Morglie's Perpetual: New Space & New Strains

AND That is one impressive female!

Can you show or describe the other phenotypes?

Thank you. I'm excited about this cross. I smoked a bowl last night and was quite impressed with the buzz.

2 The original one I was planning on using. I topped it twice in a row and it grew 4 long branches covered in buds. It didn't branch any more than the toppings I gave it. I have a feeling it would have been a tall single cola plant if it had grown untrained. The clone of it grew as a tall skinny branch. I bent it over and got it to bush out some, but it wasn't easy. Pretty much the same trouble I've had with the clones from the mother. Green buds. It has a floral smell mixed in with a sweet sugary smell. No chocolate that I can tell like the other two have. This one started with the strongest smell in veg, but finished behind the other two in smell. 100% stretch. 8 weeks from pistols to first signs of amber. I think the C plant I had outside was a similar pheno. I'm guessing OG influenced from the UD.

B outside plant. Was bushier than C. It stretched the same. Probably around 100%. Btw, the outdoor ones started flowering really late. From what I just saw Con just mention about Ultra Dawg being a late bloomer, I think that carried over into the cross. They started flowering in the last week of August. Something to think about if you're wanting to grow them outside as they take longer to flower than UD.

5 was short and squat. It bushed out. It drank about half as often as the other two until I started giving it about 1/2 the water the others were getting. It stretched maybe 50%. Green buds and a super sweet smell with a touch of chocolate and berry in it. Same 8 weeks from pistols to amber as 2, which was green as well.

6 the keeper. I topped it twice, but skipped a node between toppings. I ended up with 10 fairly even tops. I didn't have to do much prunning to keep it even going into flower. The clone was growing in a nice christmas tree shape until I accidently broke the top off. I used that as my clone to keep her going as the initial clone is the seed maker for the F2s. Since the topping the clone has held a nice even structure. Purple buds that have the same sugary sweet smell with hints of chocolate and berry that 5 has. 100% stretch. 9 weeks from pistols till amber, so a little longer than the green ones.

1 The male looks to be stretching about 100%. He was almost into the lights again today. Structure wise, he's similar to 6. And purple, so maybe very similar phenos.

A another male I used to backcross to the mother. Thinner fingers on the leaves on him and similar a fairly uniform bushy structure like 6. He stretched close to 100% as well.

I believe they all took around 7-10 days to show pistols after flip. This is also under 11.5/12.5 light cycle. They suffered around 4 days with the lights stuck on, so they may be a bit quicker than I found them to be this round.

I've sampled a bit from each plant and they all seem to have the same buzz. I haven't noticed any potency difference between them either. They all have an energizing sativa buzz with just enough indica mixed in to feel some body numbness and things start looking cartoony to me. Fairly good legs on the buzz as well. I'll give a better report once it's dried properly. I think I'm going to cob some of 6 as well.

I hope that helps ya Lazy.

What do you consider when choosing a male? Did you top it?

Purple dog? I like it!
I just saw I missed this on the prior page. Mainly I've been looking at structure. I have trouble with training plants into a nice canopy sometimes and having one that naturally grows that way is a plus in my book.

I also look at vigor and general health of the plant along with the smells they get in veg.

I also typically neglect and abuse my males. I let them get root bound as hell and let them go limp from thirst regularly. I also will cut them way back multiple times. It keeps them contained while I'm getting females ready to pollinate, but it also let's me see how they respond to stress.

The male I'm flowering out now, I didn't give anything but water and foliars until it was over 2 months old. That is in kit soil, but none the less, it should have had a drench way before that. I only started giving it something because the bottom leaves were starting to fade.

Btw, even with the light issue I had while my PM x UD were growing, I haven't found a single nanner on them. Unfortunately they are lightly seeded, but I'm pretty certain they are from the Strange Brew that hermied.
Loving the looks of all of these morgs. Hopefully I can produce as lovely flowers/plants as yours! 3 weeks and we'll see, come and stop by if you want to. Link is in my signature :thumb:

P.S Damn that Kerala is getting tall and lanky, she'll need some support for sure
Thanks Nights. I'll stop over in your yard today and take a look.
The Kerala appears to have stopped stretching. That ring is the top of a tomato cage, so she does have support. I think the cage is about 3ft tall above the soil. I look straight at her tops and I'm 6 ft. I think I hit the sweet spot for her size wise. She was around 12 inches tall when she went in.

Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Nights. I'll stop over in your yard today and take a look.
The Kerala appears to have stopped stretching. That ring is the top of a tomato cage, so she does have support. I think the cage is about 3ft tall above the soil. I look straight at her tops and I'm 6 ft. I think I hit the sweet spot for her size wise. She was around 12 inches tall when she went in.

Thanks for stopping by!

All good no rush :)
Wow 12 inches, that's some decent stretch! You've done well to utilize the tomato cages for support, probably easier than a whole bunch of yoyos haha.

Have a good one :)
All good no rush :)
Wow 12 inches, that's some decent stretch! You've done well to utilize the tomato cages for support, probably easier than a whole bunch of yoyos haha.

Have a good one :)
I've been switching from 17 gallon totes to 5 gallon buckets and the tomato cage seem to be perfect for the buckets. Almost all of my plants in flower have them. I knew she was going to go crazy. I was expecting her to overgrow my lights. She seems to have stopped at the perfect height for me though. Now for her to pack on those buds.
I love simple brilliance in all forms so kuddos for that mate :) Not too crazy that you can't tame her ;) Glad to see that hasn't happened to you, I'm hoping it doesn't happen to me as well, no one wants their plants over-growing their space :rofl: I'll be keen to see how she develops and how she smells overtime :thumb:
I love simple brilliance in all forms so kuddos for that mate :) Not too crazy that you can't tame her ;) Glad to see that hasn't happened to you, I'm hoping it doesn't happen to me as well, no one wants their plants over-growing their space :rofl: I'll be keen to see how she develops and how she smells overtime :thumb:
This is my first "wild" sativa. I was wanting to try my hand at one that has the potential to go nuts.
So those are F2 and should be ~50/50 mother/father phenotypes?
Those will make the F2s. There should be more than 2 pheno types though. I'm not going to know how homogeneous the cross is until I grow out a handful of them.

I need to get a good smell of the male. I'm worried about bumping him though. He's started dropping pollen and I'm hoping not to carry any into my flower room this time.
Panama got a Trans drink today. 36 days since pistols. She should go 10-12 weeks, so halfway there at best. She just got done swelling so it should be about time for a new round of pistols. These buds are going to get huge!

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