Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis

High all!

What a beautiful thread. I've read Tangwena's thread many times. What I want to share is that it's possible to improve your already dried and somewhat cured bud with this method. I tried it with a very small amount (about 2-3 grams) of bud tightly wrapped in food grade plastic. I had to rehydrate it, so I sprayed it with a litle bit of water. The buds were all curing in jars for about 2 weeks before taking some to do this experiment. Well, it worked to some degree. There was a lot of sweating, the color changed from greenish yellow to blackish brown with almost red pistils. The high was very different after 3 weeks -- it was an indica, which previously would send me to bed without any problems. This time I smoked some and felt great physically -- not that stoned at all! More energy, less sedation, more motivation to do some things and... a very very good mood.

Oh, I forgot to add. The smell during sweating changed from spicy lemony to a strange sickly smell (very very sweet), I almost thought there's something wrong going on.

Thank you all for talking about this and teaching others. Next time I'll definetaly try with fresh buds (in about 2 months).
@tangwena , thank you for sharing the lab results with us. See? All that craziness brought us this. :battingeyelashes: I get all excited when lab reports pop up. Couldn't pass this one by. Lol!

So, a Malawi cob report is in order, I suppose.

The cobs aren't anywhere near the sweet spot yet, but they are adding a new energy to what other cannabis I'm consuming. Today that was hits of Blue Dream, for the most part. I'm noticing the smell sweetens with each unwrapping. I don't know about the rest of you but I get really excited when I cut that bag open. Lol!

I chewed both pieces, about four hours apart. It was an upbeat, energetic day. After a fair amount of running around with the daughter I ended up back here at the apartment, moving from one task to another until I stepped back hours later and shook my head at all I'd accomplished.

This is gonna work out well for this vibrant little grandma on the banks of the Mighty Mon. :slide: I have a few big projects coming up that I believe I'll schedule for cob tasting moments.

So what was today like, you ask? Mostly moving fast. Lol! I'm intrigued at the way the cobs add that wonderous edge to my euphoria. I can't wait to have a broader selection of cobs to choose from. What I really can't wait for is a cob of my Carnival. :green_heart:

I will admit that two chews in such a short span may have been a bit excessive. The tiredness seeping into my bones right about now may be attributable to that excess. I may choose to call it a night earlier than usual tonight. Lol! I'll learn to listen to Tangwena and slow it down a tad.
If I remember correctly the person who posted this also said that the lab director remarked the samples were REMARKABLY CLEAN, meaning other samples usually aren't THAT CLEAN. :)
Not that I consider myself to be special or anything, lol. But just on the off chance that you might have meant that towards me, you have NOTHING to worry about in that regard. People can debate - and even argue - without being hateful, and these things are appreciated by most folks (including myself).

As to the "hateful," well, I have seen nothing of that sort in this thread - and only very, very rarely ever seen it on the forum in general. Besides, Mom had called me everything that an English speaker could come up with before I ever made it out of grade school, LOFL, so my skin is remarkably thick. It's not so much that such things don't bother me (although they don't), more so that I rarely notice them.

It's cool, you're cool, everyone is cool. I think we are all still happy as could be that you've been kind enough to (re)join our little cannabis forum. Hopefully, you've had a free moment or two to participate in a few other threads. I think you would be quite welcome in just about any of them.
Hi TS I was just covering my behind. I can be a bit abrupt sometimes when I'm straight which is usually only when I get out of bed unless I'm lucky enough to still be high from the day before.

I dont usually comment on other peoples grows, most of the forums I see are populated with amazing grows of equally amazing plants.

I only grow them to cure them a bit like raising chickens for meat you cant get too attached to them ha ha.

I belong to a few other forums where a few people I am close to grow to make cobs and this is where my interests lie.
Any one posting cobs or pics of fermenting here has my full attention. There are some very good curers here already and some cooking right now I am keen to see the results of.
But pretty flowers and plants are not my vice. Bring me a bag of freshly harvested buds and you have my full attention ha ha.
You feel free to share your euphoric adventures with us. We’re eating it up.

Don’t be concerned about today’s fracas.

God guys.... I can’t turn my back. Lol.
The Chopper Read is also a get up and move strain as are all of the plants I cob.
This high had me wading through the shallows site casting at small schools of fish we call whiting great to eat in the larger sizes.
But I catch them along with squid for bait. Its a very special kind of fishing requiring good eye sight, stealth and being high as kite helps a lot.
I am slowly getting in tune with the winds and tides soon I will be able to feel when the right time to go fishing is.
Once I have that it will only take a couple of trips to hit my bag limit and then its back home.

Where my wife informs me my Malawi x Ethiopian plants shade leaves are all yellow and falling off. By the time I get back she will be ready for cobbing.
Followed a month later by my GT and another longer flowering Malawi x Ethiopian plant. Whats not to love for a pot growing cob chewing fisherman.

Dont worry Sue your Malawi cob will keep all the things you love about the high, just super charge them during the aging process.
Get the dose right and you can skate breathless along the razor edge of reality and dive over whenever you want.
The Chopper Read is also a get up and move strain as are all of the plants I cob.
This high had me wading through the shallows site casting at small schools of fish we call whiting great to eat in the larger sizes.
But I catch them along with squid for bait. Its a very special kind of fishing requiring good eye sight, stealth and being high as kite helps a lot.
I am slowly getting in tune with the winds and tides soon I will be able to feel when the right time to go fishing is.
Once I have that it will only take a couple of trips to hit my bag limit and then its back home.

Where my wife informs me my Malawi x Ethiopian plants shade leaves are all yellow and falling off. By the time I get back she will be ready for cobbing.
Followed a month later by my GT and another longer flowering Malawi x Ethiopian plant. Whats not to love for a pot growing cob chewing fisherman.

Dont worry Sue your Malawi cob will keep all the things you love about the high, just super charge them during the aging process.
Get the dose right and you can skate breathless along the razor edge of reality and dive over whenever you want.

Ok....this sounds so much like my cup of tea. Lol!
High all!

What a beautiful thread. I've read Tangwena's thread many times. What I want to share is that it's possible to improve your already dried and somewhat cured bud with this method. I tried it with a very small amount (about 2-3 grams) of bud tightly wrapped in food grade plastic. I had to rehydrate it, so I sprayed it with a litle bit of water. The buds were all curing in jars for about 2 weeks before taking some to do this experiment. Well, it worked to some degree. There was a lot of sweating, the color changed from greenish yellow to blackish brown with almost red pistils. The high was very different after 3 weeks -- it was an indica, which previously would send me to bed without any problems. This time I smoked some and felt great physically -- not that stoned at all! More energy, less sedation, more motivation to do some things and... a very very good mood.

Oh, I forgot to add. The smell during sweating changed from spicy lemony to a strange sickly smell (very very sweet), I almost thought there's something wrong going on.

Thank you all for talking about this and teaching others. Next time I'll definetaly try with fresh buds (in about 2 months).

Oooo... Blueleaf... you made a whole lot of cobbers very happy with this post. Hahaha!

And :welcome: to our mad little experiment. :hug: I’ll be looking at my jars while I make breakfast in a couple minutes. Lol!

Did you by chance check the RH of the buds you sealed for fermentation? Did you cob them or simply vacuum seal them up?
I'm re-reading Phenoman's post and thinking that Jamaican I cobbed up with the 2:1 CBD dominance might turn into something very special in the end. Now that would be sweet. :battingeyelashes:
Oooo... Blueleaf... you made a whole lot of cobbers very happy with this post. Hahaha!

And :welcome: to our mad little experiment. :hug: I’ll be looking at my jars while I make breakfast in a couple minutes. Lol!

Did you by chance check the RH of the buds you sealed for fermentation? Did you cob them or simply vacuum seal them up?
Thank you Sue, nice to hear such sweet words!

I don't have equipment for vacuum sealing (trust me, I'll get it till my next harvest), so I simply took some food grade plastic, put few grams in there, sprayed some water and squeezed the shit out of those buds. Then I tightly wrapped it and "sealed" it with translucent tape. This somewhat sealed mini cigar (cob) was then put in another layer of plastic and again sealed with translucent tape.
It's not convenient at all, but it worked. I think that double wrapping minimised any chance of mold. And it wasn't hard to seal it because of very low quantity. I didn't check RH, but then unwrapping there were lots of droplets, so it sweated!

I just played a little bit, nothing more. Lazy man's choice, just for fun. Next harvest will be cobbed big time!
Absolutely loving this thread here!!! Just killer info all the way around!!! Seriously cannot wait to try this in the future!!! I am gonna make my brother flip his wig on this one!!! Hahaha much love folks!! :rollit::volcano-smiley:
Being creative

Watching all the cob-making I was inspired to order a sushi kit. It came with two mats, but I really only need one. It was more loosely-structured than I was expecting, but hey, it’ll work.

Anyway, this afternoon I pulled it out of storage to solve a basic challenge with the sweat box - how do we keep the cobs off the heat mat?

Voilá! :battingeyelashes:

This one gets opened on Friday. :slide:

I laughed at Tangwena’s post about raising the plants like one does chickens. Hahaha! That’s exactly where my mind is going. “Hmmm.... how many cobs can I expect to get.....?” :rofl:
I pulled it out of storage to solve a basic challenge with the sweat box - how do we keep the cobs off the heat mat?

How long do you keep them on top of the heat mat? Because I am guessing that, sooner or later, that bamboo(?) mat will approach the temperature of the heat mat. Maybe a set of four "spacer blocks" to hold that mat off of the er... mat would help even more?

Not knowing the temperature that heat mat reaches, what temperature you're actually hoping to achieve in your cobs (mind like a broken... thing ;) ), and the amount of time that you are leaving the one on top of the other off hand, though, this might be completely unnecessary for all I know.
How long do you keep them on top of the heat mat? Because I am guessing that, sooner or later, that bamboo(?) mat will approach the temperature of the heat mat. Maybe a set of four "spacer blocks" to hold that mat off of the er... mat would help even more?

Not knowing the temperature that heat mat reaches, what temperature you're actually hoping to achieve in your cobs (mind like a broken... thing ;) ), and the amount of time that you are leaving the one on top of the other off hand, though, this might be completely unnecessary for all I know.

I'll check on them and adjust accordingly. The box itself is a comfortably toasty 77.2 degrees, and it's been holding there for the most part. They're fermenting and curing together.

Just to be clear, it is the sushi mat on top of the (seedling) heat mat, with the Vac sealed bags with the cobs on top of the sush roll mat?
I can be a bit thick...

TS kicked something in my brain and I suddenly thought “Hmmm.... wonder how hot it is between the cobs?” When it hit 85 F I made adjustments.

I took the sushi mat out, but I put it back in to form a barrier between the clothes pins I’m using to keep temps down. Now I understand why Neiko has his set up the way he does. Lol!

It’s back down to around 78 or so inside the box. I’m checking the temps between the cobs for the evening until I know it’s not going above 82. It’ll take a bit for them to cool. For now this’ll work, but I’m thinking of something a bit more accommodating for holding cobs.

Thank you TS. :hug: I love it when you guys save me from myself. That DC cob got a nice cook for a couple hours. Lol!

Things always work out for me. It’ll turn out to be a happy accident. Things always work out for everybody.

You knew I had to throw that in . :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
I just checked and my curing spot was sitting at about 89-90. After reading Sue's last few posts I'm wondering if that isn't just a bit too warm.

Yeah... it made me pause and the instinct was to get it back to the low 80s. I’m down to 83 with my last adjustment. When I get stable around 80 I’ll share what worked.
Finally stable

I determined that what I needed was to lift the cobs further while still trapping the heat.

The blue box is a bin and the handle cuts allow heat to escape. The sushi mat keeps an opening all along the bottom, and the shoe box inside keeps the cobs far enough away from the heat that the internal temp of the heap is just where I want it. :slide:

I’m happy with that. Time for bed. :ciao:
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