Our Ongoing Grows

a killer shot


Keepem Green
Awesome news about Miss J!!
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts for Miss J. She is a special woman. Least to me for sure,, and anyone we let into our little space.. I keep a pretty tight reign on who comes into our space as I put it.. After all these years I've come to realize all I can control is what crosses our threshold. And being a grower for so long, I'm naturally kind of a hermit. I have to know a person a pretty long time before anyone comes to our house. Fewer worries now that it's legal? Nope.. Money on the hoof still is money. Thieves are still thieves. Miss J is what I call a square... Not about pot of course but she's abit naive when it comes to bad peoples.. I help keep her like that.. Kind of my job. We both like a real low key lifestyle. Kind of a shame she has so many roots here,, or I'd say lets sell and move to southern Oregon. Get acouple acres out in the sticks and make alittle money.. Two little 15X60' greenhouse and an indoor barn growing.. It wood pay for itself in acouple seasons. Oh well, Pipe dreams... Back to my shitty weather and the search for a fast flowering, good outdoor smoke..

Thanks all and Keepem Green
Something in the way of a update.. I did take acouple samples down off the Black DOG and a joint off the CBD plant I have growing. They are at 8 weeks. The DOG has all orange hairs, trichomes are clear to cloudy. 1/2 and 1/2 I'd say. She's been flushed for awhile so I can take her anytime. Going to be some leafy looking pot. You could'nt trim these like most buds,, or you wood have nothing left. If you look in the picture you can see the amount on the seconary leaves. Enought that the leaves are every bit as good to smoke as the flower.. Small yield,, 1- 1,1/2 ozs,, Super sticky.



And here's a sample a week before vendors suggestions. I try one now, take another in 3 days, and another,, all the way up to harvest, which is about 9 weeks. But here she is,, yield will suck,, 2-2 1/2 ozs off her??



Well that's it for now,,,, Keepem Green
Yea I think I'm going to take this one in the morning. I found the best time to harvest is right when the lights come on... Buds are at their peak, teripens are ozzzzing. You want to see your girls in their prime,, go look at your outdoor babies,, and they glisten and smell to all hell in the morning. By evening,, the wind and the sun and such dry out all the goodies till the next morning.. I heard this at them classes Stoney Girl was teaching up at the collage. But I did alittle digging,, lilac farmers only harvest the first couple hours while teripen are at their peak according to them. Makes sense to me... Plants grow at night anyways...

I did take acouple more pictures. The 'sugar' leaves are so coated they circled closed. And you can't take them leaves,, or you wood have nothing left.




Those round things are leaves curled shut




Well time to hit the hay,,,,, Keepem Green
All good here Mr Krip.. They feel like they are getting better anyways. What's up with Mr Quix? But there sure is alot of people here dealing with problems of some kind or the other... Not only did I come down with that bad stuff,,, Miss J did too. We think er's in 100% gone... Yea one good point for a doctor.. Now her reconstruction,,, Miss J has always been alittle, er, well, overly endowed. Now she gets a second chance in the tit size department. She wants alittle smaller,, should help her back if she even drop to a d cup. I had to laff,, she came back from seeing her doctor, they are starting to inflate her chest to stretch things out to handle the implants. I was laffing I could envision seeing wildly coyote with an acme bicycle tire pump giving it hell... She gets to wear a training bra again... But they say she cancer free right now....
Thats great news hey Woody you got a great way of explaining things with the Ol Coyote Thanks bro im just catching up :)
An good morning if im right with times an stuff Top of the buds :thumb:
Thank ya, thank ya. Fast update.. took the Black Dog down at 8 weeks. Just acouple fast pics;




Keepem Green
Kind of hard to tell Irish. And welcome... Looks like you still have alot of white hairs still pushing out. When she's young in flower,, they are white healthy hairs,, as she gets ready to finish, the hairs,, brown out' or start to die off. If your due date is in its parameters set by breeders, and hairs are browning out, and the trichomes are cloudy with acouple little ambers ones thrown in, and look to be ready to pop,,,, you are close. I take all this into consideration on when to cut..
She looks to have another week from here??? GL and Keepem Green
Now in Oregon it says,, so did that involve a move next door??. Congrats on the harvest, always notable, even when not able to note the ability. Great stuff indeed Woodward,, salude amigo
I was sitting here looking at that Black Dog that's sitting there waiting on Miss J to start trimming it up,, and I had to take acouple more pictures.



And I also took a pic of the veg tent. I do have abunch of clones, mainly Crippled Rino for friendsto grow come spring. I also took acouple cuts of the Blue Dream, and Mind Cantrol;


Well that's it for a minute. I have to go jump thru acouple hoops at the pain doctors today. Oh well,,,, life. Hope everyone gardens are doing great out there and Keepem Green
Nivek,, you talking about where I live now? Yes I'm in Oregon. Have been for getting close to 10 years. I spent more time in Cali than anywhere alse. And I am a Northern Cali Peckerwood.. Jail slang for a Nor Cali White Boy. I've lived everywhere tho. Sure wish I had this same house, same neighbors and lived in the Central Valley again. Some of the BEST weather for growing pot.
That Black DOG is some pretty pot. But pretty is only one part of good pot.. Bag appeal, smell, taste, and ofcourse quality. The 4 things that make good pot,, least to me. This strain is real lite in the yield department,, and going to be leafy airy buds that will dry out fast and turn to dust... Least looks like it will.. But it is covered with crystals covered.. Someone pressing,, this could be the shit.. Well It's coming down anyways.. We shall find out soon.. Keepem Green
Kind of hard to tell Irish. And welcome... Looks like you still have alot of white hairs still pushing out. When she's young in flower,, they are white healthy hairs,, as she gets ready to finish, the hairs,, brown out' or start to die off. If your due date is in its parameters set by breeders, and hairs are browning out, and the trichomes are cloudy with acouple little ambers ones thrown in, and look to be ready to pop,,,, you are close. I take all this into consideration on when to cut..
She looks to have another week from here??? GL and Keepem Green
Yes but iv to be out of my closet in 10 days so iv to rush it . I'm thinking of putting into darkness for 3/4 days to speed up the thc. Whst you think

sent from the magical 420 land
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