Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

I have also noticed something interesting. When I bought these Timber lights. We discussed how to use them. Low setting for starts 50% during veg and so on. Since I have been following these parameters. I have noticed more red in the light color when at max settings. I am wondering now if they were designed that way. Maybe it takes more power to give off that spectrum.

Anyone notice similar things in LED lights?
My QB boards for veg are 4k and bloom are R spec boards. With the R spec's dimmed down I don't see the red as much. Might be something to that.

I like the look of the flow. Frosty is cool to look at but it's the pipe test that tell's the truth. Sometimes the frost is just bling for the eyes. Looks good Jack. Can't wait for a smoke report after cure
Frosty is cool to look at but it's the pipe test that tell's the truth. Sometimes the frost is just bling for the eyes. Looks good Jack. Can't wait for a smoke report after cure
I have wondered that myself, sometimes you see pics of buds posted that are unbelievably covered in trichomes like dew, and I have wondered does that blow everything else away. The smoke report of course will be settle it!
I have wondered that myself, sometimes you see pics of buds posted that are unbelievably covered in trichomes like dew, and I have wondered does that blow everything else away. The smoke report of course will be settle it!
I grew Maui Waui from Nirvana seeds that didn't have much frost compared to others growing next to each other. The MW was by far the best of that grow. It was hard for me to believe looking at the plant on the vine how much I was going to like it :D
So true Dankman. You just can't tell by looking. I have also liked one plant so more than the others and had then turn out to be just average.

That is the main thing about breeding. Cross a strain that carries tons of trichomes with a strain that has great effects with the trichomes it has. Keeper phenotypes are those plants that have everything. Lots of old school strains have lots more effects than they do bling.
Most the white hairs are now red on the Flo F-5. They have changed that much in just 2 days time. Won't be long before we know what it has to offer.

I am starting to notice the difference in frost coverage of some of the Purple Afghani. Noticeable differences. I don't know if I can show it in pictures or not. I will try and see if I can show in a picture what I can see with the naked eye.

Which brings me to why I post pictures to begin with. Trying to show people what I am seeing. Sounds so simple. "Simple can be frustrating as hell" is all I have to say!
It is going to take one more plant rotation before I install my generac generator. Now that the Flo F-5 is about done. I will only have one plant left in that tent. I will be moving the confused Purple Afghani back into the big tent. 2 other plants produced flowers in that tent so it doesn't matter anymore. Plus it seems that everything it pod free right now.

Which brings up a point. They say hermies are a last ditch effort for the plant to propagate. Looks like this strain knows how long it takes to make seeds. It jumps to last ditch effort early enough to make plenty of seeds. I keep checking these plants, I have not seen a male flower for a week now. They are mostly done with that bullshit I guess. Which means they were not true hermie's. Which is weird to say. Kind of like bisexual men. You either suck dick or you don't. They grew balls and dropped pollen on my girls. I don't know why I keep protecting them LMAO.

With the tent empty. I need to move all the new starts into that tent. There is a electric panel in the room they are in now. I need this room clear just in case they need to double check stuff indoors. I really hate doing things this way but there is just no choice. This job was supposed to be done a month ago. I have people here a lot and no one can tell there is a grow going on. I don't see a change in that. I feel comfortable with people here. Not sure about this big of a job but there is just no choice. Work starts next week. By then I will have everything moved back into my 2 spare rooms.

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention. Purple from the Purple Kush is coming through on a few pheno's. It is the same purple I remember as a kid. The Purple is showing up on the back side of the leaves. When dried you can see the lavender on the back side of the sugar leaves. This was before I ever saw a totally purple plant. I don't know that that one was the real deal Purple Kush or not. That was just what we called it back then. Only because it was a Kush and had purple leaves. There were really no known strains back then. It was just a strain grown locally in the Rogue Valley. Yep that is the same place most the weed in Oregon is grown now days. Jim Belushi's new reality show is based right in that area.
I have a couple different Purple Afghani plants today. Now that we are longer along into flower. They are all getting names. Today we will look at Early and Frosty.
Early is a good looking plant compared to the others. There are 3 with the same growth style and difference's in other ways. Hence their names. I had no harvest date for this strain. Pretty much going to have to decide on my own. My guess is this plant is going to be ready close to the 45 days that it takes some C-99 plants. Which is around a week from now.

This plant smells on the sweet side. Unlike the other 2. It is also the only one that has Purple showing on the underside of the leaf.

This is another of the 3 plants that grow just alike. I call it Frosty because it is the frostiest of the 3. This is my Afghani leaning pheno.

Smells are not as strong in this pheno. I can't put a label on the smell yet. All I can say is this plant is frostier, not better. I don't have a clue what I am going to find yet. From what I can see. There are going to be at least 2 different types of weed out of this F-1 hybrid that will stand out. I don't know that the highs will be different. My guess is that they will be.
Today I have a few pictures of Lemon Cheisel from Relic seeds. It is one of their Exodus Cheese BX hybrids. I wish I had a couple more females to compare it too. Hope that means there will be lots of females in what seeds are left. I got one female out of the first 5 seeds. Anyone that has grown Exodus Cheese should notice the plant structure.
This plant looks real similar to the 3 E.C. I have grown before. Hard to really tell as I grow lots different these days. They both were short bushes with the same leaf shape. The way this plant grew let the branches get lots of light all the way down. When branches were bent they exposed lots of the lower part of the branch. This is making nice long buds made even denser because of the COB led's.
Frost showed up early on with this pheno. While it isn't flashy like some strains the trichomes are still piling on well. Smell is getting stronger but I still can't put a name on it other than "fresh". I think it comes from the lemon side but it really isn't any kind of citrus. There is a hint of something else that I hope will bring cheese to the flavor. Pretty sure they wanted a lemon smelling strain that tastes like cheese. That might be what I got.
Mostly I want to see what this strain is all about. Mostly looking at the Exodus Cheese BX. I have the same strain crossed to Agent Orange that really peaked my interest. This strain is also looking fairly early like they say. I also have Franco's Lemon Cheese from Green House. If this strain works out. I will be using pollen from it to hopefully lower the flower time of the FLC.
I will be trimming the first plant of the year today. The Flo F-5 I started early is done. Or as done as I am going to get it.

Which brings me to another decision I have made. I tried last year to get all (I could out of every plant. I can't say I saw very many plants that did much past when I harvested them before. I did notice that when I harvested Cinderella 99 late I didn't like it. I am not worried about leaving production on the table any more. Better to just harvest when I think the plant will be best.

Which will be in just a few days for the first and frostiest Cinderella 99. It is going to come in around 45 days. The other C-99 is bigger and is going to flower longer. I am also going to get a chance to check something. The bigger plants have lots more leaves. I am pretty sure it is the weird Pheno that comes from S-1 strains. Thing is, with C-99 being worked with so much the variance isn't as bad. They look lots different in growth but are not that different when it comes to high. Last time I had the leafy phenotype. I flowered them longer to get them to firm up like the early ones. They don't lol. The weeds sativa high was less intense because of the late flower. I hope to see that come back with a normal flower time. One is going to be stronger for sure. You can tell by the trichomes. Stronger doesn't always have to mean better. As long as the high is the same I don't mind smoking more to get it.
I’m doing my first SSH right now and couldn’t be more thrilled. I read up that they are very temperamental and a difficult grow. I’m finding no issues at all, if anything they’re growing too fast lol
I might suggest maybe throwing in garlic cookies (girl scout crossed with Chen dawg, hybrid 90%indica 10% sativa mix) really couch locks me if that is what you’re looking for. Also I love the flavour profile of zkittles if you’re looking more flavour side. Just my opinions where everyone is entitled to their own


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I will be trimming the first plant of the year today. The Flo F-5 I started early is done. Or as done as I am going to get it.

Which brings me to another decision I have made. I tried last year to get all (I could out of every plant. I can't say I saw very many plants that did much past when I harvested them before. I did notice that when I harvested Cinderella 99 late I didn't like it. I am not worried about leaving production on the table any more. Better to just harvest when I think the plant will be best.

Which will be in just a few days for the first and frostiest Cinderella 99. It is going to come in around 45 days. The other C-99 is bigger and is going to flower longer. I am also going to get a chance to check something. The bigger plants have lots more leaves. I am pretty sure it is the weird Pheno that comes from S-1 strains. Thing is, with C-99 being worked with so much the variance isn't as bad. They look lots different in growth but are not that different when it comes to high. Last time I had the leafy phenotype. I flowered them longer to get them to firm up like the early ones. They don't lol. The weeds sativa high was less intense because of the late flower. I hope to see that come back with a normal flower time. One is going to be stronger for sure. You can tell by the trichomes. Stronger doesn't always have to mean better. As long as the high is the same I don't mind smoking more to get it.
Happy harvest!
I’m doing my first SSH right now and couldn’t be more thrilled. I read up that they are very temperamental and a difficult grow. I’m finding no issues at all, if anything they’re growing too fast lol
I might suggest maybe throwing in garlic cookies (girl scout crossed with Chen dawg, hybrid 90%indica 10% sativa mix) really couch locks me if that is what you’re looking for. Also I love the flavour profile of zkittles if you’re looking more flavour side. Just my opinions where everyone is entitled to their own

I just ran SSH last year. I had no problems with it till flower. Most of them are heavy feeders during flower.
A while back I had forgot what strains I had going in one of the tents. I finally remembered to look at what it was the other day. It is Cookies Og by Dinafem. Similar to what ZoomZ06 mentioned. It is in the tent with the California Diesel, Grimm Glue, Xanadu, Monty Python. That's going to be a interesting crop if nothing else LOL.
First C-99 will be done any day now. There are a couple Purple Afghani that will be soon behind it. So I now know what I will be doing the next couple weeks.

While I am working on trimming. I will also be topping the plants in veg. I decided to top plants this time instead of my usual pinch and bend. I want to see what difference it makes now. I grow lots better than I did when I topped most plants. Now I know more, the outcome may be different.
Want to know what a plant smells like? Leave it out of the tent for a night LOL. The first Cinderella 99 is done and I pulled it out of the tent till I could get it trimmed. Woke up to a house that smells like rotted fruit. So much for a pineapple a pheno LMAO. I guess all the sweetness I smell when I open the tent comes from the Purple Afghani. It sure isn't from this smelly ass plant. I still think this is going to be my best Cinderella 99 yet. I got it feed good at the right time. I even managed a little bit of flush. I need to discuss this with Mr Soul to find out how to feed and flush a 45 day Cinderella plant. How the f**k do you flush a plant for 3 weeks that flowers in 6 weeks? If I were to flush this plant any longer it will start loosing the intense high the early plants have.

I will be finding out. Grimm wants to see pictures so I might as well bring a jump drive and show them to him in person. Then I could talk genetics with him. Which brings up my plans for tonight. A old friend of mine has a friend that grows in a medical state that is visiting. They invited me over for dinner tonight to meet him. I finally get a chance to talk growing with someone! It will be nice to talk with someone that can do more than grin and nod. It only sucks that I have nothing fresh to bring and try. I still have plenty to smoke I am proud of. Funny how something so simple can brighten my day. I really need a life LMAO.
Seeing how I am growing Purple Afghani. It is time to see some purple. Today we are going to look at the most purple of all the plants. Not only is it one of the prettiest it is the biggest. 3 plants have this same wide growth pattern.

This plant isn't purple like lots of strains today. It showed up first on the underside of the leaves then has worked its way around to the top side. Mostly it has purple highlights

The next plant has mostly Afghani traits, except for the purple coming on late in flower.

Not sure if it was the pictures or not. After showing them to Grimm. I got a invite to come down and burn some of it with him. That was kind of my plan, I just had not brought it up yet. Smoking is the only way to really test a strain. Better to just have him smoke some to see for himself then have me try and explain it. Plus it will be easier to discuss the whole grow in general that way. I hate to make friends with someone just to get something out of it. In this case I will make a exception LMAO. I am one step closer to getting my hands on cuts of any elite clones Grimm may have lying around LOL. That may never happen but it is fun to hope. I do hope to work with Mr Soul more on new strains in the future. As you guys know I love growing new strains. This could be the start of a great relationship.
One more thing on that subject. I was wondering when to mention coming down to smoke. I smoke my weed when it is done drying. It cures as I go along. Grimm mentioned to come down once I got things harvested. Not when I had it cured LOL. Flavor does get better with a cure. With most flavorful strains if they have "It" you can tell without a cure.
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