Morglie's Perpetual: New Space & New Strains

I moved Purple Dawg 6 into the breeding room with Purple Dawg 1. Looking at them side by side, they are very similar looking in their structure.
Awww - mum n dad :love::yummy:

Looking great in here M! That Malawi x PCK is looking great! And the Kerala reminds me of old school botanical sketches :D

How long did you veg that little panama?
Awww - mum n dad :love::yummy:

Looking great in here M! That Malawi x PCK is looking great! And the Kerala reminds me of old school botanical sketches :D

How long did you veg that little panama?
Thank you Amy! I'd have to check my notes to be precise, but I want to say around 4-5 weeks. I grew it until it had two 5 fingered nodes, then I topped it and threw it into flower. It was maybe 6 inches tall. The Zam x Pan and Kerala I did the same thing to, at the same time as well. There's a striking difference between them in maturity and size.

I love the look of the Kerala. Ever since I started researching growing, I've wanted to grow one of these. I love the way the budlets spiral upwards.
Looking very frosty Morglie. I'm just wondering about the rusty edges on the leaves. I see it a lot and I'd like to know more about why it happens. I've had it from time to time and when I start to see it I top dress with about 2 TBS of Roots! powder and it seems to stop it. I was wondering if you do that and if not would you try it and see if it helps?
Thank you! I've been trying to figure that one out myself. I've only tried the Roots on the plants that dried out on me recently and killed the micro life. I did a rescue drench as well though, so I'm not certain of what fixed the issue. They're better this time but I'm still seeing some issues. I'll give it a try and see if it helps.
Awww - mum n dad :love::yummy:

Looking great in here M! That Malawi x PCK is looking great! And the Kerala reminds me of old school botanical sketches :D

How long did you veg that little panama?
This is my Panama when I put the into flower. She was an itty bitty little thing.
Damn she got some legs on her didn't she! Love that healthy green sheen when she was a wee baby :thumb:
Edit: Those flowers look amazing too
Thank you Night! She's actually the smallest of the three sativas that I put in together. The Kerala and Zam x Pan were only slightly taller when they went in. The Kerala is pushing 4ft above the pot now and the Zam x Pan is close to 3ft.
Thank you Night! She's actually the smallest of the three sativas that I put in together. The Kerala and Zam x Pan were only slightly taller when they went in. The Kerala is pushing 4ft above the pot now and the Zam x Pan is close to 3ft.

You're quite welcome :) Oh damn lol the smallest one. It shows that the more landracey the sativa is the bigger it gets, pretty crazy the difference between the 3 not being that much different in size when going into flower. Gotta love growing :D How's the development on the kerala? Stacking nicely? Any smells yet or still too early to tell? I'd love to purchase some ACE gear but I need to reduce my seedbank numbers as it is. I'll never get around to growing some stuff If I keep buying new seeds ya know? :rofl:

Speaking of which I purchased some Lebanese from RSC the other day :p I'm terrible :rofl:
You're quite welcome :) Oh damn lol the smallest one. It shows that the more landracey the sativa is the bigger it gets, pretty crazy the difference between the 3 not being that much different in size when going into flower. Gotta love growing :D How's the development on the kerala? Stacking nicely? Any smells yet or still too early to tell? I'd love to purchase some ACE gear but I need to reduce my seedbank numbers as it is. I'll never get around to growing some stuff If I keep buying new seeds ya know? :rofl:

Speaking of which I purchased some Lebanese from RSC the other day :p I'm terrible :rofl:
The Kerala is going well. Not much smell of her yet, but the buds are starting to stack beautifully.

The Lebanese should be good. I've eyed that one myself. @conradino23 ran it last year. If you check his previous journal you can see how they turned out.

I'm more of a sativa fan though, so I passed on it. The Kerala I'm running is from RSC. It's the only tropical sativa they carry. The rest are Himalayan charas strains.
Those flowers are stacking really nicely, should be a pretty good harvest :thumb:
Yeah it sounded the best tasting/smelling out of all their Middle East plants, I remember him doing it but thanks for the reminder :)

I don't know what I like really yet, I know I like variety so having sativa smoke for the day and the indica at night would be optimal for me I think. I'm hoping for some Kerala freebies with the lebanese ;)

They do have a Highland Thai which is tropical/sub-tropical pretty sure. I know what you mean though they do have a decent amount of Himalayan Charas landraces but they do have a bit more now and I know they have some nice plants in plan for the future :thumb:

Have a good one :thumb:
Those flowers are stacking really nicely, should be a pretty good harvest :thumb:
Yeah it sounded the best tasting/smelling out of all their Middle East plants, I remember him doing it but thanks for the reminder :)

I don't know what I like really yet, I know I like variety so having sativa smoke for the day and the indica at night would be optimal for me I think. I'm hoping for some Kerala freebies with the lebanese ;)

They do have a Highland Thai which is tropical/sub-tropical pretty sure. I know what you mean though they do have a decent amount of Himalayan Charas landraces but they do have a bit more now and I know they have some nice plants in plan for the future :thumb:

Have a good one :thumb:
Ah that's right. I forgot they added the Thai right after I ordered. I like the indicas for when I'm relaxing at the end if the day sometimes. I'm searching for a good one still, but my high CBD Early Bubba Hash does a fine job for relaxing and falling asleep for the time being.

I think I've got a good daytime hybrid in the works. This Purple Dawg I'm working on has been kicking my ass. This is some seriously potent stuff. To the point where I feel like I have a bit of a hangover the next day if I over indulge in it the night before.
It might need some supports later in flower since the cage is low.
I agree with the supports, but that cage actually goes about 3ft above the pot. The top of the plant is eye level with me when I walk into my flower room. I managed to get it exactly to the height I wanted somehow. I had to move one of my lights up about 6 inches to accommodate it and my Malawi x PCK.
wondering about the rusty edges on the leaves. I see it a lot and I'd like to know more about why it happens. I've had it from time to time and when I start to see it I top dress with about 2 TBS of Roots! powder and it seems to stop it. I was wondering if you do that and if not would you try it and see if it helps?
Hi neiko - this is curious. I’m getting a bit of that too. Still in veg in the 1 gal. Had tiny bleached/burnt tips after a rescue drench - only very slight. And now the tips on the older fan leaves (the ones on the main stem) are showing more burn and this rusting on edges thing - just like what you’re talking about.

I have a GE drench coming up so I might try this as well. Will post later in my journal some pics of what’s happening. :)
Thanks! It’s helpful seeing the early ones again later on :thumb:
It's easy to forget how small they start.

What does the Panama look like now?
These are from a couple of days ago.

The Kerala is looking stellar Morglie. If want a good manageable Thai you got to try that Thai Chi from ACE. I've been smoking that for a couple days now and it has become an instant keeper. The flavors are amazing and the high is unlike anything I've grown to date.
Thank you. I lucked out with getting her to the size she is. Another week before flip and she would have been to the ceiling.

That Thai chi has been looking like a killer strain. Does the high feel like a pure sativa? I keep meaning to pick up Kali China or a cross with it, but I always end up with another Ace strain instead. I'd love to run it, but I've so many seeds that I don't know when I'll be making another seed order.

Hi neiko - this is curious. I’m getting a bit of that too. Still in veg in the 1 gal. Had tiny bleached/burnt tips after a rescue drench - only very slight. And now the tips on the older fan leaves (the ones on the main stem) are showing more burn and this rusting on edges thing - just like what you’re talking about.

I have a GE drench coming up so I might try this as well. Will post later in my journal some pics of what’s happening. :)
I did this to my Malawi and Zam x Pan a couple of days ago. I haven't seen any improvement yet. Still to early to say for certain though.
I wasn't able to get out to the flower room yesterday. When I looked in today the Malawi was wilted. I don't think it was bad enough to stunt it. It was pretty close though. The buds are stacking better than this cut ever has for me.

The Malawi x PCK is showing it's colors nicely. She's the tallest plant in the room. I use 5 gallon buckets sitting on pallets to give size reference, and this one is hitting 6 foot from the floor and still stacking.

A couple of shots of the tall girls for comparison.

I've got a few volunteers going. Seeds that sprouted in pots with other plants. This one I think is a Purple Dawg. It's got a sweet, almost bubblegum smell.

Zam x Pan

Ultra Dawg 3 has been in flower since last weekend. I think it's an OG pheno. I've smelled some lemon on her. She's getting close to throwing pistols.

And to finish out, Purple Dawg 6 getting all knocked up. I disposed of the male tonight after I'd done all my other gardening for the day. Hopefully, no rogue pollen will get around this time.

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