My unintentionally difficult return to growing


420 Member
I can say that all began the day I took a toke again with an old friend. Now being retired and some time on my hands, what the hell. We smoked a joint and man did I get stoned. I took my golf cart home and was thinking about my wife seeing me stoned. Well she took one look and laughed and laughed. She said as soon as I left he called, said you forgot your Well needless to say, she decided that she would like to begin smoking again. My wife always had a higher tolerance than I do. So with the prices, we decided to start our own indoor garden. Here are some auto's we have in our tent. 2 pineapple and 2 sweet tooth. We just harvested some Sour D and Black Domina. The next picture is a little experiment we are trying with coco and perlite.


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