Signs, signs, everywhere signs!



I dedicate this thread to the wonderful things we can put on signs when we march!

I think I'm going to make several!

Of Course one will say "Down with the office of the Drug Czar..
UP with Cannabis Rights!"

"After all, what does the Drug Czar know?"

"Cannabis is a girls best friend!"

"Safer Medicine with Cannabis!"

"Free Medicinal Choice!, It's my body, let me decide!!

"Choose This!!"

"America's #1 Cash Crop"

Peaceful people are not Terrorist's"

ummm.... bong hits for jesus has been done :hmmmm:

Another Hippie 4 Pot

I'm Stoned Right Now

Have You Even Tried Marijuana?

Please Don't Pepper Spray Me I'm Disabled

Which Way To The Free Speech Zone?

Gee Officer Is That A Club In Your Hand Or Are You Just Glad To See Me?

Hippie Jihad

User, you must have been laughing your a** off when you replied!!!:laugh:

^ I started craking up when i read your post, Nice one.

-The FBI's Unicorn Crime Report is the real travesty


-A marijuana user is arrested every 37 seconds and you wonder why we're paranoid

-Drunks blow through red lights, smoker's wait for the green

-If we all toke the bong, we'll all get along
All very good slogans!
I especially like the one that says:

"I was very stoned. :bong:"

I think I'm gonna make some more like;

"Mother's for Freedom"

"Smoke 2 joints for PMS!!

"Smoke 2 joints for Menopause."

All very good slogans!
I especially like the one that says:

"I was very stoned. :bong:"

glad you liked it but it wasn't a slogan. it was in reply to your post . . .

User, you must have been laughing your a** off when you replied!!!
ohhh i have one *pick me*

"I wish i may, I wish i might, have the reefer i torched last night"

Probably more turned towards pagan/wiccan/witch:

"And it harm none, smoke what thy will"

Hmmm, thats all folks
Live light
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