Sanwan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

Recent pics of kids...

March 26th Day 14 Veg':

Strawberry Blue:

I KNOW! Tiny for 2 weeks in bubbles! This little plant has come a long way in just the 2 day since last pics. Leaves are starting to look normal and more than a single root has started to drop down. Things are looking up. As a side note, true this is my FIRST grow, but I have been germinating seeds since a teenager, always sprout 'em, then stuck them in a window, watched them stretch and thought "my god i'm gonna have a monster!!", you know, kid shit, never really knew anything about MJ, just hung out with older kids and got the seeds from them. But as far a germinating them i had that down pat! With that said, 2 of the 3 seeds from this strain were mushy when they germed. Picked them up with tweezers and it was like a pimple! Perhaps drowned, too much water? But the other seed and strains made it fine. Also when it did finally break thru it was deformed and had a hard time leafing out, was difficult for her to break out of the husk. Hmmmmm....:)

King's Kush:

Of course this King's Kush has become my favorite. I never saw leaves fat like this before. Cool. Not much to say on this one except it kinda' makes me hungry. Pics speak for her.

White Widow/ DAY 4:

The pic is dark but she is healthy and next set of leaves are coming up nice. No tubes are going to her, there is actually a clear cup under the net cup keeping nutes away. Works well to she is ready to be connected.

Res numbers
Ph 5.96
PPM 430
Cab Temp 80°
RH 62% (better SB!)

Oh BTW, 2 more strains came in... I got G13 Labs "Pure Power" and also Dinafem "Blue Widow" (KK, BW, and SB..... a lot of blue tinted leafage goin' on!)
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

March 27th Day 15 (2 weeks):

*Did a drain and replenish today.... am thinking of giving each strain it's own
bucket by middle of next week, perhaps quit thinking about it & do it now.

*PH 5.91
PPM 828
Water Temp 73°
Cab Temp currently 83°
Humidity 48%

Strawberry Blue:

King's Kush:


...and the roots on the KK aren't bad either!!!

White Widow Day 6:
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

I think it will be fine J, one of mine looked like that and turned out to be one of the biggest ones :)

Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

Do me a favor guys.... look back a few days at the progression of the King's Kush. March 24th there abouts, leaves are nice and green, healthy for the most part BUT you will notice the brown/rust spots coming about as pics progress. I do not have pest, good in that area. There are NO signs of typical nute burn of the tips, no curling.

Here was a couple pictures a few minutes ago....


Yes I am going to go read up on it right now, but any quicker insight would be good.
I do mist frequently, maybe 3-4 times lightly a day. Lights are about 6" from the tops. Cab temps stay within a decent range.

PPM stays around 840-50
PH has stayed between 5.9 and 6.2

I did test my sprayer bottle water and it was like 6.9-7.0 It wasn't that high when I made the bottle up? Could that be the problem potentially?
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

Def some sort of def........calcium or mag?


For some reason I am thinking the misting with a higher than desirable PH water MIGHT have something to do with it?

I also drained back out some water from the res and lowered PPMs, will take it back up slowly and back off some misting. Cal-Mag might come into play as well.

SB, are you going by the GH PPM chart? And if so, are you putting the actual gallons your res holds or holding back a gallon or 2 to keep it safe? I am curious how you are using the GH lineup.
For example, on the iphone app when you plug in gallons per res.... I put in "2" even though I hold 4 gallons.
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

For some reason I am thinking the misting with a higher than desirable PH water MIGHT have something to do with it?

I drained back out some water and lowered PPMs, will take it back up slowly and back off some misting. Cal-Mag might come into play as well.

Ya i have some in my bottle too

Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

jaw--- i use the gh calculator and have a 13 gallon res i only put half the 7 gallons for my mixes then if it needs up or down or more nutes this aloows me a cusion for error ( cant go wrong )..
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

jaw--- i use the gh calculator and have a 13 gallon res i only put half the 7 gallons for my mixes then if it needs up or down or more nutes this aloows me a cusion for error ( cant go wrong )..

Ok cool. I guess I'm correct in having done the same to cut back thus allowing for error... which is why this blotchiness bothers me, I have been real careful for the most part the last couple weeks..... uhhh, with the exception of having a 7.8ish ph water in spray bottle.
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

:popcorn:Almost a Ph of 8? Damn man, thats prob what got those leaves looking like goldmember. Ive used cal mag since day 1, have leafer so green its stupid. They are currently having some drinking problems, but still very green. I think a little cal-mag cant hurt, havnt heard anyone say something negative about cal-mag.

:roorrip:You have White widdow just about the same size of my WW. Its going to be interesting to see how the grows compare when its all said and done. Especially how they look. It would be pretty cool if they both came out looking similar to each other. lol.

:bravo:Any way, things are looking good on your side bud, Keep it up!
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

:popcorn:Almost a Ph of 8? Damn man, thats prob what got those leaves looking like goldmember. Ive used cal mag since day 1, have leafer so green its stupid. They are currently having some drinking problems, but still very green. I think a little cal-mag cant hurt, havnt heard anyone say something negative about cal-mag.

:roorrip:You have White widdow just about the same size of my WW. Its going to be interesting to see how the grows compare when its all said and done. Especially how they look. It would be pretty cool if they both came out looking similar to each other. lol.

:bravo:Any way, things are looking good on your side bud, Keep it up!
True, never heard bad about cal-mag. :) Yes I will have to watch your WW and learn from ya' as well, will be cool to see the resulting end for us.

From now on I will be checking my spray bottle ph every couple days.
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

Thanks FPF.
I have gotten use to it [led] now! lol In fact I think it needs to be BRIGHTER!!

So how do you like them? Are you getting the results you are looking for?

I did a little research into them, they have real promise. What kind of spctrums are your lamps putting out?

I guess you could say I have a few questions, but they are way cool at the very least!
Re: Jawasan's Strawberry Blue & King's Kush Grow

So how do you like them? Are you getting the results you are looking for?

I did a little research into them, they have real promise. What kind of spctrums are your lamps putting out?

I guess you could say I have a few questions, but they are way cool at the very least!

Ah, this is where my lack of knowledge really shines! All I know about the led panel is what the maker has on their site....
"190W LED Grow Light
The ideal size for flowering/fruiting of full sun loving plants
Covers up to 2 sq meters (50 x 60 inches)
31 - 6W wide beam LEDs
Red, blue and white LEDs for a complete full spectrum
Separate High/Low power control for blue/white and red
120V indoor use only
15 x 20 x 1 inch
3.5 lbs

1 year limited warranty
Designed in the USA
Patent Pending

The Haight Solid State grow lights use the latest LED technology to deliver outstanding growth performance. Plants use only a small portion of light from the sun. The measure of the light levels of the useful part of the spectrum for plants is called the "Photosynthetic Photon Flux" or PPF. Our PPF grow lights are thin, lightweight and have no fans.

The LEDs are 6W each - more than 4 times brighter than the Cree XB. The LEDs are automotive rated - the toughest rating for semiconductors. These are the only grow lights currently using this new generation of LEDs - they produce more light, penetrate deeper, and cost less.

The PPF-800 should be positioned 12-18 inches above the canopy. Closer than 6 inches can result in stunted growth during the vegetative stage but it is a good idea to move the lights closer during flowering."

As far as liking the performance. I do like it. With a 4" fan blowing over the top of it the LED never gets hot, but surprisingly they do generate some heat... not a lot though.... but this model has no fans and without air circulating over the top I doubt you would hold you hand there very long.
Also considering I really hurt this female a couple times and it is almost dwarfed, I still like the way the 4 tops are filling out. But I have NOTHING to compare it to as I have never used HPS or MH.
Now when I get the newest crop under the led I will have a bit more knowledge and things dialed in better. Grow Gods willing I will not hurt these plants either, so that will make a difference as well. Of course being a newbie I like most thought I was gonna be the exception and flower a beast my first time!!! hahahahaha....oookaaaay.
At least with this female no matter how small the yield I still get to see the progression of this plant's growth and know what to look for when it really counts...
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