Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strains

Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Hey Alkhemist I love the tent set up this time, you didnt waste time setting up:smokin: . been quietly following and am interested on watching your GLR and dimishing light experience. I tried GLR on last veg to flower and loved it, But found out I cant keep my mom in those hours in my space with my skills. So my new clones arent getting that this time with that mom in there. Its like she was at that point of breaking to flower from glr and the exrta stress I gave of drying out, rootbound,not enough light ,mites and so on set her loose and has me more comfy at 16/8 in my veg now for that reason.
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Hey Alkhemist I love the tent set up this time, you didnt waste time setting up:smokin: . been quietly following and am interested on watching your GLR and dimishing light experience. I tried GLR on last veg to flower and loved it, But found out I cant keep my mom in those hours in my space with my skills. So my new clones arent getting that this time with that mom in there. Its like she was at that point of breaking to flower from glr and the exrta stress I gave of drying out, rootbound,not enough light ,mites and so on set her loose and has me more comfy at 16/8 in my veg now for that reason.

hey ClosetOrganic!! good to see ya mate!
with plants that seem to want to burst into flowering with a GLR light cycle.. im very interested to see what the addition of a MH light to the HPS's would do in terms of smoothing out that tendency to want to start flowering.. i saw it recommended in that little info on GLR i found over at UK420 so i have a 400w MH on standby just in case :]
i hope to get some pics up soon, but as you know in these first 2 weeks there isnt a helluva lot of growth so im just chilling at present watching the little ladies like a hawk for any signs of stress or burning..
take it easy brother! :peace:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

everything is looking good, love the LST job, did you get those red pots at walmart? i feel like i have the same ones (or similar)

Keep up the hard work im looking forward to see how this turns out

hey EZ! i THINK you may be refering to mo's plants?? hehe i havent started lst yet as they are just forming their first set of leaves past the (di)cotelydon.. i wont be using any training until 3-4 weeks i think.. depending on how vigorous these plants grow
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Bro just wanted to share a "Lest We forget" today.

awesome bro! yeah i was watching a heap of oldies yesterday thinking about when wars were wars... good old fashion wars for power and for glory... as heinous as war always is though! its unlike today that seem to be so many cowardly "conflicts", using remote controlled drones to murder- just to maintain the power of the dollar and take another countries oil i.e iraq, afghanistan, libya etc and soon to be iran.. R.I.P old(and young!) fellas /|\
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain


so.. finally get to put up an update after a week of minor teething issues, nothing major at all.. just small touches here n there with making a bit of a silencer for my intake fan as its a bit noisy.. installing a basic ice-filled air cooler to maintain cooler temps during the day- as i dont have cooltubes YET.. but upon saying that i THINK for this tent i will be going with LED's next or the following grow. adjusting light heights to prevent stretching... starting to see the 2nd 'tier' leaves protruding.. i put in 2 more holy grails kush seedlings instead of the cindy 99's which were taking too long- i also wanted to pair them together so i could raise the light for two rather than just one as they are extremely vigorous growers.
SO, i have as of today 6x HGK(2 ARE 4-5 DAYS BEHIND), 1x somango x critical, 1x black domina x cheese, 1x OGK x white widow and 1x big bud x white widow(2 DAYS BEHIND) with a cindy 99 in a dwc on stand-by if any turn mail.. i also have another cindy 99 germing as an additional backup.




somango x critical:

black dom x cheese:

WW x BB(2 days behind.. getting her lean on)

baby HGK's(4 days behind rest)


simple celcius air cooler to aid in bringing temps down:

all the gurls with the cindy in the dwc at the front for backup:

cheers all good 420 folk! :peace: :ganjamon:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

looking awesome, :thumb:

i've got holy grail kush beans too. cant decide if i want to do them next or chemdawg and stacked kush together.

Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

looking awesome, :thumb:

i've got holy grail kush beans too. cant decide if i want to do them next or chemdawg and stacked kush together.


hey ronnie! thanks for the reps bro! and Sensei and Curso! and everyone! :cheesygrinsmiley: /|\
yeah tough decisions right thur :cheesygrinsmiley: good choices tho brother! after seeing jons HGK journal i was wanting to give them a whirl.. hope to take them to the extreme maximum yield. ya cant beat that description of HGK too man! lol 'the one bean you would want to have with ya on a deserted island if you HAD to choose just one' ;] chemdawg is OG potent :cheesygrinsmiley: i really wanna try em at some stage- i havent tasted that chem flav.. only through her descendants in OG and the like. but with those flavs? what ever choice you go with its gonna be ALL GOOD :allgood:

I dont know how I missed this new journal, but im here now.
Looking great in the tent so far.

welcome WB!! glad to have ya along brother! :cheesygrinsmiley: :welcome: its gonna be slow going for a week or 2.. but after the early seedling stage we should be ALL GO! can hardly wait :cheesygrinsmiley:

dang, almost forgot.. i gotta go change the res ... ;]
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

awesome bro! yeah i was watching a heap of oldies yesterday thinking about when wars were wars... good old fashion wars for power and for glory... as heinous as war always is though! its unlike today that seem to be so many cowardly "conflicts", using remote controlled drones to murder- just to maintain the power of the dollar and take another countries oil i.e iraq, afghanistan, libya etc and soon to be iran.. R.I.P old(and young!) fellas /|\

thought i better clarify.. by "oldies" i meant old docos and war movies etc ;] and i always attend the dawn service here in my area. gotta support the old vets
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Here we go with your next grow lol. Looking fwd. to watching you do your thing from all stages of the plants life.
I watch alot of those oldies and from time to time listen to the other kind.
Reps alky
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

hey brother s1ing! good to see ya bro :cheesygrinsmiley:
yeah thought i better get my shit sorted and get this tent underway ASAP... any time spent procrastinating means time lost in annual turn over! and we cant have that now can we! ;p
another pro to journaling... is you get into that 'journal mode' and it kinda seems empty when one isnt updating pics n progress etc loL so i wanted to take advantage of that motivation/momentum and get things pumping before it waned at all- although i doubt that is even possible :cheesygrinsmiley:

always good to see ya s1ingblade! thanking you for reps! all the best, brother from another mother :thumb:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

thought i better clarify.. by "oldies" i meant old docos and war movies etc ;] and i always attend the dawn service here in my area. gotta support the old vets
yeah bro dawn service then drinks at the RSA yesterday, Moving and awesome. Sometimes wonder what they would make of the world they fought and died for tho..
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Now all i gotta do is figure out how to get this coco to yield the way your rdwc setup does lol, no seriously i gotta get lots of HVAC work done today. Keep up them awesome grows bro from another mo
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

yeah bro dawn service then drinks at the RSA yesterday, Moving and awesome. Sometimes wonder what they would make of the world they fought and died for tho..

i hear that bro! it's a very different world we live in these days /|\
hope everything is good up those ways brother :peace:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Now all i gotta do is figure out how to get this coco to yield the way your rdwc setup does lol, no seriously i gotta get lots of HVAC work done today. Keep up them awesome grows bro from another mo

coco scares the hell outta me bro! LOL i'd rather go some obscure form of hydro b4 coco anyday! (joax!) so you're doing what i would be to chicken-shit to try ma man LOL i thought hydro was finicky... but coco in my meagre experience of it was more so.. i look forward to the day you get your RDWC system up n pumping mate, any time frame you think you'll have it running?? that was a diy set-up if i recall but looked pro as hell- store bought even! i would love to run a RDWC like that but its a bit beyond my budget and scale at the moment.. the thing which freaks me out about that set-up is incorporating the RO system and the header/main res with water cooling etc etc... even though my system is recirculating its complicated enough for this noob bro! ;]
all the best with your HVAC work today bro, ttys /|\
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

day 7:

ok, just a quick update for the journal.

did a complete res change today.. after week 1. the girls are starting to show signs of wanting to take off from early veg.. my primary concern at present is keeping temps stable and watching for sex.
i upped the quantities on most nutes-

7mils silika majik
8mils pythoff
30mils grostorm(i'll be keeping this level throughout)
100mils organic growth promotant-full strength from now on, even though a couple of the girls are slightly behind(with triacontanol and GA-3)
ec read after adding nutes is 1 EC and nute temp is 20celcius(68f)
room temp is 30 celcius- this is the MAX i wanna let it get.. pref a steady 28c
cheers all!!
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

howdy 420!

i thought i would just upload a few shots of a bubblehash brew i made last night using some of the trim from my last grow(still have gigabud trim in the deep freeze). i know some of you would hate me for it but i didnt have much OGK trim to make a batch so i mixed my OGK trim with my Pineapple X trim to get a relatively decent amount- should last me a month i reckon :cheesygrinsmiley: trim was taken from freezer only a few mins before putting into tote.
pics are of various stages starting from the beginning with the first layers:

last layer:

added water and a few icebergs LOL:

side view of tote:

let tote sit while i get bags setup:



agitators! LOL

agitated for 15mins:

ready set go:

1st wash 2nd grade:

2nd grade:

1st wash 1st grade:

1st grade:

fast forward and repeated for 2nd wash- both grades:

and a small haul from 3rd wash at bottom of plate(i tried another but nothing.. which is what i do:

after a night on the hot water cylinder:

and scraped up for final product- taste is phenomenal! bubbles like it should ;] 1st wash both grades to right of spoon, 2nd wash both grades to left.. and third wash at bottom of spoon:

this is seriously some 2-3 spot material guys! 3 spots and im toast :cheesygrinsmiley: ... time to go have some lunch and contemplate how fat my japanese goldfish are getting lol

peace y'all :peace: :Namaste:
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