Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strains

Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

howdy 420!

i thought i would just upload a few shots of a bubblehash brew i made last night using some of the trim from my last grow(still have gigabud trim in the deep freeze). i know some of you would hate me for it but i didnt have much OGK trim to make a batch so i mixed my OGK trim with my Pineapple X trim to get a relatively decent amount- should last me a month i reckon :cheesygrinsmiley: trim was taken from freezer only a few mins before putting into tote.
pics are of various stages starting from the beginning with the first layers:

last layer:

added water and a few icebergs LOL:

side view of tote:

let tote sit while i get bags setup:



agitators! LOL

agitated for 15mins:

ready set go:

1st wash 2nd grade:

2nd grade:

1st wash 1st grade:

1st grade:

fast forward and repeated for 2nd wash- both grades:

and a small haul from 3rd wash at bottom of plate(i tried another but nothing.. which is what i do:

after a night on the hot water cylinder:

and scraped up for final product- taste is phenomenal! bubbles like it should ;] 1st wash both grades to right of spoon, 2nd wash both grades to left.. and third wash at bottom of spoon:

this is seriously some 2-3 spot material guys! 3 spots and im toast :cheesygrinsmiley: ... time to go have some lunch and contemplate how fat my japanese goldfish are getting lol

peace y'all :peace: :Namaste:

very nice brother, +reps

Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

thanks for the reps ronnie! ya cant get more basic than my bubblehash lol.. nothing flash, but the result is just as great :cheesygrinsmiley: i usually use an eggbeater to agitate but when i loaned it to my mate to make some from his harvest the bugger killed it! *note- electrical devices dont work so well when submerged in water!* ;] and i still havent gotten a replacement beater! *chuckles*
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

at it again, are we alk? im really intrested in seeing the black dom x cheese and the ogk x ww
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

coco scares the hell outta me bro! LOL i'd rather go some obscure form of hydro b4 coco anyday! (joax!) so you're doing what i would be to chicken-shit to try ma man LOL i thought hydro was finicky... but coco in my meagre experience of it was more so.. i look forward to the day you get your RDWC system up n pumping mate, any time frame you think you'll have it running?? that was a diy set-up if i recall but looked pro as hell- store bought even! i would love to run a RDWC like that but its a bit beyond my budget and scale at the moment.. the thing which freaks me out about that set-up is incorporating the RO system and the header/main res with water cooling etc etc... even though my system is recirculating its complicated enough for this noob bro! ;]
all the best with your HVAC work today bro, ttys /|\

Took today off bro, was to nice and the kids and wife really needed it, shoot me too! :party::goof::woohoo:
I figure sense I watered everything yesterday the HVAC will be there tomorrow for me to work on lol. How come when you work for yourself and you take a day off you feel guilt and when your working for someone else and take a day off you could care less? LOL

So yeah thats another thing bro, once I commit to the RDWC I also have a whole nother issue I would have to deal with "Reverse Osmosis" and getting one and with us being on a well I would want a primary charcoal type sediment filter also. It's not that any of that is hard to do at this point but its not there and right now with the soilless (advanced #4) and compost teas I'm using its doable out of my "Under the sink" existing ro and one gallon bottles at home. I havent been keeping track but I'd say take 40-50 gallons a week with me in my pickup. I am maxing it out and dripping the ro 24/7 and get about 10-12 gallons a day. Now once I have the water filtration system up and running and the Power Company is done with their upgrades I am sure I will want to see what kind of differences I can achieve. Trust me bro the second I get it going you'll be notified:). I will tell you I am very very pleased with this next round and really like what a decent round of LSTing can do for a thriving plant. I am already seeing bigger and many more colas than last harvest. Then again my last round was a quick throw together and I knew with the 2nd round of plants vegging for close to 45 days it would be a totally different ballgame.
Worst thing the coco has done is stall a few of the plants by what I call "Draw Down" which seems to be when the coco isn't right and kinds pulls the nutes out of the plant and puts em in a def. stage. They come back and so far its only been a few but I will tell ya when buying coco in compressed bale form, other than rinsing the $hit out of it and pretreating with some Ca. and MG. supplement but spend another buck or two and get the better stuff. Lets just say my ROOTS were harmed and I even went as far as purchasing fresh media and still have ten 5K bales to save for later when I have more funds for stuff like Perlite (chunky-ex chunky) and castings, guanos etc.... and then it wont or shouldnt draw down the plants.
So are you thinking more towards the line of air cooling those bad boys or getting into L.E.D.'s?
If you purchase air cooled hoods or cool tubes and reflectors which could be less than 100 per, less with the cools. You could build a Under Current Style RDWC system plus the chiller for probably less than half the cost of getting into multiple LED Lamps. Under 1500 bucks I'd say if yu shop around you could get the tubes, all parts and pumps for the UC and a 1/4 hp chiller. If yo decide you want to go there PM me and I'll go thru my notes and receipts, might be able to find my parts list. Man if we were on the same side of the planet I'd hook you up with it and you could test drive it for me.
Alright back to the family,lol shes already giving me the sideways evil eye:hmmmm:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Took today off bro, was to nice and the kids and wife really needed it, shoot me too! :party::goof::woohoo:
I figure sense I watered everything yesterday the HVAC will be there tomorrow for me to work on lol. How come when you work for yourself and you take a day off you feel guilt and when your working for someone else and take a day off you could care less? LOL

So yeah thats another thing bro, once I commit to the RDWC I also have a whole nother issue I would have to deal with "Reverse Osmosis" and getting one and with us being on a well I would want a primary charcoal type sediment filter also. It's not that any of that is hard to do at this point but its not there and right now with the soilless (advanced #4) and compost teas I'm using its doable out of my "Under the sink" existing ro and one gallon bottles at home. I havent been keeping track but I'd say take 40-50 gallons a week with me in my pickup. I am maxing it out and dripping the ro 24/7 and get about 10-12 gallons a day. Now once I have the water filtration system up and running and the Power Company is done with their upgrades I am sure I will want to see what kind of differences I can achieve. Trust me bro the second I get it going you'll be notified:). I will tell you I am very very pleased with this next round and really like what a decent round of LSTing can do for a thriving plant. I am already seeing bigger and many more colas than last harvest. Then again my last round was a quick throw together and I knew with the 2nd round of plants vegging for close to 45 days it would be a totally different ballgame.
Worst thing the coco has done is stall a few of the plants by what I call "Draw Down" which seems to be when the coco isn't right and kinds pulls the nutes out of the plant and puts em in a def. stage. They come back and so far its only been a few but I will tell ya when buying coco in compressed bale form, other than rinsing the $hit out of it and pretreating with some Ca. and MG. supplement but spend another buck or two and get the better stuff. Lets just say my ROOTS were harmed and I even went as far as purchasing fresh media and still have ten 5K bales to save for later when I have more funds for stuff like Perlite (chunky-ex chunky) and castings, guanos etc.... and then it wont or shouldnt draw down the plants.
So are you thinking more towards the line of air cooling those bad boys or getting into L.E.D.'s?
If you purchase air cooled hoods or cool tubes and reflectors which could be less than 100 per, less with the cools. You could build a Under Current Style RDWC system plus the chiller for probably less than half the cost of getting into multiple LED Lamps. Under 1500 bucks I'd say if yu shop around you could get the tubes, all parts and pumps for the UC and a 1/4 hp chiller. If yo decide you want to go there PM me and I'll go thru my notes and receipts, might be able to find my parts list. Man if we were on the same side of the planet I'd hook you up with it and you could test drive it for me.
Alright back to the family,lol shes already giving me the sideways evil eye:hmmmm:

enjoy the day off with the fams bro!! :cheesygrinsmiley: and get the hell off the puter and go do something with the mrs and kids ;]
yeah i think when we work for ourselves its more interesting for one.. and something we are passionate about ;] we yield what we put in.. so when we arent there it SEEMS that we may somehow yield less by not being there and fine tuning this and that ;p

yeah bro, i was thinking of going with LED's ... but air cooled hoods or tubes would be another option- like you say dude, the cost of setting up LED's isnt cheap! and the investment in an effective cooling system would be just as beneficial... although, i have to say, the idea of having no heat signature or hot exhaust for that big eye in the sky certainly tempts me ALOT! i dunno bro.. im seriously thinking about all options but i will DEFINITELY holla your way if i need information on costs and parts for a RDWC system!

what kind of LED's did you have S1ing?? what wattage and how many bands/spectrums?? and what do you think went wrong or they lacked in your situation?? i know they have GREAT red and blue wavelengths.. but im curious about upping the 'intensity' of the led's.. the ones with 10W white diodes look promising- but like you, i dont want to invest all that money in an LED setup and find it isnt doing what i want it to do, and find myself flicking them off only to resume growing with HID's..

enjoy your weekend bro! take care /|\
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Bro that hash methods da bom, i gotta get me some of those screening bags um... where did you get yours ?

hey brother!
i got mine from switched on gardner- fucking expensive though bro! 180bux for a 3 bag(20litre capacity) set! :/ thats typical of sog tho... you can get smaller sets on ebay for MUCH LESS.. what ive seen are alot of 5-19litre(5 gallon) bag sets- for next to nothing!
check these out bro: hash bags | eBay
just to give you an idea of cost... certainly cheaper than spending 180$ for something you can order in for a 5th of the price-incl postage!
bro, alot of those on ebay you can get for 50 bux INCL postage.. i would recommend going that way mate.. plus you get more bags in a set giving you more grade options :]]

all the best Dasher! keep it green :ganjamon:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

hey Dasher, i thought i would include this link to another local company{pukekohe i think) that specializes in predator mites for all occasions! Bioforce - Our Products IF by chance you find yourself infested with spidermites or thrips etc etc.. you can buy direct from them! they sell to domestic growers and commercial alike :cheesygrinsmiley: for spidermites you will want "Mite-E" which are the "Phytoseiulus persimilis — Predatory mite". they will ship to your door.. and cost a 3rd what switched on gardner will sell em for! which is around 30bux for 1000 predator mites- you just sprinkle them around your plants on the leaves and on the soil and they start eating the spider mites.. and once done they cannabalize themselves to leave you with a clean indoor grow room! :thumb: sog sell em for around 90bux or so.. or you can get em for 30bux direct.

if there is anything i can help you source bro just let me know and i'll do my best

cher cher D
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

sweet mate im getting me some, a little hesitant having "Hash Bags" coming thru the mail tho what do you think about that aspect here as i want to get so much shit but scared of getting tagged, one way or another ive gotta get me some even if i bite the bullet at sog. i hate throwing the trimmings away, actually gotta make sure i empty my jean pockets i went to the shop today pull out some coin and a little bundle of leaves fall on the floor lucikly nobody noticed, i wonder what the next people thought tho. iv'e been keeping track of the ga3 site but thet still have no stock other than 1 or 10gm have you been able to source that anywhere as i cant find it anywhere else. Cheers for the links :thumb: luv the sound of Mite E almost want mites to see them in action lol i said almost, bio force and hash bags will go straight in my resource folder.

Thanks again for all your help Alkhemist, so grateful to have someone regional willing to hook me up with all this info :thanks:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

sweet mate im getting me some, a little hesitant having "Hash Bags" coming thru the mail tho what do you think about that aspect here as i want to get so much shit but scared of getting tagged, one way or another ive gotta get me some even if i bite the bullet at sog. i hate throwing the trimmings away, actually gotta make sure i empty my jean pockets i went to the shop today pull out some coin and a little bundle of leaves fall on the floor lucikly nobody noticed, i wonder what the next people thought tho. iv'e been keeping track of the ga3 site but thet still have no stock other than 1 or 10gm have you been able to source that anywhere as i cant find it anywhere else. Cheers for the links :thumb: luv the sound of Mite E almost want mites to see them in action lol i said almost, bio force and hash bags will go straight in my resource folder.

Thanks again for all your help Alkhemist, so grateful to have someone regional willing to hook me up with all this info :thanks:

hey man,

for the growth promotant i would recommend OGP(organic growth promotant made in NZ)- there are excellent hort companies in NZ that specialize in a heap of different formulations, 'fruitfed'(| Fruitfed Supplies) is one i normally go through. OGP can be purchased from switched on gardener for approx 30bux?? it is high in triacontanol and GA-3:

Manufactured in New Zealand from concentrated extracts of Bee's Wax and Alfalfa. Contains high levels of Gibberellins and Tricontanol which assist in process of cell division. OGP adds the missing organic co-factors to a mineral nutrient solution and gives dramatic improvement to plant performance in hydroponic systems. OGP is a specially formulated compound which contains nature's ingredients for the rapid development and promotion of new plant growth. This mixture of natural hormones extracted from sources such as Alfalfa and Bee's Wax, encourage dynamic response from the plants growth centre. Gibberellic Acid has long been recognised as a very useful method of promoting rapid root development on new cuttings and seeds, and is particularly effective in the improved growth performance by strengthening and increasing the growth rate of new plant cells.

How does it work?

OGP works by speeding up the process of cell division, causing a greater number of cells to be formed. This process leads to increased plant vigour, stronger plant tissue and enhanced performance, resulting in bigger and better crop yields.

How is it used?

OGP should be added to hydroponic tanks at recommended rate. It will effectively bridge the gap between mineral nutrition and organics. For best results OGP can be added each time the tank is made up. Just follow the directions on the label.

OGP Is the organic additive for hydroponic nutrient tanks. Used and recommended by growers in Australia and New Zealand.

This is the ultimate organic additive to hydroponic solutions and can be added to every tankful throughout the life of the plant. OGP is also a great tonic for soil grown plants and can be applied weekly throughout the growing cycle.

this is normally used in hydroponic systems bro, but as you can see where i highlighted it at the end you can add it to your watering schedule for soil mixes too- no probs at all- 20mils per 10litres of water approx. herre is the link to OGP for you to have a look at: Switched on Gardener now they have been changing some of their labeling, so this could be either in a white bottle with red label or it can be as shown in the link a black bottle.. but they are the same product

if you are concerned about being tagged or customs with ordering the bags in you could try sending them to an alternative addy, bearing in mind, if the parcel gets sent to the mailroom due to being too big for letterbox or some such(which they wont be) you MAY have to go and pick it up and may have to sign for it-showing proof of identity.. i order shit in to my own addy all the time. with the bags i wouldnt be too worried though.. they can be used for a multitude of things.. even as storage bags for food that you can hang up during camping etc etc so they are quite legit..

actually gotta make sure i empty my jean pockets i went to the shop today pull out some coin and a little bundle of leaves fall on the floor lucikly nobody noticed, i wonder what the next people thought tho.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: LOL bro.. that would make for a good movie scene :p

hope this helps brother :Namaste: :peace:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

howdy 420folks!

day 9-
just an update for the ole journal:

res EC is stable at 1EC and the res temp has risen to the max i want of 22celcius.. i took the res heater out and its starting to lower a bit.. i wanna bring it back to 20celcius. added 8 mils of flairform "pythoff" adding this twice per week as i am doing a complete res change every 7 days.
room temp is stable at around 29-30celcius.. which is still SLIGHTLY warmer than i want... but until i get some air-cooled hoods or a better portable A/C unit i'll just have to do what i can to keep it stable
the GLR light cycle seems to be chugging along ok.. not much difference from what i can see with my last grow on 18/6.. im hoping the girls will show their sex a little earlier with the GLR then with a normal 18/6 ... fingers crossed i ONLY get 1 or 2 males :wood:

ok, so a few pics of the little 'ladies'(fingers crossed) at 9 days old:
somango x critical-b/l, OGK x WW-t/l, BB x WW-t/r and black domina x cheese-b/r:

4older HGK sisters:

somango x critical:




cindy99 hybrid:

black domina x cheese:


WW x BB(7days old):

one of the baby HGK seedlings at 5days old:

cheers all! :Namaste:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

What's up Alk? I'm back and on board to view another killer grow and will catch up on your journal when getting the chance but for now it's lights on for my girls in what's 90 degree heat where I stay & that's in the shade. Damn global warming!:laughtwo: ~Peace~:ganjamon:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Thanks for all that info mate i think ill go to sog soon and pick those hash bags up, just having the grow at homes causing enough paranoia for me right now lol . Fruitfed supplies have an outlet reasonably close (40mins) so im going to try that OGP, its easy and you never know till ya try. i want to try additives not fert based seems another whole realm to explore/exploit, they seem kinda like steroids.
GLR seems the way to go, the power savings are hard to dismiss and think it may suit the Unknown/Ice im growing as its very stable, so im actually looking into a suitable/cheap 1 hr on lighting source i can incorporate when i get a veg tent.

I certainly know where to get the good oil from, thanks once again for your time and effort Alkhemist :thanks:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Do you use the rings first and then switch to the sprinklers? When you were using the sprinklers was it all the time that the lights were on or in intervals? As always brother they look super viable. Cant wait to see em in a few weeks
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Thought I'd show ya my girls about halfway thru flowering while they rock to one of my favorite old school groups The Who. Enjoy mate & ttys! ~Peace~:ganjamon:

Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Hey buddy!! I have been super busy lately and just saw you're new grow:straightface: As they say better late then never. Everything is looking great! Im loving the new tent setup:love: And that hash looked wonderful! Keep up the great work!

Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Hey buddy!! I have been super busy lately and just saw you're new grow:straightface: As they say better late then never. Everything is looking great! Im loving the new tent setup:love: And that hash looked wonderful! Keep up the great work!


hey there dooski!!

welcome brother.. no worries, the grow is just starting pretty much.. PLENTY of time :] thanks for stopping in mate, welcome anytime :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

What's up Alk? I'm back and on board to view another killer grow and will catch up on your journal when getting the chance but for now it's lights on for my girls in what's 90 degree heat where I stay & that's in the shade. Damn global warming!:laughtwo: ~Peace~:ganjamon:

hey CM! great to see ya brother!
i was just checking in on your silver haze and super grapes.. looking superb mate- im amazed at how big the taller ones are considering you cant see any roots really... or are they tucked under somewhere?? :p
hope your situation with your growing is better bro, your grow certainly looks awesome :cheesygrinsmiley: yeah man, our summer here was killer- like that 24/7 :\ lol certainly keeps ya on your toes tho ae!?? im into the tent 20+ times per day to check on temps and making sure they're comfortable and change the playlist every now and then- just at this early stage anyhoo :p
good to see ya CM! dont be a stranger, feel free to drop in anytime :thumb:
peace brother /|\
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Thanks for all that info mate i think ill go to sog soon and pick those hash bags up, just having the grow at homes causing enough paranoia for me right now lol . Fruitfed supplies have an outlet reasonably close (40mins) so im going to try that OGP, its easy and you never know till ya try. i want to try additives not fert based seems another whole realm to explore/exploit, they seem kinda like steroids.
GLR seems the way to go, the power savings are hard to dismiss and think it may suit the Unknown/Ice im growing as its very stable, so im actually looking into a suitable/cheap 1 hr on lighting source i can incorporate when i get a veg tent.

I certainly know where to get the good oil from, thanks once again for your time and effort Alkhemist :thanks:

anytime i can help brother! :]
oh, the OGP comes from sog too
peace D :Namaste:
Re: Recirc Top Feed Hydro - 3m x 1.5m x 2m Tent - GLR & LST - 1800W - Assorted Strain

Do you use the rings first and then switch to the sprinklers? When you were using the sprinklers was it all the time that the lights were on or in intervals? As always brother they look super viable. Cant wait to see em in a few weeks

hey brother s1ing!
yeah i use em from the get go- at present they come on every 4 hours for 10mins.. i'll up that in a week or so to every 3 hours for 15mins.. and keep adjusting feeding schedule according to their needs as they get bigger and hungrier, ending up somewhere in the region of every 3 hours for 25-30mins each time. of course i dont water when lights off. at the very early stage during the first week.. and even into the 2nd week there are SLIGHT issues with nutrient splashing onto the leaves but the oscillating fans dry them quick smart so there are no issues as such with burning leaves- this is where i could easily adapt it back to a simple top-feed line, change to the sprinklers when their roots have become more established and stronger.. but all in all it's going ok for the time being.. i will probably go top-feed for the first week or 2 with my next grow then change up.
yeah me too mate, i cant wait :cheesygrinsmiley: i flipped to 12/12 at around week 3-4 in the last grow if i recall... so it should be interesting to compare with this grow, although the plants are different strains so it wont be sooo consistent in terms of comparable results really.

take it easy S1ing! ttys /|\
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