Please help - Problem with leaves

I have 2 plants and only one has this problem. Also, no bugs under the leaves. If I had bugs, wouldn't be on both plants? Two days ago, I gave 3ml/lt B/M/G to each plant for first time. Is it, maybe, nutrients burn? Ph of water is 6-6,5.
Thank you for your interest.
I am very sorry to be the bearer of horrible news, but that looks exactly like spider mite damage. They are almost impossible to see with the naked eye, so please look again. Look under the leaves with the pinprick damage, but especially look down at the bottom of the plant, in the first couple of forks. Look for black spots on the trunk, and if you look very closely, some of them will be moving. Look for webs. If you see even one web, it confirms it. They say that once you see the web, it is too late... you have an infestation.

Confirm this fast and get moving on this... spider mites can take out an entire room.
The white dots are easy to see. The black mites on the reverse side are very very hard to see. I just went thru a spider mite problem. I used a +20 magnifier and even then they were hard to see. You wont see the tiny blk mites with a naked eye. They move every slowly too, so if you see q blk dot, keep staring at it for a while. Not all pf mine moved too...only some.
The good news is, is that if you have them, the fix isnt expensive nor hard to do. I used Spinosad. Captains Jacks to be more specific. It was $8.95 a pre mixed spray bottle at my local nursery.
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