Our Ongoing Grows

wood :hug:
Glad you are getting back to strong and healthy again after surgery :hug:
Hope you were nice to the nurses too :rofl:
And your wife :hug: thanks for updates. :hug:
I was down with the flu, and had no energy to write anything.
Back on track now though :hug:
NP Irish... BTW good looking pup... I've always like beagles myself... But I don't feel like having to do all the training all over.. Chewed electric cords, furniture,, and house breaking... You sure have that plant keep down short and maintained... She looks great from here...
Thanks everybody for the support. I mean everyone. I hope we all understand when I don't address individuals,,, it sure doesn't mean I don't see all... Thanks again,, this is kind of a hairy thing going on. I guess I could scare people with a picture of the after math from surgery... Naw pretty damn ugly. I put a dubie in my mouth and took a picture,,, but.

On the garden note,, I did get acouple pictures... I've grown the Blue Dream afew times,, and always kicked myself for ot have taken a cut... Well I did this time.. And I been bushing her up,, might need 12-15 cuts in a month or two...

And the mother of that cut.. I think she went in flower 12/20/16

and a new one,,,,

Thats about it from here for a minute..... Keepem Green
Karma sent woody,, speedy healing karma,, only the top layer of it,, the bestest part,, on the way amigo

Thanks peoples... Just got home from the Doctors.... Least they took the drain tube out,, sucker hurt like hell coming out, but still no sign of the primary.... Maybe she's gone? They took afew nodes out,, only one showed any sign of cancer. Now they want me to go see a radiation doctor... WTF are they going to radiate? My whole body and hope they find it? I think we are going to be playing the waiting game for awhile... That means,, 10,000 $, that's just the doc's bill not including the hospital and everything else and ALOT of pain in the neck,, for what? Didn't figure anything more out... But least I got rid of that node... After all the swelling goes down should be alittle easier on me without that baseball in my neck.... Keepem Green
Great news you got the Tube out :lot-o-toke:
But sheet sir if they cant find nothing an there still searching ?? You know why im so paranoid of Doc,s ?? My sistas Fella
Similar thing they have been trying to treat his kidneys but they dont know what is wrong with them ,, then my sis told me they are going to give him Chemo ?? For what why?? I would ask them Star its your life they are messing with :volcano-smiley:Thi sort of stuff really gets me flustered,, I wish I could chat with them cause when I get like this I cant hold back ,, Sorry for the rant but seriously dont let them Radiate you thats kinda last resort stuff an Why??
Thanks, peoples. I really do appreciate all the good karma out there.. It does help,, least mentally..

I must have slept on the wrong side last night and when the pup wanted to go out,, he barks at me till I get up,, lucky Miss J sleeps thru anything, my head was hurting so bad I almost went to the hospital. Took acouple pain pills and a hand full of aspirins to get it under control.
Whats bad is I'm under a pain contract with my pain doctor, and my cancer doctor wanted me to take alittle extra till I get feeling alittle better,,, so he wrote me afew extra, and now my pain doctor doesn't want me to have them... WTF.. I wish that son of a bitch had to walk a mile in my shoes... He'd have NP filling my RX... I think all doctor should feel pain before they are able to treat it...

I know I've sent a pic or two to acouple friends on here of what they did... I'm not going to post them but if you want to see some scary shit, go to my member's gallery... Sorry peoples, but I'm getting further behind in keeping up on my threads that I follow... MY bad. And as soon as I get feeling better I'll catch up, I promise.... Till then Keepem Green
Thanks, peoples. I really do appreciate all the good karma out there.. It does help,, least mentally..

I must have slept on the wrong side last night and when the pup wanted to go out,, he barks at me till I get up,, lucky Miss J sleeps thru anything, my head was hurting so bad I almost went to the hospital. Took acouple pain pills and a hand full of aspirins to get it under control.
Whats bad is I'm under a pain contract with my pain doctor, and my cancer doctor wanted me to take alittle extra till I get feeling alittle better,,, so he wrote me afew extra, and now my pain doctor doesn't want me to have them... WTF.. I wish that son of a bitch had to walk a mile in my shoes... He'd have NP filling my RX... I think all doctor should feel pain before they are able to treat it...

I know I've sent a pic or two to acouple friends on here of what they did... I'm not going to post them but if you want to see some scary shit, go to my member's gallery... Sorry peoples, but I'm getting further behind in keeping up on my threads that I follow... MY bad. And as soon as I get feeling better I'll catch up, I promise.... Till then Keepem Green

Brother when I saw the Picture I was like super happy ,, I thought you look real well an healthy I thought it looked as though you need a lot of rest with the circles under your eyes ,, but then I got to looking at what had been done an really other than looking shit scary I was thinking thank the Lord thats over an I was thinking just be glad when that thing goes an you feel yourself again ,, that was untill I read the post above about the removal now I am worried about you again .
Could you get a second opinion I really think this lot are trying to milk you ,, I know they do great stuff save lives and all that but these days they are only interested in the Money ,,, try get a second opinion :volcano-smiley:
If this RSO message is for me Im not ready. I barely know what it is. Maybe I should research this and add it because I have hard well water where Im at that runs from 7.0-8.5.

A little late but....
Definitely a ph problem locking out micro nutrients

4Dutch, anything over 7 is too high for any medium; You can somewhat get away with it in soil because soil buffers the PH down & depending on the soil mixture is how much lower it'll get. 6.5 is optimum for dirt. In the chart below you can see which nutrients get locked out when...


Im thinking my lights are an older style t5. The giver isent much help, he said there t11"s and all he says is ..... no bugs and two weeks longer! I think he saw my Aphid infest. and said nothing.

Now as far as aphids go I struggled with them a couple of grows ago and had an overwhelming infestation before I finally won the war. To save you from trying all the useless (at least for me) remedies I did I'll give you the conquering remedy I ended up getting rid of them with.
Get some Hot Pepper Wax and spray all the leaves, top and underside every third day for 9 days, then once a week for 2wks.

Also top-dress the soil with Diatomaceous Earth before watering once and again on the 3rd following watering. This kills the adults going back in the soil running and/or going to lay eggs by cutting through them like little razors. It also kills the hatched larva as they start moving.

Miss J was looking thru the cabinets and lowe and behold,,,, a container we both forgotten about.
What a Find!!!

Yep the longer you grow it, the more CBD turns into THC.
I needed that bit of info Conrad... :thanks:

Thanks, peoples. I really do appreciate all the good karma out there.. It does help,, least mentally..

I must have slept on the wrong side last night and when the pup wanted to go out,, he barks at me till I get up,, lucky Miss J sleeps thru anything, my head was hurting so bad I almost went to the hospital. Took acouple pain pills and a hand full of aspirins to get it under control.
Whats bad is I'm under a pain contract with my pain doctor, and my cancer doctor wanted me to take alittle extra till I get feeling alittle better,,, so he wrote me afew extra, and now my pain doctor doesn't want me to have them... WTF.. I wish that son of a bitch had to walk a mile in my shoes... He'd have NP filling my RX... I think all doctor should feel pain before they are able to treat it...

I know I've sent a pic or two to acouple friends on here of what they did... I'm not going to post them but if you want to see some scary shit, go to my member's gallery... Sorry peoples, but I'm getting further behind in keeping up on my threads that I follow... MY bad. And as soon as I get feeling better I'll catch up, I promise.... Till then Keepem Green
Knock it off Woody... Your health trumps everything! Just glad to hear you're home. Best wishes from the both of us.
Be alot easier to dig them holes after some rain... Make sure to amend the bottom of your hole with whatever you plan on using... Couldn't hurt to throw some bone and blood meal in the hole... Don't know if your a fisherman,,, but acouple fish heads wood be nice too... Especially if you can put then in acouple months before you go outside....
I have been taking it easy there BAR... Isn't anything else I can do.. They did alot more in there than I thought,,, including removing some nerves and other tissues. Kind of ruined my range of motion up in my right arm...
Man when I first wake in the morning,,,, Pain sucks..... But it is getting better slowly.... Keepem Green my Friends
Well, I did get alittle bit of an update going... I snuck in and got acouple pictures right before 'sunrise'. There are so many strains out there,, if you find a winner, best to keep her going. I keep getting nothing but great feed back on the Mind Cantrol. I don't have alot of people I supply meds too,, but I have one that wants me to do half my room full of it and he'll take every one.. I like variety... But I knew I was going to run out and I threw my 'mother plant' in flower of it... Guess I can still get a cut seeing she's just started flowering. I'll have to go thru a reveg and all but what the hell.. I think it wood be faster than starting another seed... besides,, I only have acouple seeds left.
Ok I have this one,,, she has a real high leaf to flower ratio. Makes it a pain to trim.. Shes going to have airy buddage,, but MORE than her share of trichomes;


Ok here's one from the 'Strain Hunter's' kind of reminds me of the growth structure of the Incrediable Bulk. I have two plants from them the other being the Big Tooth;

This one here,, this is the main cola on her,,, alot of popcorn buddage;

and this one speaks for herself;

Well time to water and then take it easy for the evening.... Keepem Green
Take it easy, dude. Plants will take care of themselves ;)
Welcome Spookie,, pull up a chair and grab a drink..... Pool won't be opened till around June,, and the real show starts then.. Outside...

Hey Con,, you know they are 'just' a weed. Hell, I probably got enough goodies in my soil to finish most in there. But time is coming when I'll be needing a whole new flip. Some are supposed to be coming out in two weeks? So that room will be emptying fast. Within 3 weeks half the room will come out..

I tell ya Jaga, I felt like they beat the shit out me.. What bad is the pain every time you swallow even water. It is getting better tho.

I got to look into this.. THC in tomatoes... I haven't watched it all but I am now... I like tomatoes. I'd have to be careful,, so does my granddaughter... Keepem Green
Whoa cool thread. Nice work I'm subbed.
Bout time Spook! :)
Glad your on the mend NCW!
Amend the sol, its why I go Ocean Forest kinda so I dont have to. Although Im going to go research lime as a PH buffer for the tent. Ive thought of a can of tuna in each hole though. 80 cents a can figure why not. But I read its best in flower and might and it a few inches under the soil in july maybe. Not sure. 2016 yard grow was fantastic. Healthy. Just killer! But no where near my tent harvest. The Sour Diesel is the best and I see why theyre all liking back in NYC. The tent harvest is curing quite nice!!!
Got to go research lime. My lights will go to 18" away today and they are loving it!!! Wait till I feed them they will lose this funk. Later Wood!
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