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Wow, interesting topics tonight!

Bagseed - True that bagseed can be great if it's from great weed and you know you are going to take care of it better then the last guy. Only problem I see is that you have no idea what the grow pattern or flowering time is like. You can kind of guess if it's a sativa or indica but that may be about it. I think I'm spoiled. My basgseed I grew on my first and second grow was pretty good stuff.

We had maui wowie and columbian red hair and the rest was mexican ditch weed. Not living on a coast has it's disadvantages.

Tomorrow is Full Moon! Be careful out there! I'm getting blazed beyond recognition with my buddy and then heading to the casino. I always beat them bad when buzzed beyond belief! At least that's the way I remember it! LOL!

Yeah, diesel, watch out for that shash! It's like the queen of diamond and will beat you if she's able. LOL!
I grew a plant a few years ago from bag seed. I only know that it came from a bag that I got from a friend of a friend. it was a bag of crapy dirty harsh dry junk weed. I didnt even mean to grow it it was so bad. I was smoking on the patio threw a seed in a planter and a few days later noticed a baby growing so I watered it and filled the planter with worm castings.. it only produced about 16 grams dry. BUT to this day I have never been so high on 1 bowl for so so long..
I usually smoke a bowl right before I leave camp for a ride in the desert. warm up the bike burn a bowl throw on the helmet and go.. 20 mins later the addrenelin is pumping and your not high anymore.. but this junk bag seed plant I rode close to 90 miles through the desert, stopped at the glamis store and was too high to go in..
the moral of this long story is that bag seeds can some times turn out better than you could ever believe..
Well friends I got a bit of good news. I started flushing my babies today. 24 hrs from now I get to go harvest my very first bubble grow :) .. well half of it anyway. as most of you know I did everything wrong this first grow from the word go. I grew 2 many girls in way too small of an area, had heat issues, height issues, had to completely move the grow room 2 weeks into flower. and the biggest mistake of all was growing an indica and a sativa in the same room. the indicas grow and ripen way different and were dominated by the sativa in the fight for living space. so my sativa gets to live a few more weeks in bubbles. and my indca gets to be harvested and enjoyed..I will try to get a photo up after I cut them down..
I would publicly like to throw out a giant thank you to Roseman, FPF, MC, ALIEN8, GREEN, AND ALL THE OTHER Deep Water Culture THAT HELPED ME GET THIS GROW RIGHT...
REPS TO ALL OF YOU,, AND THE FIRST TOKE IS FOR YOU ALL..:thanks::passitleft::passitleft::
crbanshee, Great job on getting to the finish line !! Thats a great feeling actually harvesting your first hydro grow ! Nothing better than home grown ! :thumb:
Soniq420.. First bubble grow, first legal grow. first grow I didnt have to lug water out to the middle of nowhere. and it was nice. the entire grow was a total add for what not to do, but it was successful because of the Deep Water Culture..
In fact the only reason I went with bubbles over flood and drain style was because of the info here on 420 MAG. I read Rosemans tutorial, then saw his harvest journal and was sold.
In Horshack voice - OOOH! OOOH! OOOH! I'm growing Jack Herer. Just started. How can I help?

you can help me decide if im going to grow it my next grow...

3 questions... first how tall does this strain get, How is the yeild, and what is the aprox flower time?
I know it smokes great, but have never seen it growing
I'm doing it the simple but labor intensive way. Mix up a batch of nutes at the right level and put it in the frig for at least a couple hours. Then I drain a gallon and put in the cooled gallon and repeat, repeat, repeat! Overnite I do a double dose. Two for two.

Hmm... I have never chilled my nutes. Should I be doing this? What does it do? Very curious.

I grows to about 36" under a 400 with a 5 week veg. Doesn't spread out much. 4 in a tank would be easy. I got 3 going now and it will allow me splenty of room to supercrop.

The yield is good but not great. For the quality it's pretty dang good.

Flower times very. The fems I'm growing now says 7-10 weeks. They keep working on Jack Herer to reduce the flower time to something close to indica. The Sannie Jack I grew last time said 12-14 and it was done in 9 1/2 weeks. It's a strong indica and sativa and mine seemed to grow more like indica but kicks like a sativa with an undertow or base. If I had to pick a range I'd say 9-10 weeks.

It stretches more than your basic indica but the top colas are big ones. Underneath you get your buds in golfball size on the ends with some interesting little air buds closer to the main stem. That's what I'm smoking tonight. Same taste as buds but slightly more downer. Not close to couchlock. Just mellow. Wife told me tonight it was good for her back spasms.
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