Our Ongoing Grows

Spookie,, I had a friend back when,, and we allway wanted something with THC that wasn't pot. Well he dug around at the library,, with books and all, and came up with Hopps. Hopps being very close to cannabis. And anyone who ever seen how hopps grows,,,, it puts hemp to shame... This was 82'? there about, so we grafted hops tops on cannabis roots, and cannabis tops on hopps roots. We di maybe 25-35 plants. We had quite a few take to the cut. Thing was, hopps was still hopps,,, and cannabis was still cannabis. So much for our brainstorm of the perfect camouflage.
I meant your outside grows Dutchess... Tuna fish, That much organic matter in a small pot wood probaly invite pest like fungus gnats. Outside what I'm talking about. Did your holes and work in your amendment proram and afew good rains to start breaking it down and soaking it into the soils.,, just get it down 2 1/2, 3' deep. the tap root will find it. If you got soft soils a tap root will go down about 4 foot. But the main feeding zone is in the top 16' or so. Let me know what your going to ammend with. Well I'm outta here for a minute.
Keepem Green
Hahaha yes I have heard of this hop grafting Northcaliwood that's so cool that you did it with hops I'd still like to try. I think the Family name is Cabaccacae sp? I'd love to do this with watermelons Angry lol. Thinking thinking thinking. THC is produced in the roots. Stored in trichomes. And isn't very water soluble as we know it dissolves in/with non-polar oils terpenes cyclic molecules stuff like that. So a tomato or a watermelon wouldn't have the transport mechanisms to move THC to the parts of those fruits which are mainly water and water based. Tough one lol.
Very interesting idea about the transport,, but I wonder if that solvent is only in the fruits and not the vascular system? Hey why not.. Make a good experiment.. Light Addicts been doing alot of grafting. And you hit it right on the head about the species. We tried the other hops plant,, the tall one from the brewieres. Keepem Green
A-Bird,,, I'm still hanging in there. Getting really sick of eating everything with a spoon... Pudding, oh and jello, chicken soup,,,,,, mash potatoes and gravy saved me. But I'm able to do scrambled eggs and egg salad sandwiches now. It's got to look funny to Miss J,, I stand there,,, chew up whatever it is,, yes even jello, then as I swallow I stomp my foot,, and tears damn near well up in my eyes, it was hurting bad. Even swallowing air hurt. That lasted about a week. I still have to stomp my foot,, but it's getting better. I will say this shit hurt,,, and I have a high tolerance for pain. I didn't know what all he was going to do in there. This is what I gather they did, without the robot.

For a modified radical neck dissection, most lymph nodes on one side of the neck between the jaw bone and collarbone, as well as some muscle and nerve tissue are removed.
In a radical neck dissection, nearly all nodes on one side, as well as even more muscles, nerves, and veins are removed.

After all that,, they pulled my tonsils, and did some recon with a robot in my voice box, throat, back of my tongue, sinuses,,, and who know what else. But it's better than what they use to do,, split ya in the center of your lower lip, jaw too,, and go from there back.. Man if they wanted to do that to me,,,, I'd have never gone. Now I have a cancer dentist calling.. I do have hella shitty teeth. At first I figured it was a abscessed tooth, swelling up the node, or something like that. That bubble got popped. But they tested all the lymph nodes that they removed, and cancer was found only in one. Now I guess that's good.... But they still haven't found the cancer itself. It's called occult cancer. A ghost cancer...... I'm going to call back and put off this dentist till I feel better... Hey maybe they will fix my teeth with my insurance now...??? I broke my neck in 1986' and have been disabled ever since. I went back and did rat jobs,,, cash times for years,, but truly never did come back 100%. But I could paint a house, or a bathtub, or a car. So I have what I've always called Medicare/Medicaid. I got real luck,,, SSA goes back a year or two of wages from the time of your accident, to use a a base... Least did then. I got lucky, 84-85' I was rolling in big contracts of decent monies. I was refinishing hotel bathtubs over on the Silver Legacy in Reno, and The Hotel St Clair in San Jose. But maybe this dentist will work with me...
Thanks for stopping by A-Bird.

Well babbling Bill here... Keepem Green
What spleen???????????????

I have to say.. people need to post on this old site,,,,, great site for one head....

What Are You Listening To?

Keepem Green
No soil amendments this year in the yard. If any the can of Tuna. Id have to go out there now and prep and no :). I was holding off, being lazy about up potting the sprouts of fire but HAD to yesterday. I went in the laundry room and those were starting heir droop. So HAD to water so I did. Spent 3 hrs up potting and watering all that needed it. Checked run off!!!! The results on my thread NCW. I saw my water report and will try to copy and get it here for ya'll. It has chlorine and not chlorimane.
Ive heard bad teeth are the root cause of much bro. Ive got a friend who got dentures last year and hates it bad. He said keep every tooth you got till the last one! I see a dentist twice a year NCW and pay out of pocket. Id be miserable with dentures.
Ive been disabled the last 5 yrs and thank God Ive paid into it. Im able to survive barely. 20+ yrs of child support trained me to be good with money and go with out.
Great Day NCW!
Damn, I was wondering now I know... Holy Shit dude!!!... speedy recovery to ya

I see you are still keep'in em green
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