Osmocote Plus Plant Food: Discuss Its Use With Cannabis Here!

Irish, what the heck is OSH?

Orchard Supply Hardware.

It's a California thing. ;)


P.S. Not everything in their stores is listed online.
i bought 3 different TRF i am about to feed my girls tonight to see what one dose better in flowering. check out my 1080w led grow if you want to see how each one dose?





DOC! Guys! What are the chances of having a boron def. with oc+? I only have about 1 tsp or less per 8" pot. So...not sure what that equates to. I just went by visual. And now I know to measure and freaking make NOTE!

Anyhow...what ya think guys? ??? I know oc+ has it in it, but from the thread with all the pics and the problems, it mostly resembles boron def.


DOC! Guys! What are the chances of having a boron def. with oc+? I only have about 1 tsp or less per 8" pot. So...not sure what that equates to. I just went by visual. And now I know to measure and freaking make NOTE!

Anyhow...what ya think guys? ??? I know oc+ has it in it, but from the thread with all the pics and the problems, it mostly resembles boron def.


It's highly unlikely if you're in soil. If you're in perlite, it's also unlikely.

But, here's how you fix it:

Buy some 20 mule team borax at Rite Aid, Home dePot, Walmart...wherever. This is just soap.

Take a pair of chop sticks and whatever you can pinch in the chopsticks, put into the container and water. Boron deficiency solved!

When mixing up my custom soil, I used gypsum, dolomite, epsom and borax. I was shocked at how little borax I needed for a bunch of soil. The plants MUST have it in order to form mature flowers, but it's easy to get too much, which could be fatal. You hardly need any at all.

Hence the MICRO in micronutrient! ;) Glad to have you in the community, Doc. I love your contributions and goals.
Hey guys, so I've decided to give this stuff a go. Been using it for about a month now, and some of the plants are looking just fantastic! REALLY!

But 2 of them, I may have added to much OC+ I think? I'm not entirally sure, I definitely haven't gotten any nute burn, but I am getting severe leaf curling! Looking like the nitrogen claw. Anyways I was wondering if there is anything I can do about this? I can't really flush, because well, you know... lol. Is there any sort of flushing agent (like clear-x) or whatever that may help me with this?

Or am I up shit creek without a paddle? And just have to let these girls finish with this nitrogen claw? They've been in flower since 8-20.....

Any advice or help whatsoever would be awesome! Thanks guys. Just didn't expect this, and I have absolutely NO IDEA what to do about it. If it wasn't the CR Ferts I'd just flush. I've never used these before, and most my plants look good. But the 2 have severe nitrogen claws and I just am lost as to what I sould do.

Thanks again!
Hey guys, so I've decided to give this stuff a go. Been using it for about a month now, and some of the plants are looking just fantastic! REALLY!

But 2 of them, I may have added to much OC+ I think? I'm not entirally sure, I definitely haven't gotten any nute burn, but I am getting severe leaf curling! Looking like the nitrogen claw. Anyways I was wondering if there is anything I can do about this? I can't really flush, because well, you know... lol. Is there any sort of flushing agent (like clear-x) or whatever that may help me with this?

Or am I up shit creek without a paddle? And just have to let these girls finish with this nitrogen claw? They've been in flower since 8-20.....

Any advice or help whatsoever would be awesome! Thanks guys. Just didn't expect this, and I have absolutely NO IDEA what to do about it. If it wasn't the CR Ferts I'd just flush. I've never used these before, and most my plants look good. But the 2 have severe nitrogen claws and I just am lost as to what I sould do.

Thanks again!

I'm surprised you've got the claw....

what's your medium?
What else, if anything, are you using besides OC+?

The fact that some plants are looking good, while others are sick is interesting. It's really hard to overfeed with OC+.

Could you have a root problem on those plants?

Flushing with RO would be helpful, IMO.
I'm surprised you've got the claw....

what's your medium?
What else, if anything, are you using besides OC+?

The fact that some plants are looking good, while others are sick is interesting. It's really hard to overfeed with OC+.

Could you have a root problem on those plants?

Flushing with RO would be helpful, IMO.

I'm sorry, lol, but I don't know what RO is?.. Would you mind informing me?..

I'm acutally using ferti-lome soil (no pre-added nutes) mixed with a bag of ferti-lome perlite. I've been using this soil since Jan with my other nutes and it's been doing fine.

Besides the OC+, I've just used 'superthrive' once (maybe twice) when I transplanted them, which was a week ago BTW, so I'm not thinking they're rootbound at all (If that's the root problem you were refering to?)

So maybe I sould flush with RO.... I'll try anything at this point, I'm just flabergasted because it's only really happening BAD to 1 plant. 2 other plants have only about 5-6 clawing leaves... and 2 other plants look fantastic... (Those 5 have the OC+ in them) Then my other plants using my OLD nutes are looking just great! No problems at all... It's confusing...

EDIT: Ok, where might I find Reverse Osmosis Water?????
Bottled water from a water store is a good one-time source of RO.
A good flush with it will remove any salt build up.

The root issues I was talking about have more to do with root rot, fungus, etc.
Do you have any pests?

I've never seen nor heard of OC+ plants being over fed, so I'm very intrigued with your particular problem.

Ah ok I see, thanks DOC! I'll go pick some up after I get off work.

Well I wish I was at home so I could get some pix for you to see what I am talking about...

And ok, didn't realize that I may have those kind of root problems. Never had to deal with anything like it before.
Um just recently I have found a few bugs flying around. Not a lot, but a couple. And may have found a little bit of what appears to be spider mite damage. Going to get some neem oil today I believe after I get off work.

How does root rot or fungus happen? I'm still really not sure on what's causing this now. From you saying you've never heard of see of OC+ plants being overfed..... I was pretty sure it was the nitrogen claw, but now not so much. I really just don't know!..

I hope it isn't root rot or fungus, if so... How would one deal with this type of issue?

P.S. Thanks for all the help Doc! You tha man!
Ah ok I see, thanks DOC! I'll go pick some up after I get off work.

Well I wish I was at home so I could get some pix for you to see what I am talking about...

And ok, didn't realize that I may have those kind of root problems. Never had to deal with anything like it before.
Um just recently I have found a few bugs flying around. Not a lot, but a couple. And may have found a little bit of what appears to be spider mite damage. Going to get some neem oil today I believe after I get off work.

How does root rot or fungus happen? I'm still really not sure on what's causing this now. From you saying you've never heard of see of OC+ plants being overfed..... I was pretty sure it was the nitrogen claw, but now not so much. I really just don't know!..

I hope it isn't root rot or fungus, if so... How would one deal with this type of issue?

P.S. Thanks for all the help Doc! You tha man!

save your money on the Neem Oil and just buy a Hoot Shoot No Pest Strip. their like $6.00 at lowes or homedepot. they will save ur ass and quick.. mites will be dead.
save your money on the Neem Oil and just buy a Hoot Shoot No Pest Strip. their like $6.00 at lowes or homedepot. they will save ur ass and quick.. mites will be dead.

Yea I know this is what I used before when I had a mite problem. There are so few though, I don't know if the NPS would be overkill... I may just get one anyways... I know they're the shit! That's how I've solved my last pest problem. lol, So hey thanks for throwin that out there! I'm glad others know about the NPS too!

I'm much much more worried about my clawing leaves though. Do you think it could have something to do with pests?
insects flying around? Mites don't fly.
You could have fungus gnats, mites and/or some other pest. OC+ isn't burning your plants.....sumpin's up.

lol. I know that mites don't fly..... lol. There are tiny itty bity white spots on the very bottom leaves. That I believe to be mite damage.

And also there are a couple very small insects flying around when I move the plants around...

And my plants are not burning either.... The leaves are clawing/curling...

If it isn't the OC+ that's awesome... But what do I do for the clawing? I didn't know a pest could cause my leaves to curl like this. Everything I've ever seen about the claw/curl is from a nitrogen overdose..... So I'm just at a loss now...

Do fungus gnats do something to make my leaves claw/curl??? If it's not the OC+ causing this..... I honestly don't know what it is... And I'm not trying to say I don't believe you. I do believe you doc!..

But what the hell do I do now? lol. Get the bugs under control obviously. But will that stop my clawing you think?
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