Mojo's SD IBL and Pure Afghani grow in coco


New Member
Posting my first thread here and want to catch ya up on my grow, so here are some pics.

I ended up with only 5 SD IBL and 1 Pure Afghani so there are 6 plants in the tray in the last two shots. I use a 400w and 600w over each of my two trays. I use a drip system and recirculate. I water twice daily. The timer waters at sunup for the plants and again 10 hours later - two hours before sundown, lol. I have it set to water for 7 minutes and I begin to see return out of the bottom of the pots at about 2 minutes depending on how far the plant is away from the pump, hehehehe. I figure I'm putting about 3 times the water through the pots than the coco will hold onto.

Right now, I'm feeding at 950ppm and my starting point with a mixture of tap and ro water is around 175ppm. Wish my tap water was better so I didn't have to use the ro water but it's higher in ec than what I want to dose the plants with, hehe.

Growing in coco isn't hard to do.

The first pictures are when i put the seedlings into their 2 gallon pots and put them under 1000w of hps for a two week veg. This was on 3/1. The next pics are from 3/14 when i flipped them to 12/12. The next pics are from tonight, day 12 of flower.

Thanks for helpin with the pic postin FatJoe, lol.







good GOD MAN! beautiful girls! Explosive growth!
+ Rep
ill be watcin for sure
Thanks shaggie. I just love the medium. It's so easy to grow in.

Not much I can teach FatJoe about growing anything. He was goin in the right direction and just needed somebody to tell him he was doin it right. Sorry about the size of the pics. I'll make em smaller next time, hehe. I learned how from FatJoe, lmfao.

After seeing this and watching fatJoes coco grows, im definitely going with coco for my next grow. Great looking plants!
pics are fine! we like big pics here!
yah joe is a good grower for sure i cant wait to see his scrog come together........(hurry up damnit lol)
i can see why mojo is your coco mentor joe.

mojo are you just doing a regular grow or do u do scrog to?

My screens are gathering dust right now, lol. I'm growing these "free style" lol. I'm looking for keeper moms so I want to know how they grow without restrictions. I end up with almost all the grows goin right up to the lights. The larger sativas get bent and kinked till they start behaving, lol.

Let's see if FatJoe taught me pic posting where I can remember... lol.

First shots are of a grow I had in the closet I now use for moms/clones/seedlings. It was 1 White Widow and 1 Aurora Indica and it was under 1000w in 3 gallon pots of Canna coco coir. Hand watered once daily. Weight was 57 grams short of a kilo dried and goin into the jars for a proper cure. That top cola had fallen over the morning of harvest. I'd had a lot of the branches tied up and that cola had been teetering back and forth for a month, lmfao.


The single Aurora Indica.



Here's a harvest from last fall - 3 kali most, 3 f-13, and 1 foxtail sativa. Harvest was again just a tad short of a kilo. These were under 1400w. Had two 400w and one 600w over the tray as my other tray was empty, lol.

2 weeks before harvest




Here's a shot of what happens when I kink the stems (which I do a lot) and I tie the top colas down. Plants don't skip a beat - another cola takes up the slack...


Growing in coco will set ya free folks...

Arising Green, magic brownies - I love em. lol. This afghani is a landrace supposedly. So I'm not sure how good it will be. Indicas aren't normally my cup of tea as I don't like the stony feeling unless I've got a bowl of sativa sittin close by to pull me back from the brink of going comatose, hehehehe. That way I can at least sleep with my eyes open, lol. Only got one female out of 5 seeds so that means out of the other 5 I ought to be able to count on 4 females, right? ;>)

when did u kink and bend them they dont look bent in the pic thats 2 weeks before do u find that to increse yield even more? ive read alot about lst and Sc but thought it had to stop at begining of flower........
None of these are bent and kinked, YET! Let me see if I can find a pic of my last grow that shows how I treat my girls, hehe. I'm not doin it to supercrop or anything special like that. I do it to keep the sumbitches out of the lights, hehe. No matter what time in the grow it is. But normally they're all bent where they need to be before the final few weeks.

Here's a good one. In this picture you'll see 3 kali most plants. I've tied them back and bent most of the top growth so it would stay out of the heat from the lights. While you can't actually see the yarn I used to do it, in one of the shots you can see the yarn I tied around the entire plant to keep the side branches supported. By looking at the buds, you may be able to tell that they're all laying at different angles on the tops of the plants. That's due to the kinking and laying over onto other buds for support. The growth just changes directions and starts growin upwards again.





i get that you dont kink /bend for yield. yet in this pic it leads me to beleave that when you bend the cola horisantal that they re ajust like you said and keep growing.

when you do this have you knotice an increse in the amount of buds?

in this pic below it looks like this is what happened looks like a forest of trees on a single bent cola


i hope this cleared my question up a little lol
thanks mojo
Hey shaggie, good eye. That's exactly what I was saying about bending. I've not noticed any slowing of growth when I do this. The plant material isn't totally destroyed at the kink site and the only yellowing I notice is slight and right at the bend. Sort of like a bruise that heals. The tip that is bent never slows on me.

And yes I do believe it increases yield when I do this but my primary reason for doin it is to keep the tops out of the heat. The buds change direction and grow toward the light but in the meantime more of the surrounding side buds start beefing up beyond what they were on track to do. Noticeable increase in growth. Doing this also opens up some of the lower buds to the light.

I never trim my fan leaves so if there's any part of the plant I can redirect so that areas that were previously not exposed to lots of light, can get that light, it's a good thing, lol. These plants suffered some nute stress cause I was running 3 strains in the same tray and had to starve these as I catered to the other two strains. Even with the lower ppm feedings, the kinking of the stems didn't slow down the growth rate.

I'd always heard that doing this had a tendency to make the buds airy. I didn't find any difference in the buds on that stem and the buds on the ones I didn't bend. The buds on those plants were as tight as I could have gotten them. The strain doesn't produce rock hard buds.

Hope this answered your questions. I'm hoping my current grow has stopped its stretch cause I may not have to worry with bending this grow if they stop now. lol.

yes wonderfully mojo thanks Lst Can be continued into flowering and will continue to increase the yield.
that pic is the shit i haven't seen any thing that looks like it
it makes me think of this Lst instructions i found on line that essentially creates a spiral marijuana hedge i got it saved somewhere ill throw it up in a different thread.
thanks and ill be paying attention to your grow
Shaggie, before you do all that tying down and circle stuff, don't, hehehe. Learn how to scrog from FatJoe. Your yields will be outrageous. I don't know anybody that does it better than he does. By scroging, you're accomplishing the same thing as I do but in a more orderly, controlled manner. A screen done right is an amazing thing to look at. You'd get the buds like I did but they'd all be uniform and even the lower buds would max out.

FatJoe's the guy to teach ya that. You change to growin in coco and doin a scrog and you should see yields like you've never seen before in soil - if that's what you even grow or grew in hehehe.

Don't know what kind of light you're going to be using but light is a huge factor in yield also. Keep in touch...

And if you're gonna pay attention, then I'll keep postin, lol. Thanks bro

the spirol mary plant was more just an idea..... like if it became legal to grow completly and you could have masive plants any were you want ...... id end up making crazy twisted marijuana hedges..........
my next grow will be a scrog in coco. as well as having a 12/12 in a different place for veg and a 12/12 no mercy. it might not happen till i get moved again....
by that time i hope to have a hps

check out my grow in my Sig. its nothing special just a first (almost) finished indoor cfl grow
ive grown out doors and atempted other indoors but never got to finish them.
things got out of hand and had to switch to an emergency set up lol sloppy......
learned alot though.
well its not linking here....First closet grow
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