Purple Pics

You see now this is why we get along bill. A real man's body. Long hair. And a beard. Are you my father ? Hahah
I used to buzz it off.
Had to be respectable when I ran the company.
As soon as I hurt my back I said fek it I'm letting grow again.
You should see my high-school pics. :rofl:
Afro :laugh: :laugh:
I went to England and Ireland when I was young.
How old are you now son. :rofl: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl:
If your a ginger :rolleyes:
My family is from Belfast.
So been over a lot.

Stay safe
I used to buzz it off.
Had to be respectable when I ran the company.
As soon as I hurt my back I said fek it I'm letting grow again.
You should see my high-school pics. :rofl:
Afro :laugh: :laugh:
I've tried a couple of times in my life. I get bad anxiety when someone cuts my hair so never really enjoyed it being cut. I've been growing around 3 years it's past halfway down my back now haha. My hair grows wavey but insanely thick.
I went to England and Ireland when I was young.
How old are you now son. :rofl: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl:
If your a ginger :rolleyes:
My family is from Belfast.
So been over a lot.

Stay safe
I'm 34. My family is mainly Yorkshire way (north west England) my hairs dark brown but gets lighter in the sun. No ginger though hehe.
I've tried a couple of times in my life. I get bad anxiety when someone cuts my hair so never really enjoyed it being cut. I've been growing around 3 years it's past halfway down my back now haha. My hair grows wavey but insanely thick.

I'm 34. My family is mainly Yorkshire way (north west England) my hairs dark brown but gets lighter in the sun. No ginger though hehe.
Your safe. :rofl:

Your safe. :rofl:

I think you'll end up thinking your the safe one. I'm still kinda new here but you'll soon be sick of seeing me. Hahaha :) at least you don't need to worry about me turning up with a suitcase and a DNA test someday hehe

At least I know that my look is timeless and stylish throughout the globe hehe
We are good thanks Stacey has tomorrow off Woohoo. :woohoo:
It's no big deal about the buds they were dust to begin with.
If anyone has bought one I wanted them to know. :thumb:
I finally put on my new 420magazine shirt.
It's a good day :bong:

@Bill284 - A "Manly-man's" look - well done Bill!
Well done Bill, it's a good fit!
Thanks @Stunger All I need is my 420magazine coffee mug and I'll be happy.
They sent me a left handed one by mistake. :rofl: :rofl:
Hope you are well my friend.

Stay safe
A little more like Grizzy bear than Grizzly Addams unfortunately. :rofl: :rofl:
Take care Amigo.

Stay safe
Heck...a trim here...a trim there...waalaaa...Grizzly Addams...I think it needs a screenplay written telling the story of the Winter Princess and the "Addams" legend. That's the ticket...
Hey Bill. Shouldn't you get this thread moved now? THIS IS AN ACTIVE JOURNAL AGAIN WOOOOOO!! Heheh
You had me worried there for a minute.
I run this thread in plant and bud photos for that reason.
As long as I post it’s active.
Speaking of which.
Winter Princess 5.5 weeks,hehe


Hey @Verbalist, cute little seed you have growing there.
Do you need a special light for something like that.? :rofl:
I am all thumbs.
I loath to try and remove a helmet.
Hopefully it drops today.
I'm keeping it wet.
Humidity in here is nil with the wood stove.
Fingers crossed. :meditate:

Stay safe
Got things here to catch up with!
My both GG’s emerged helmets on. They were like really hard shells… I was trying to moisten the shell by dropping water drops on it. Didn’t work so had to pull the tweezers. Taking helmets off wasn’t the hardest part - They both had the seed shell inner film keeping cots together. And removing those was the hard job!

But made it!!

Princess has grown! Hows the queen? :D
Got things here to catch up with!
My both GG’s emerged helmets on. They were like really hard shells… I was trying to moisten the shell by dropping water drops on it. Didn’t work so had to pull the tweezers. Taking helmets off wasn’t the hardest part - They both had the seed shell inner film keeping cots together. And removing those was the hard job!

But made it!!

Princess has grown! Hows the queen? :D
Hey Verb nice work.:welldone:
I must have half a dozen pics of broken babies.:rolleyes:
I’m not gentle,hehe.
I’m hoping today is the day.
If it doesn’t drop soon I might have to help her.
That usually doesn’t end well.:oops:

Winter Queen 9 days

Hey Verb nice work.:welldone:
I must have half a dozen pics of broken babies.:rolleyes:
I’m not gentle,hehe.
I’m hoping today is the day.
If it doesn’t drop soon I might have to help her.
That usually doesn’t end well.:oops:

Winter Queen 9 days

Pics lil blurry but looks like the inner film is also holding something there (?)
You could take a tweezers and just help that shell to open and drop.
Pics lil blurry but looks like the inner film is also holding something there (?)
You could take a tweezers and just help that shell to open and drop.
Ok I'll try but this is what delicate surgery looks like in my hands.

Stay safe


Got it. @Verbalist :thumb:
Looks like the soil might be a touch hot.
I mixed in some dollar store stuff around the seed, hoping it was depleted.
But oh no:eek: we burning already.

Stay safe

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