Purple Pics

Hey Bill, sorry to hear about the covid. Rest up and recover, hope you feel better soon.
Just transferring some pics.
I’ll post a couple in the ends







My helper taking a break

Awwww who's a good boi..... I see the lights up and running :cool: .... Seems like you did a good job convincing her :laugh:

Awesome! Hope your having a great day and feeling a bit better.
Frame worthy picture
I thought so too.
I pulled up that weed and he ran off with it.
When he sat down Stacey grabbed the pic.
Are you swimming yet?
That thing clear ok?

Stay safe :cool:
Awwww who's a good boi..... I see the lights up and running :cool: .... Seems like you did a good job convincing her :laugh:

Awesome! Hope your having a great day and feeling a bit better.
We are past the worst I think.
Stacey is mobile today so hopefully tomorrow I'm back to work a little.
Howie is the best Boi ever my sweet buddy.:green_heart:
The light isn't an issue it's the extension cord running through the grass that worries her.
Plus the only outlet is outside our bedroom window.
She googled , is it safe to run an led on an extension cord.
Unbeknownst to her the article she read was from 420magazine.
It said you can run 1800w off #16 upto 25' :oops:
I'm running a 300w on a #12 cord it's probably 50' though.
Either way I'm fine.
I don't trust that article she read though.
Take care.

Stay safe :cool:
How are you two doing with the bug?
Hey Stone :ciao: Stacey seems a bit better today.
So I think the worst is behind us.
I think we got lucky and didn't get it as bad as some others.
Hope your doing well my friend.
Thanks for asking.

Stay safe :cool:
hey guys I could use a little help I am switching from autos to photos and I plan on scrogging. with the autos I didnt have to worry about a second net but the photos are a diffrent story I talked to @Bill284 and he said let them cover the fdirst net then flip the switch to 12/12 I have a 4 in net on the bottom and a 6 in for the top at this point what do I do? I will be using 4 plants in a 4x4 tent do I just let reach the second netand let the bud hotspot go thru ? this is a new deal for me but the diffrence a scrog net made on autos is insane compared to even LST (which i did in some cases while using a scrog net I* could really use some advice

:cool:@Bill284 I feel for ya buyt it reassuring to know I am not the only one to lose a post lol
Hey Mucker :ciao: bloody vid pain in my tucas.
Can't seem to shake it.
Hope your having a great day my friend.

Stay safe
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