also.
You mean just press it into a block and be done with it ? The modling is one of the things that makes the quality, if I've understood the gist of all of his vids. Drying will take till it's dry .. when that is depends on many things. Most tut's I've read describe dry as 'dry'. It should be noticable darker and feel dry :p
By Mold I meant like moldy and no good.
Its dry when its dry, well how do you know its dry when its dry? Can I leave it out too long and get too dry?
When its dry is what Im confused about. Bud you can tell when its dry by feeling it but Hash is basically Oil and Oil doesnt really get dry. So if I squeeze it, it will always be kinda the same consistency, right? And it feels dry after its pressed on the screen in a towel.

In the pic you can see the difference in color in just a couple hrs. They look a little darker to me now and in the video you can definitely see what he presses is much darker so, does mine need to get that dark then for it to be ready?

Sorry I dont mean to be a pain in the ass but I just dont know how to know what dry hash looks or feels like. Does it need to be chocolate brown to be dry like what he presses in the video?
By Mold I meant like moldy and no good.
Its dry when its dry, well how do you know its dry when its dry? Can I leave it out too long and get too dry?
When its dry is what Im confused about. Bud you can tell when its dry by feeling it but Hash is basically Oil and Oil doesnt really get dry. So if I squeeze it, it will always be kinda the same consistency, right? And it feels dry after its pressed on the screen in a towel.

In the pic you can see the difference in color in just a couple hrs. They look a little darker to me now and in the video you can definitely see what he presses is much darker so, does mine need to get that dark then for it to be ready?

Sorry I dont mean to be a pain in the ass but I just dont know how to know what dry hash looks or feels like. Does it need to be chocolate brown to be dry like what he presses in the video?

It has to dry out a bunch, when ready it will be hard and grainy. With your conditions I'd say 3 days at least, just leave it in a covered glass bowl and chop it up every day. You'll see and feel the difference. For me once I press it out I have a hard time letting it cure, I've found that for me it is easier to dry, jar and, cure the resin, then in a few months press it. It takes less work to hand press cured resin than the fresh. Today I pressed 3.5 gms of 6 month cured resin, I'll try and get some photos up later.
It has to dry out a bunch, when ready it will be hard and grainy. With your conditions I'd say 3 days at least, just leave it in a covered glass bowl and chop it up every day. You'll see and feel the difference. For me once I press it out I have a hard time letting it cure, I've found that for me it is easier to dry, jar and, cure the resin, then in a few months press it. It takes less work to hand press cured resin than the fresh. Today I pressed 3.5 gms of 6 month cured resin, I'll try and get some photos up later.

Thanks. Ive never bothered with drying or curing my Hash. I have always just left it sit out over night then put it in my hash container and smoked/vaped it within a few days. This round was purely for curing the 73 micron batches and the rest is for whatever really. I just wanna try some pressed and aged.
It has to dry out a bunch, when ready it will be hard and grainy. With your conditions I'd say 3 days at least, just leave it in a covered glass bowl and chop it up every day. You'll see and feel the difference. For me once I press it out I have a hard time letting it cure, I've found that for me it is easier to dry, jar and, cure the resin, then in a few months press it. It takes less work to hand press cured resin than the fresh. Today I pressed 3.5 gms of 6 month cured resin, I'll try and get some photos up later.

+1...reps sent
I've made several runs of bubble hash for myself, and more recently, for a few other folks too, and I'm a firm believer in freezing right away then microplaning it onto thick, corrugated cardboard and leave it for a week (4-5 days minimum). I got some of those no-goo containers and have different micron in different colors. What I've made myself, I don't really use or share very often and it's got 4 months cure on it right now. I've tried it a few times and, well, daddy likey.

I watched a few BCBubbleman videos and figured I'd take some of his input. I still did a few things differently and my stuff just wasn't that grainy, top-shelf full melt stuff you see. So, I started doing it just as he suggests and the quality of the stuff I make now is definitely higher, and it's not because of anything other than how I handle it post-extraction. If you are trying for truly connoisseur-quality, top-shelf hash, it's got to be dry.

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