More nutrients


Active Member
Currently in veg phase with a little over a week to go before I will turn. Been having lower leaves yellowing and the plant canobolising them, ph is good, temperature was slightly off but have since rectified and is good also.

Running isn grow a+b, NutriBoost, bloom Silica, bloom roots and bloom calmag, all doses at 100% with ppm around 1300.

No tip burn or anything to suggest under feeding but still have canobolisation issues.

My question is should I up my a+b to maybe another 1/4 dose and see what happens?
Running in coco mate, ph is 6.2


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Yes mate one day a week is dry every Sunday. First time for doing it this run aswell.

Feeding twice a day to run off every time also. Thanks for that will check it out now
Righto I’ll knock that off then.

My perlite mix is 70/30 aswell plus the few additives you’ve mentioned obviously I’m using also.

So correct me if I’m wrong, if I keep upping a+b 1/4 dose until I get too burn I will be safe?
Yeah I’ve sorted out my temperatures, normally pretty consistent and spot in but normally running 6 and have only 2 this time so has thrown me haha
Thanks buddy :)
Id cut the nutes in half and just start feeding them every day. 500-600ppm should do them. Run a good few gallons of it through them over the next couple days though. The coco will be shot to shit with high salt build ups and ph will be knackered so it needs reset. That's what's causing your yellowing, not actually a lack of nutes.

If you've got reservoirs you can rig up an auto feed system for about 20 quid and never have to feed them again. Run off runs back into it and gets reused so almost no waste.
check the res every few days to make sure it's balanced. Easy. Means you'd be able to use the ppm meter to tell you how strong to feed them too :)
Running twice a day currently automatically on timer with a pump in the resi using feed rings and getting 20ish % runoff per feed As I do run to waste.

Check resi every day when I’m in there and always stays consistent, have and airstone and 500lph pump in there keeping the food moving.

The strain I’m doing currently (excalibur) is a hardy strain and can take slot but still a bit puzzled about the yellowing and canobolisation of the leaves as I feel I’ve diagnosed everything else
Yes mate one day a week is dry every Sunday. First time for doing it this run aswell.

Feeding twice a day to run off every time also. Thanks for that will check it out now
Wait a minute mate I've just lost myself here. I'm so confused. What you mean you're watering once a week but also twice a day? That's just melted my brain man. I never spotted that the first time and I'm really just so confused now lol.
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