PakaloloGrow's ACDC Feminized Photo-Period Outdoor & Indoor Soil Grow Journal, July 2019

Little momma approved...
What a cool dog.

I have 4


I have a question for ya @Stltoed, do you think 2 streetlights right above my outside mother, will prevent her from flowering? I'm hoping it will, or will it cause it to hermie?
It's a tough call without really seeing the situation. It probably wont hermie unless theres a big change in something. Moving a plant in and out of a greenhouse more than once. Going from HPS to LED while in flower. Stuff like that. And for some reason lights outside dont affect photosensitivity, like they do on the inside. The room has to be completely dark at lights out. That's basically impossible outside in a suburb.
I should add that plants can go hermie from genetics. Last season I ran a bunch of Strawberry Banana. If I remember correctly, I got 11 oz. About 2 weeks later I was rolling a joint and found a seed. Then 10 or so more ever since. This plant had no changes in environment, lights, food, Ph, defoliation, etc. This plant that had a wonderful life put out some pollen. I never saw sacks, but I believe I now know which plant it was. The weakest of the bunch. It was slow growing and didnt produce very well. I'm running one of the seeds now. The resultant plant is slow, weak and looks identicle to the one from last season.

I was stoked to get some seeds, but it looks like they're all gonna suck
Great job Capt'n PGrow. Good to see that ur seeds from GC are doing well. The ones I ordered from them should be here Monday. I hope they pop as well as yours did. Except for the first couple of weeks, I plan on doing my complete grow outdoors. I just hope the weather cooperates and I don't have to do too much plant moving.
Thanks @BigD13, your's should do just fine. I let my seeds soak for 18 hours before moving to paper towel. This is my second order of seeds from them. The first order was 3 Gorilla Glue and 3 Tangerine Dream. They all germinated but 2 Tangerine Dreams and 1 Gorilla Glue looked like bad genetics so I didn't bother with them.
It's a tough call without really seeing the situation. It probably wont hermie unless theres a big change in something. Moving a plant in and out of a greenhouse more than once. Going from HPS to LED while in flower. Stuff like that. And for some reason lights outside dont affect photosensitivity, like they do on the inside. The room has to be completely dark at lights out. That's basically impossible outside in a suburb.
Here is what my backyard looks like at 9:10 PM PST, I pulled out an envelope and can read without straining my eyes.
This is taken with a DSLR, which probably amplifies light, but it's still pretty damn bright out here...


Great job Capt'n PGrow. Good to see that ur seeds from GC are doing well. The ones I ordered from them should be here Monday. I hope they pop as well as yours did. Except for the first couple of weeks, I plan on doing my complete grow outdoors. I just hope the weather cooperates and I don't have to do too much plant moving.
You just ranked up to helmsman, welcome aboard the starship Oahu, ensign @BigD13
Great job Capt'n PGrow. Good to see that ur seeds from GC are doing well. The ones I ordered from them should be here Monday. I hope they pop as well as yours did. Except for the first couple of weeks, I plan on doing my complete grow outdoors. I just hope the weather cooperates and I don't have to do too much plant moving.
What type of seeds will you be receiving via transporter? ensign @BigD13?
3 NL autos & 3 Critical Purple autos. I paid with a money order, so I also get 3 free seeds. Not sure what those will be. Looks like I'll be getting them today.
You just ranked up to helmsman, welcome aboard the starship Oahu, ensign @BigD13

If you're gonna put me at the helm, probably best to keep it under 1/4 power, else I'm liable to fly us into an asteroid or something.
I can'
3 NL autos & 3 Critical Purple autos. I paid with a money order, so I also get 3 free seeds. Not sure what those will be. Looks like I'll be getting them today.
I can't wait to see what those look like...
If you're gonna put me at the helm, probably best to keep it under 1/4 power, else I'm liable to fly us into an asteroid or something.
You can have choice in station, where would you feel comfortable? I over look DUIs
I can't wait to see what those look like...

Me too. BTW, the free seeds they sent me were 3 Mexican Haze. They're a photo-period Sativa. On their form I mailed to them, you had to choose between auto or feminized for the free seeds. I know that all they sell are feminized seeds, and since I had ordered Indica autos, I checked the fem box, hoping they would sent some sort of Sativa photos, which they did. I'll probably plant those next spring.
July 24th- Both plants received a 1/2 strength feeding of Fox Farm liquid nutrients, a little left over from the auto flower feeding.

This is the ACDC that is in the Tent, It gets 18 hours lights on and six off.

and this is the outside ACDC.
July 24th- Both plants received a 1/2 strength feeding of Fox Farm liquid nutrients, a little left over from the auto flower feeding.

This is the ACDC that is in the Tent, It gets 18 hours lights on and six off.

and this is the outside ACDC.

Which FF nutes did you give it? Also, are you following the 12 week schedule they have posted on their website?
Which FF nutes did you give it? Also, are you following the 12 week schedule they have posted on their website?
Big Bloom, Tiger bloom and Grow Big. I had given them the left over nutrient solution I had from the auto flower feeding, but I do plan on jumping on that schedule next Monday. I used their schedule for the autoflowers starting on week 3. Do you know if anything bad will happen because I gave them bloom nutes along with veg nuutes????
Big Bloom, Tiger bloom and Grow Big. I had given them the left over nutrient solution I had from the auto flower feeding, but I do plan on jumping on that schedule next Monday. I used their schedule for the autoflowers starting on week 3. Do you know if anything bad will happen because I gave them bloom nutes along with veg nuutes????

What kind of soil are you growing in? I don't see a description in this journal, but I see from your other journal that your soil had stuff like: earthworm castings, bat guano, fish & crab stuff, forest humans, peat moss, sandy loam, etc. Is that what your using now? If so, it's got a lot of the same stuff that FF Ocean Forest has. OF has: aged forest products, peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, sandy loam, crab meal, etc. They say that there's no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead they suggest using Big Bloom to get things started.

I've read here on this site several times that if you follow their feeding schedule, you'll get good results. Also, if you read the bottle labels, they say to use their nutes every other watering. Also their schedule shows for seedlings and week one; to only use Big Bloom. You start Grow Big at week 2. They don't show you using Tiger Bloom until week 5. My guestion is: when does week 1 start? Is it when the seed breaks ground? Is after you get the first set of true leaves? I've searched, but have not found a consensus on that. Also, a lot of people say to start with 1/4 strength nutes. I planted my two germinated seeds this morning in FF Happy Frog. I have the FF trio, and plan on starting with 1/4 Big Bloom when I water for the first time.
What kind of soil are you growing in? I don't see a description in this journal, but I see from your other journal that your soil had stuff like: earthworm castings, bat guano, fish & crab stuff, forest humans, peat moss, sandy loam, etc. Is that what your using now? If so, it's got a lot of the same stuff that FF Ocean Forest has. OF has: aged forest products, peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, sandy loam, crab meal, etc. They say that there's no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead they suggest using Big Bloom to get things started.

I've read here on this site several times that if you follow their feeding schedule, you'll get good results. Also, if you read the bottle labels, they say to use their nutes every other watering. Also their schedule shows for seedlings and week one; to only use Big Bloom. You start Grow Big at week 2. They don't show you using Tiger Bloom until week 5. My guestion is: when does week 1 start? Is it when the seed breaks ground? Is after you get the first set of true leaves? I've searched, but have not found a consensus on that. Also, a lot of people say to start with 1/4 strength nutes. I planted my two germinated seeds this morning in FF Happy Frog. I have the FF trio, and plan on starting with 1/4 Big Bloom when I water for the first time.
Yup, it is Fox Farms Ocean forest on my auto grow. Yeah I've read that it runs hot so that's why I started my nutes on the 21st day after sprout for the autoflowers. I am using Kellog's premium potting soil for outside. I start counting days as soon as it is above ground. On my autoflowers, I feed, water, water. I'll probably continue that for the outside plants. I just read that the seedling phase last between 2-4 weeks, once the number of leaflets per leaf becomes 5-7, the seedling stage is over. So, according to Fox Farms week 1 would actually start 2-4 weeks after sprout because they have a seedling and cuttings section before week 1. I started with 1/4 strength as well, ran that for 2-3 weeks now at 1/2 strength. My next feed on the autos will be 3/4 strength. Does Happy Frog run hot? If it does you may want to lay off nutes for 3-4 weeks.
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