ph control in soil


New Member
I'm into day 22 and am using ffof soil with a mix of perlite 4/1 using distilled water 1/2 strength big bloom/grow big every 3rd feed , I'm feeding low dose due to soil being a little hot ( just transplanted few days ago into larger 3gal pots w/new soil. The ph. stays close to 7 would like to drop to mid to low 6. I am hearing conflicting thing 1 its not needed, 2 its hard to do and maintain, any help is appreciated. Keep it green,
its not hard to do, but its not needed.

If you simply feel like doing extra work and spending money for no reason get some gypsum.
I use the same soil and nutes and I simply use a 5 gallon bucket and add nutes for 3 gallons, but fill to 5 with water. With the extra water it should bring the ph down to where you need it. I used to add a little ph down I think to every feeding and that made the runoff go down to 6.2-6.5 but then I stopped doing it and the plants seemed to grow the same. I have a good EC meter now and the ppm is actually exact to what fox farm chart says when you do this. Just remember to flush in between every 2-3 feedings and you won't have to worry about the ph ever.

From what I hear fox farms has a high salt content so make sure to flush your plants well. They will love you for it. I almost saw more growth after a flush sometimes than I did the day after a nute.

Also, I like to get them fresh nutes every 3-4 days max with a water in between.
PH of between 6 & 7 is just fine you hardly going to get any lock outs occur with in the neutral range of PH :thumb:

Most of my own growers are some where between PH 6.7 & 6.9

Heres a pic of one of the past grows :love:

Thanks for the input was thinking about the flowering stage but may not do anything to adjust, and I do agree with the flush was having some plants w/leaf problems and a flush later they were rebounding nicely.
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