My First Grow Ever! I'm Excited!

I need help fast guys! Where u at??? The tips of my leaves have turned yellow and are wilting fast... Could this be due to hard water? I don't have a ppm meter so I can't even tesy my flippin theory. Bought a thermometer for the reserviour last night and I don't think 75 degree water temp would create this issue. What about my ph? It seems to want to stay around 6.8 which is a little high. Could that be the culprit? I need to act fast before it's too late... This is exactly what happened to my fucking test plant. Grrrrr

Really? 75? you need to figure out how to get that temp down or you my friend will have all kinds of issues. One thing you could do is litle plastic pop bottles, fill them with water and freeze them. Put them in your res when frozen. This will bring them temps down a bit. It's this or getting a chiller for your res. Anything over 70 is going to promote root rot and you DO NOT want that crap let me tell ya.

6.8 is a lot high. Again, PH needs to be between 5.5 abd 6.2 in order for hydro plants to take in either water or nutes. I like to keep mine between 5.5 and 5.8
For now I would check my PH 2 times a day. First thing when I wake and then sometime after dinner.

And yes, if your plants are as small as they look I would suggest backing off the nutes a bit. This is where a PPM meter is needed. PPM right now should be around the 300 range for little guys like that.

No need to get so upset over it. These plants (weeds) are pretty damn hardy. If something is wrong they aren't going to die on you over night. I know your frustrated but be calm and if Smokz or I are around we will help you as best we can.
I used distilled water at first, but have since switched to tap water that I have been letting sit for over 48 hrs. I think I may have to go back to distilled until I can buy a ppm meter and eliminate hard water as the problem... Think that may help?
I'm really upset with the guy at the store that sold me this setup... I told him what my budget was and he told me what I needed to make it work. Since then I have been told I need another inline fan, reserviour cooler, ppm meter, thermometer for rezy, ph increase and decrease, cal/mag..... and i can't f'n afford any of it cause I used the whole budget on the initial purchase. I have some night equipment but it's a half ass system without the equipment I just mentioned. I'm up a creek with no paddle just barely staying affloat. Alaskan, i have ph decrease and increase but there is no way I could keep the ph the specific.... How do you do it with little to no nutes in the water?What ingredients are in your ph up n down. I'm using a solution for fish tanks, do you think this could be a factor contributing to my inconsistant ph numbers and why goes back up so quickly? How much solution do I add to get it down and keep it down? The ratio on the back of the bottle doesn't seem to work to well, but then again nothing is.
I'm really upset with the guy at the store that sold me this setup... I told him what my budget was and he told me what I needed to make it work. Since then I have been told I need another inline fan, reserviour cooler, ppm meter, thermometer for rezy, ph increase and decrease, cal/mag..... and i can't f'n afford any of it cause I used the whole budget on the initial purchase. I have some night equipment but it's a half ass system without the equipment I just mentioned. I'm up a creek with no paddle just barely staying affloat. Alaskan, i have ph decrease and increase but there is no way I could keep the ph the specific.... How do you do it with little to no nutes in the water?What ingredients are in your ph up n down. I'm using a solution for fish tanks, do you think this could be a factor contributing to my inconsistant ph numbers and why goes back up so quickly? How much solution do I add to get it down and keep it down? The ratio on the back of the bottle doesn't seem to work to well, but then again nothing is.

I don't have any knowledge of the aquarium ph stuff so no idea if it's different or not. Personally I would go buy the PH down from a hydro store. I use General Hydroponics PH down, pretty cheap stuff. I can get a pint for like 8 bucks. How much to use depends on a lot of things. When I had smaller res I used an eye dropper. Start with like 5 drops or so and go from there. After a while you will get a feel for how much is needed. Part of doing hydro is dealing with the PH always going up daily.
Deege, Alaskan, Smokes, I know that everything you have told me is right on and I am a few degrees and a little airflow from putting these pieces together. I think if my ventilation improves the ambient air temp may go down a bit too which will help the res temp as well...
I plan on flipping my inline fan around and taking the intake duct off of the hood so I can create that negative air pressure and help my circulation. Hopefully that will bring more air in from outside the tent and pull the stale air out a lot faster.
I started putting frozen bottles in the water and it helps a bit, but I'm constantly replacing them and I don't like going in and out of the tent with a little flashlight once every hour when it's lights out. It also is killing my own sleep schedule, social life, and now seems to be rubbing off on my relationship a little as well... She wants results. Here goes nothin, lets hope this helps.
I don't have any knowledge of the aquarium ph stuff so no idea if it's different or not. Personally I would go buy the PH down from a hydro store. I use General Hydroponics PH down, pretty cheap stuff. I can get a pint for like 8 bucks. How much to use depends on a lot of things. When I had smaller res I used an eye dropper. Start with like 5 drops or so and go from there. After a while you will get a feel for how much is needed. Part of doing hydro is dealing with the PH always going up daily.

Yeah but the amount of increase you are talking about is far less than what I am experiencing unfortunitly... Hopefully the distilled water can do the trick because I looked at my faucets and there seems to be a lot of white reesidue and buildup so my water must be pretty hard. All I can do for now, I will get some ph up and down as soon as I can make the four hour drive to the hydro store...
for what i can help you with on this is:
first for a hydro system ur ph needs to be much lower as alaskan said. for soil like mine ph needs to be about 5.8 to 6.7 if I'm not mistaking but for hydro systems it must be lower for proper nute intake etc.

another thing stick a fan above your lights to keep it a bit cooler (heat rises)
Do you have any fans on the plants? not sure if hydro is different but good circulation is a must

hope this helps

18/6 should do just fine until you switch to 12/12 flower.

Thanks man. You told me bout the fan above the light trick a few posts back and I have already put a small one up there.:thumb:
Bout to turn the lights back on and adjust the ph/see how much it has risen while they were asleep. I'm keeping my fingers crossed here, it was around 5.55 when I put them to bed. Hopefully it atleast stays below 6.0...
It is beginning to sound like your water is alkaline. If that be the case you will fight a constantly rising ph. Solution is to dilute with distilled or RO or just straight DI or RO.

I agree you are overfeeding as well.

The res temps do need to be kept down. try a 1 gal milk jug frozen. Try putting a reflective wrap around the farm to reduce heat soak.

You may also want to try pulling hot air from your space through the light fixture. Allowing for intake at the bottom of the space. IF that makes sense to you. What CFM was your fan?
Bout to turn the lights back on and adjust the ph/see how much it has risen while they were asleep. I'm keeping my fingers crossed here, it was around 5.55 when I put them to bed. Hopefully it atleast stays below 6.0...
I have had my PH go from 5.8 at night to 7.1 the next day. Don't sweat that. It will happen. Once you get a system down it will happen less and less.

We all have battles to fight. Right now mine is hot air. It's just spring here and I vent my tent air to the attic. I also draw my air conditioner air from the attic. Right now the attic is just hotter then hell. Imagine what it will be like this summer on a 100 degree day ??? :thedoubletake:
I need to install a attic fan now and hose from the air conditioner to an outside air source! Which I might add is a good 50 feet!!
So we are all like I said, battling something. :peace:
I have had my PH go from 5.8 at night to 7.1 the next day. Don't sweat that. It will happen. Once you get a system down it will happen less and less.

We all have battles to fight. Right now mine is hot air. It's just spring here and I vent my tent air to the attic. I also draw my air conditioner air from the attic. Right now the attic is just hotter then hell. Imagine what it will be like this summer on a 100 degree day ??? :thedoubletake:
I need to install a attic fan now and hose from the air conditioner to an outside air source! Which I might add is a good 50 feet!!
So we are all like I said, battling something. :peace:

Very true Alaskan, hope you can get that fixed soon.

I'm going to try to pick up a used Air conditioner on craigslist on monday, and I borrowed some ph up and ph down from a good friend, but plan on getting my own on monday as well. Been trying to figure out a good way to hook the window A/C directly up to the tent, but not sure what I'm dealing with quite yet so it's all speculation at this point.
The first set of true leaves are still turning more n more yellow. Should I clip them off? If so where should I cut it (at stem, where it is turning yellow, etc)?
The other leaves haven't started to turn yellow yet, but the edges do seem to be curling up a bit but I don't know if that is because something may be wrong or if it is simply because they are still considered new growth... Any ideas?
Very true Alaskan, hope you can get that fixed soon.

I'm going to try to pick up a used Air conditioner on craigslist on monday, and I borrowed some ph up and ph down from a good friend, but plan on getting my own on monday as well. Been trying to figure out a good way to hook the window A/C directly up to the tent, but not sure what I'm dealing with quite yet so it's all speculation at this point.
The first set of true leaves are still turning more n more yellow. Should I clip them off? If so where should I cut it (at stem, where it is turning yellow, etc)?
The other leaves haven't started to turn yellow yet, but the edges do seem to be curling up a bit but I don't know if that is because something may be wrong or if it is simply because they are still considered new growth... Any ideas?

A good picture would certainly help solve the issue.

try looking at this

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial
Very true Alaskan, hope you can get that fixed soon.

I'm going to try to pick up a used Air conditioner on craigslist on monday, and I borrowed some ph up and ph down from a good friend, but plan on getting my own on monday as well. Been trying to figure out a good way to hook the window A/C directly up to the tent, but not sure what I'm dealing with quite yet so it's all speculation at this point.
The first set of true leaves are still turning more n more yellow. Should I clip them off? If so where should I cut it (at stem, where it is turning yellow, etc)?
The other leaves haven't started to turn yellow yet, but the edges do seem to be curling up a bit but I don't know if that is because something may be wrong or if it is simply because they are still considered new growth... Any ideas?

i would tell you to mount the window ac on the window and figure out a way to put your tent against it with the door of the tent facing the ac
the ac needs to vent out the back and if you leave the whole thing in the room youll be like putting fire on your ice, basically and most ac's create condensation so youll have water dripping in the room too. besides the first thing i mentioned that it needs to vent and better to vent the hot air outside than in......
just a thought..........
i forgot to mention you dont even have to face the door of the tent to the ac if its on the window as long as it cools the room enough the fans u got to draw air in to the tent and the air circulating around the tent will keep thing cool.....
i would tell you to mount the window ac on the window and figure out a way to put your tent against it with the door of the tent facing the ac
the ac needs to vent out the back and if you leave the whole thing in the room youll be like putting fire on your ice, basically and most ac's create condensation so youll have water dripping in the room too. besides the first thing i mentioned that it needs to vent and better to vent the hot air outside than in......
just a thought..........

Agreed, was gonna leave it in the window and run some sort of duct/hose from the A/C to the tent, either that or just use it to cool the air around the tent and let the negative air pressure draw that air into the tent as needed. Will see which one I can get to work best.
A good picture would certainly help solve the issue.

try looking at this

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Funny story.... I was reading that link right before I read your post... See the pictures of the plant in veg that is experencing nitrogen def? That is what mine looks like but mine is much smaller. The lower leaves are slowly turning yellow begining at the tips of the lower leaves then working its way toward the stem. The new growth at the top of the plant looks fine thus far but keep in mind I'm not speaking from experience just comparing to what I read in that forum.
I will post pictures as soon as i can. My girlfriend is outta town for a couple days and her phone is capable of transfering pictures to our computer where as mine is not...
As it was stated earlier you only need to cool the room and draw from it to cool the tent. It will be a matter of moving enough air. Cold air is heavy so it is closet to the floor. Intake air as low as possible into the tent.

Take a few pictures of you fan setup if you can...

Don't mind the leaves, the ones that are damaged will fall off on their own. What is happening to the newest growth is what you want to watch.

I am most concerned with controlling your temps, and your watering routines. I am thinking your soil doesn't drain well enough. Not enough o2 for the roots possibly.
I know this happens to a lot of people because their are a ton of threads from people just like me. Problem is that none of them seem to have figured it out. Gonna keep looking but based on that problem solving pictorial I'm really leaning towards nitrogen deficiency. We will know soon enough because I just gave them a good dose of nitrogen a little bit ago.
As it was stated earlier you only need to cool the room and draw from it to cool the tent. It will be a matter of moving enough air. Cold air is heavy so it is closet to the floor. Intake air as low as possible into the tent.

Take a few pictures of you fan setup if you can...

Don't mind the leaves, the ones that are damaged will fall off on their own. What is happening to the newest growth is what you want to watch.

I am most concerned with controlling your temps, and your watering routines. I am thinking your soil doesn't drain well enough. Not enough o2 for the roots possibly.

I just got done moving my inline fan so it is now sucking air through the hood and from the tent. In theory this would provide much better ventilation throughout the tent and help cool the room and water... Don't think it will completely fix the temps but it should drop them a little. This will hopefully provide more fresh oxygen for the roots as well.
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