Please help - Problem with leaves

there is no way that in the time we have been talking that I could have been sure whether I had a spider mite infestation or not. They are very hard to see. Very hard. Get in there, sit down and stare at that plant for a half hour with a magnifying glass. You have got to be sure about this or you are risking losing everything in that tent. Even those buds that are almost done, if there is any spider mite feces in there, no dispensary would take it... I wouldn't smoke it. These little bugs are the big fear of the cannabis community for a reason... they are very very hard to see until it is too late, and they are very very hard to get rid of. Buy the above recommended spray, even if you dont need it this time, you will sometime in the future... best be prepared.
be careful... you have some mature buds in there too. I would definitely spray all the younger plants around the problem one though, because the bugs have to be spreading. That is why I asked about the geographical location in the room, and you confirmed it... the plant in the corner nearest the door is affected. It probably came in from outside on a pet or on clothing. Treat it as a geographical problem now while you can... your cautious eye has probably recognized and averted a tent-wide disaster, and I am glad that you came in here to ask about the weird pinpricks.
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