PTSD's Bag Seed Extravaganza Take 2

any consideration for a cool tube, inline fan/filter in the future? i bet you could get some wicked colors in that basement (cool) for a winter grow. Looking great... Keep doing what you are doing!

I will be using a carbon scrubber of some type for the flowering room that has not been set up yet. I was to encourage the warmth.... Im not that big into colors, I would rather keep the temps up during the grow just to encourage faster growth. If I would go for colors I would purchase the seeds, we don't see any colors where I am at.
Subbed. Second time is always better they say. I like that you are sticking to one strain unlike me who has to date every girl in the high school so to speak and yes I just confessed I am a plant whore-aholic...I'll settle down one of these days. From your picture it sure looks like LST is a way to go then scrogged with extended veg. to fill in the screen. I love the bud structure shown though I do wonder about the five seeds. Were they fathered by the same plant in stress (hermied')? The reason I ask is that I'he read in journals past that this can lead to genetic instability/ hermie 'd plants. Mind you I am way out of my pay grade on that but thought d ask. Regardless looks great and I'm in for the ride.

Welcome Yogi, this run should go a lot smoother, my biggest worry at this point is bugs and mold cause of the unknown basement I am in. I could get seeds, but I know this plant and I will only get better at growing it. I can buy herb to fill in the gaps, plus I have a new bagseed I am trying. That's my plant this time with 3 of them. I will fill in the screen more this time before I flip, biggest mistake the first time, well one of them haha. The 5 seeds were without a doubt from stress, most likely light leaks cause they grew in a open closet door. I have no idea about the instability all I know is supposedly its going to be a S1 phenotype (I think this was the term) feminized seed. So who knows we will see what happens this time as far as the seeds go.
So I want to start topping 3 of the ladies..... 2 of the 5 are ready to be topped. Since I am planning on doing a 3 plant Scrog am I better to top them all at the same time, or when ready? They are only a few days apart. Also when choosing which to use as the mother am I just choosing the healthiest plant? And should I top the mother or just let her grow?
I'll envision what I might do, since I don't have an expert opinion.
...I'd top the taller plants, and whatever is much shorter I would leave it alone till it catches up, and by doing that I can work to try to keep them more even.
I'm going to have to go back and find 'the plan' to see what you're doing. You are doing a three plant scrog, but have 5 together. One will be a mom and not be put in the scrog? And the other one?
Yes I'd top the mom so I have more potential cuttings, if I need more than a few cuttings, and also to help slow the mom down from getting taller than everything else right away.
I would take cuttings from all plants and start growing them as potential future moms. Choose whichever catches your fancy as the mom for now, if you think you need to designate a plant.
But you won't know till after flowering and smoking the three which of them you want the most. You're going to get variety. I pollinated my whole grow once so had/have hundreds of different mixed seeds. A few times I grew about a dozen all the way through, with backup clones, and then chose the best two. Then the best one of a couple of these rounds, and I grew that one for a couple years.
I don't know what tricks people use to pick a mom during veg. A lot of the time what happens is people think the one that starts sexing or flowering the soonest is the best and that gets picked automatically, when actually flowering soonest has not much to do with which is best. Another instinct is to pick the biggest, which can also backfire...
Your right on with that one Weasel. I want to scrog 3, mother one, and the last is a freestyle I think I will be trying a flux. The mother I want to just keep in veg while the others finish up so probably end up being like a 4 month long veg. I think I will top her and really it seems like I will be topping all of them. I haven't botched a topping yet so I can work with that. I appreciate the input and direction to helps a lot more to use others who have done this. Thanks again.
So went ahead and topped the 5 seeds that were from the mother. Some were topped on the 4th node 1 was done on the 3rd and one was done on the 2nd node. A bit early but that way they can all heal together and hopefully all be pretty close to caught up with eachother. I am leaving the new bagseed to grow a bit more until the plants growth shows itself a bit more. Ill throw some pics up tonight.
So here are the ladies as of today..... They are looking pretty good for just over 2 weeks some still slower then the others.

Here as some of the topping.


And then here is the new bagseed.... Am I correct that she is growing more like a sativa.... In the back you can see the for sure indica that the others will be.
Looking good! I can't really tell much difference on the sativa/indica phenos, but they all look fairly similar. I'm sure we'll all be able to tell the difference in the next week or so though.

As for the method, I'd agree with Weasel on about all of what he said. You're good topping them all now (including the mother), but if you want to find the best mother, you may want to take cuttings of each and wait until you harvest to determine which one you want to keep. It makes for a lot more plants, but it's your call. That's what I did, and I kept all the clones as small as I could, but they still got a bit out of hand. It took several months to determine my favorite, and then I still had the next round of clones to flower!

Who knows though, you may find one in veg that you like the most.
OK lol. I read all of what Weasel said but the way you put it makes sense to me. I apologize I can be quite scatterbrained. This does sound like a much better plan. I never thought of it but I think I will go ahead and do it this way. Thanks for the advice both of you on this one its a solid plan.... I just have to try my hand at cloning. Space really isn't an issue and for the rent I pay I might as well take advantage of the space. I also did decide that the freestyle will just be a quick veg nothing to spectacular. Try to get us a quicker harvest she was in flower just over 11 weeks last time.
Glad we could help, that's the beauty of these journals. Don't worry about cloning either, it's not as tough as many make it seem. You'll have a few weeks to get there, but we'll chime in with advice, I'm sure.

I guess I didn't really consider the space you have when giving my opinion, but it sounds like you have plenty of room for vegging and flowering plants!
I mean I can veg with as much room as I want. I really would like to keep it in the cabinet tho just so I can have more control of the environment. I am going to purchase a tent with a 1000W HID for flower and try to keep them between these two areas. I can make a cloning area, I have access to T5's just haven't prepared for that yet. This herb is absolute garbage, smh at the grower of this shit lol. Maybe I will flip 2 of them just a bit early.
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