PTSD's Bag Seed Extravaganza Take 2

You have some solid strains no doubt. I will do a run of autos eventually, waiting till I can get the right selection available. And I plan on sticking with her for a while. She popped 5 good seeds last run. I was told that they should be feminized due to the fact they were not pollinated from a outside source and she never grow balls. I am all for the high CBD and my wife is all THC. This last plant seemed to be a good mix but still solid indica properties. I kinda hope the other mystery is a sativa. I would like to cross pollinate if its male and see what I get.
Undecided with her last grow structure and yield (1.5 oz'z of bud and 1/2 oz of shake) if I should continue with the way I went last time or change it up. Here is a pic of how she turned out last time... Any suggestions on what to do this time since there will be more of her?

That plant was a decent yielder. I would keep the same type of bud spacing and focus on keeping the plants in tip top health, to see what difference that makes. :thumb:
Hey if you dont mind ill pull up a chair , if you wont to get your humidity up a touch you could line the walls with plastic sheeting , mist the walls couple of times a day :)

like this ....... Good luck :) :thumb:

I am trying to come up with a way to use the plastic sheeting and still have my fans moving the air. The plastic will also mitigate my fears of outside contams, IE mites, mold what ever else is in this basement. its an old house (1946) and the basement is humid so who knows.

The koozies did work well, 3 more to go and they can all be out of seedling stage. Ha I might have to take you up on that. Thanks man, and also that's for your service also. Ill throw some pics up tomorrow.
A small update. Transplanted all of the seedlings into some decent sized pots. Most look to be taking it ok although I will know for sure in about 3 days or so if any of em wont, but I don't think any issues will come. This runs mystery bagseed is looking like a sativa so that kinda throws a wrench in the loop but I wont know for sure for a bit longer if it is truly a sativa or not. Keep it 420...........
Subbed. Second time is always better they say. I like that you are sticking to one strain unlike me who has to date every girl in the high school so to speak and yes I just confessed I am a plant whore-aholic...I'll settle down one of these days. From your picture it sure looks like LST is a way to go then scrogged with extended veg. to fill in the screen. I love the bud structure shown though I do wonder about the five seeds. Were they fathered by the same plant in stress (hermied')? The reason I ask is that I'he read in journals past that this can lead to genetic instability/ hermie 'd plants. Mind you I am way out of my pay grade on that but thought d ask. Regardless looks great and I'm in for the ride.
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