SgtBrix's Garden, Indoor/Soil/1000w LED: Krishna Kush, Auto Blackberry Kush, 2018

Sounds like a helluva light build!

Yes sir it is! we spent a good bit going over many many ideas then finally settled on this beauty. Also we dont need to do Reflectors so the CoBs can be as close as we can get them to the canopy(Gotta love Extra Power!)!:surf: witch is pretty awesome. Also i will be doing tests with having the Chibi on during Veg on 10% and see how much stretch it gives or if any. But when bloom happens def turn it up and Blend it with the 4VS. Also i think this light will be amazing for Autos... hmmm we will see!! We will be having some amazing times ahead of us and i really cant wait. Thank you again Pennywise for all the help! Hope you are doing fantastic brotha! how is everything on your side?


Happy 420 bro! :yummy:
Rich Farmer built a 600w cob build.

Thats awesome!!! i bet that beauty grows some serious ladies!! id love to see that set up!:bongrip: Mine will be 500 watts at full power.:yahoo::drool: cant wait its going to be awesome to set all up.

Hows your night going Pennywise? :passitleft:
Mini update!

KK is now starting LST, she is soo bushy!! I finished her LST last night before lights out. Just gave her the 2nd feeding. So should see some crazy growth today.

BBKa thanks to LST i think we have 2-4 more additional colas forming now. She is going to be one nice Bush! :p

Hope everyone has a fantastic day and happy 420!
Got love the flip, things start getting interesting.

Ohh yeah!! Cant wait! She is going to have 8 nice cola stems thanks to the topping and LST! :) thanks again for letting me know about that Pennywise! That was truly a huge help and great info

Hope work is going good for you brotha!
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!:eek::eek::eek: These are new for Timber?! Me likey!

Hi LadyGaea!! These are still the LED Philizon (think i thats how its it's spelled) 900w(205ish actual pull).

The new Timbers are on the way. Should be here in 2 weeks or 2 and half. We are getting a 24sams QB in 3000k temp for the 2x2 tent with the Blackberry Kush auto by dutch passion and Talked with Dan from Timber and we are doing a Custom Prototype build. Its for the 3x3 tent with Krishna Kush from Colorado Seed co. We are taking the 4VS fixture and adding a Chibi to the center. Its a 3/1 power cord with 2 separate dimmers(1 for 4VS and 1 for Chibi also the Chibi can be disconnected so it can be off in seedling veg if needed) The colors are 3500k for 4VS CoBs and for the Chibis 1750k. We are doing this as a full cycle fixture WITH Chibi Bloom Booster! Its going to be awesome. On a different note. With the power of this light i can upgrade to a 4x4 if i ever wanted. If you have any questions please feel free to ask LadyGaea.:slide:

Nice! Gotta catch up! I just sit in the back after I walk through your garden!:popcorn::reading420magazine:

You are more than welcome LadyGaea! Glad to have you along :) hope you enjoy the views. Ill be doing a update here when i get a moment from Cooking. Took a bunch of photos a hour ago:yummy:

Hope you are having a amazing day:)
All good just chillin right now.

Nice same here, watching some baseball just ate BBQ with the family. Good times :yahoo:

Hey Pennywise, i want to get some more Auto Flowers. Any youd reccomend or would like to see? Also witch seed bank should I use? So many choices
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