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Thanks WOW. Patience is a virtue. Now I find that I have to be virtuous. Is there no end to the demands put on a simple farmer? Patience, virtue, caretaking, love! Its just a good thing the rewards are what they are.....euphoria. Living in utopia as others struggle through life.
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, my last plant(AK48) flowered for almost 12 wks !! After all that time I could hardly find any amber trichs ! So I harvested the biggest buds I've ever seen !! My biggest cola was near 18" !! I haven't smoked any yet maybe tonight , some of the smaller buds are drying nicely so before we go out to dinner tonight will light one up !!:thumb: Just relax BootumAll ( I hope your name implies your feelings about our gov!) it'll be over before you know it and your next grow will be on the way !!:peace:
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, my last plant(AK48) flowered for almost 12 wks !! After all that time I could hardly find any amber trichs ! So I harvested the biggest buds I've ever seen !! My biggest cola was near 18" !! I haven't smoked any yet maybe tonight , some of the smaller buds are drying nicely so before we go out to dinner tonight will light one up !!:thumb: Just relax BootumAll ( I hope your name implies your feelings about our gov!) it'll be over before you know it and your next grow will be on the way !!:peace:

Yes Ol hippy. That is my political position paper as well as my handle here. I appreciate your encouragement. At the same time I remember looking at the photos of the plant of which you speak of sampling this very evening. In other words freakin EZ for you to SAY!! :thedoubletake:
CoJoe hope you are out soon and they drop the charges. You are in my mind constantly. We have tons of cops and sheriffs here one just pasted the house. Needless to say I am paranoid and now more paranoid cause you got popped. Please let us know when you can what is going on and what happened.

Answer, you said you were coming out of the hospital Thursday. I guess that didn't happen. Give us an update if you can. I hope you are well on your way to recovery.

MC heard back from the company and they will send batteries next week since they aren't shipping this week. They ignored the part about the calibration solution so will buy it locally. I don't think it can be much higher in price. The HM company suggested to get powder for storage since the other ones only last maybe three months before expiring. I have some calibration solution from the cheap kit and when I get my head right today will do what I was suppose to do yesterday. The plants look ok. The roots have exploded and they are drinking a lot. So I really need a correct read.

I really must of messed up yesterday since when I went in this morning the fan was the temp in the room was the same as always 80%. I am sure my water temp is 75 as always as well but will check. So no harm done.

Today has to be better then the last two.
Never heard of a powder for storage of meters but oh well. I store mine is 7.0 ph water when I need to but that isn't often since I'm what is known as a serial grower. LOL! Now you qulify also! Why 18-6 vs 24-0? I know that's an open question but just wanted your take. Does save on the power bill a little but as far as I can tell that's it's only advantage. I like 24-0 as it seems the plants don't mind and I can work in the room at 2am if needed/desired. I've done a bunch of midnight res changes. Wife's asleep and I have full bathroom access to dump and clean in the tub. Note to self - clean tub! LOL! If the roots have exploded and they are drinking a lot you are tuned into the right channel! Temporary high res temps are nothing more than than temporary and it shouldn't affect your grow. You know everything is not perfect outside either.
Ol Hippy your girls are looking sweet. All you need is love......ummm ok...light, nutes, air, and lots of love. :peace:
Alien8 I'm sorry you are having a rough few days. Some days your the bug and some days your the windshield. Stay strong! :peace:
Hey Boot I understand about the virtues. They are hard to come by especially patience. Like you I'm still working on that one. Keep the faith. :peace:
Hey Boot I understand about the virtues. They are hard to come by especially patience. Like you I'm still working on that one. Keep the faith. :peace:

Faith being kept.
Well the Sky is blue on one side of my grow and extremely yellow on the other. lol Sky 2 is still suffering. I reestablished nutes and extra water to her. In doing so I noticed she did have some more root growth. She will be the runt if she lives. If I leave her alone she might make it I just can't keep my hands off of her. I just want to help her grow but.....ok there it is ......that patience thing. Oh well. Boot I'm there with you brother. :peace:
CoJoe hope you are out soon and they drop the charges. You are in my mind constantly. We have tons of cops and sheriffs here one just pasted the house. Needless to say I am paranoid and now more paranoid cause you got popped. Please let us know when you can what is going on and what happened.

Answer, you said you were coming out of the hospital Thursday. I guess that didn't happen. Give us an update if you can. I hope you are well on your way to recovery.

MC heard back from the company and they will send batteries next week since they aren't shipping this week. They ignored the part about the calibration solution so will buy it locally. I don't think it can be much higher in price. The HM company suggested to get powder for storage since the other ones only last maybe three months before expiring. I have some calibration solution from the cheap kit and when I get my head right today will do what I was suppose to do yesterday. The plants look ok. The roots have exploded and they are drinking a lot. So I really need a correct read.

I really must of messed up yesterday since when I went in this morning the fan was the temp in the room was the same as always 80%. I am sure my water temp is 75 as always as well but will check. So no harm done.

Today has to be better then the last two.


Right outside my grow room door I have a checklist that I made. The 7 items I should check before I leave the grow room for the night. Sometime you could be buzzed. Sometime you could be preoccupied. It's nice to have a list that you can quickscan just to be sure you addressed everything.


Good idea Sam. I do the same thing. Even though my grow is small the same pattern is applicable. :peace:
Sam , Must be nice to have a whole room for growing !! I can hardly see all around my plants as their stuck in two different closets !! Maybe I'll just strip out my guest bedroom , and move MariJane in !!:peace:
Sam , Must be nice to have a whole room for growing !! I can hardly see all around my plants as their stuck in two different closets !! Maybe I'll just strip out my guest bedroom , and move MariJane in !!:peace:

Hey hippy

My 'whole" room consists of a half bath and I grow in a one person shower stall. At this point, first week of flower starting Saturday, I can't see around my plants either unless I pull them out of the stall. I do that for drain and replenish, but after week 4 in flower it's just not possible to pull them out anymore, and I start having to "contain" them within the stall. But it's all good.


Hell if my girlfriend hadn't taken over my main bathroom w/tuband shower I might be growing in there too !! But summers almost here so I think I/m going to try an outside grow so my house can be fumigated !! Stinks like weed around here ? There's a few guys here who have a whole 2 car garage with movable 1000 watters !! Now thats something I'd like to do , BUT It ain't legal and I like my freedom (while we still have some ) so I'll just grow 3 or 4 plants at a time ...Take care Sam :peace:
Hell if my girlfriend hadn't taken over my main bathroom w/tuband shower I might be growing in there too !! But summers almost here so I think I/m going to try an outside grow so my house can be fumigated !! Stinks like weed around here ? There's a few guys here who have a whole 2 car garage with movable 1000 watters !! Now thats something I'd like to do , BUT It ain't legal and I like my freedom (while we still have some ) so I'll just grow 3 or 4 plants at a time ...Take care Sam :peace:

While there are obvious disadvantages to growing in a small shower stall, such as horizontal growth negatively affected and basically only able to do a canopy grow, there ARE advantages. The sink is 3 ft away. The res sits over the drain so no worries when it comes to leaks or spills. But if I had my way, I would want triple the area I currently have. I just take what I can get. As long as the weed is good, I'm good.


Sam great idea, however I couldn't get into the room period since all these people were here. By the time the last one left lights were out.

I just finished calibrating the new meters. I don't understand much but son helped as much as he could. I hope we got it right. I am still not sure about the cleaning and I have a bubble in the PH probe. It said dip in distilled water and it will go away. I dipped in ro water since that was all I had and it didn't. I also used the ro water to clean them. I will by distilled when I go out next time.

The issue with yesterday is that for the first time my tank temp went up. Unfortunately I had the fan off which is wierd since I keep it on all the time. The tank is 79.3. I know flowering doesn't like ice cubes but still I through in three which melted so fast I doubt it did anything. The room temp stayed the same 80.

Tomorrow I will do a whole tank change so I am not going to worry about the tank temp for now.

Let me tell you the good stuff. The short roots are no longer and I have a beautiful root system now. I will pull the pump when I do the water change.
The plants grew from 7 and 8 inches to a foot each.

The baby clones as I call them are growing new roots but no height yet. I believe that they will. I think I will have to grow them for months long after the other two plants are harvested but we will see.

I checked the ppm and if I got the meter right it read in the 200's which is fine for today since will give them full nutes tomorrow.
The PH as I stated the other day was still way different from strips and cheap meter so I put in PH down and will wait till later till it stabilizes. I still think it needs to go a bit lower but again why bother since changing in the morning.

The real good thing is they are drinking way more then they had been. I didn't add any water yesterday cause of the people, but when I had looked before they came I was just down a little tiny bit of water. When I added water today I had to add a gallon. So I thought that was a good sign.

MC and bigdeal if you all can help me with the meters I would appreciate it. I might be making it more complicated then it needs to be.
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