The Deep Water Culture Home

well looked at my clones ,only 2 left alive and one is growing roots

Don't need a goal when I walk outside. I walk a long time when out and do things like figure out plant types and watch male bird chase females. It's a short distance between two city parks and one has a small lake so I see all kinds of flora and fauna! I walk at a good pace because I want to see the next nature's wonder. If I'm buzzed at the time then so be it but it's not necessary.

we all can live such beautiful peaceful lives when we take some time to stop and smell the colas:peace:
lol ive got about 20 spots to take them and they are all good and strong,ive got like 8-9 colas fighting for the top ,when i take the clones do i have to worry about dabbing clonex on the spot on the plant where i took the clone?

Good question, also, aren't you supposed to be taking clones during veg? Your plants are in late flower aren't they? Not really sure about that myself.
Welcome, John! Your doing a couple of things different than most of us here. That's good because we can learn! Peat to Coco is one. If your ph stay stable then that works and is good info to know! Your nutes are solid. You can compare what happens in soil vs hydro dirrectly when using the same nutes.

The LED is different for a lot of us also. The tech keeps improving and if the price ever caught up there would be a lot of them around.

The red tinted water was probably because you didn't flush your hydrotron out well enough. Chauk it off to a learned lesson.

I'm ready to take a ringside seat.
well I just came from the doc's. they say everything is looking good so far. I still cant laugh or move or breathe without wishing for death. I have learned that I am completely unable to drive a wheelchair, that whole going down hill thing realy sucks.and going up hill, forget that noise.
I know a few of you want to see the video, and im working on it. I am computer stupid and having a fight with it trying to get the video to upload.. I am working on it and wil send it pm to those who requested it soon as I win the fight with the computer

I am so glad to hear you are on the road to recovery! :)
Hey Deep Water Culture, I thought I'd introduce myself, I've been growing for about 2 1/2 years in soil, Rosemans tutorial conviced me to make the swap over to hydro.
I just finished building & fired up my 1st Deep Water Culture unit this week, more or less an expierament, I put 3-707 Headbands in 6" net pots, they started off in peat so I put them into coco cups for liners in the net pots, these are 3 rooted clones that I won't cry over if I loose them, I just wanted something to learn the system with to start off.
I'm using Milwaukee constant P/H & TDS meters, P/H is riding at 5.9 & TDS around 600, I'm using Botanicare Veg, thats what I was using before I started going more organic in soil, I'm familar with the line and there sitting on the shelve, I'm also using R/O water amending it with 5ml/pg of CalMag and superthrive in veg.
Vegging under 252w of LED, after 3 days 1 of the girls are looking very good and the other 2 I think one will go south & the other is on the cusp right now, no biggie like I said I chose these 3 because like Rambo there expendible if I become the "Canna-nator".
Any nute's advise for future grows I'm open to or any advise at all, I think my biggest issue this week is keeping the temps down, I'm not thrilled the rez temp reads mid 70's.
I had red tinted water the day after so I did a practice water change to try & clear the water, something I was not looking forward to, no muss no fuss, simple, messing with the addional water has been the biggest issue why I've put off going hydro, much to do about nothing.
Can't wait to get rid of most of my soil, except for mothers.
John Whorfin

:welcome: to 420 and the Deep Water Culture Home!

Please post a journal link here when you start one. :hookah:
Welcome, John! Your doing a couple of things different than most of us here. That's good because we can learn! Peat to Coco is one. If your ph stay stable then that works and is good info to know! Your nutes are solid. You can compare what happens in soil vs hydro dirrectly when using the same nutes.

The LED is different for a lot of us also. The tech keeps improving and if the price ever caught up there would be a lot of them around.

The red tinted water was probably because you didn't flush your hydrotron out well enough. Chauk it off to a learned lesson.

I'm ready to take a ringside seat.

Good question, also, aren't you supposed to be taking clones during veg? Your plants are in late flower aren't they? Not really sure about that myself.

yea i know,,ive only got 2 left and i need 4 so i cut the other 2,it should be interesting to see how the clones react or if they not having good luck cloning besides the 1 that started shooting roots
is there any reason why so many folks out there use seeds instead of clones every one I know around here uses clones. the 4 strains i'm working with came from a dispensary last year.
for the most part I assume it's lack of access?

Theres NO Wrong or RIGHT, just personal preference.
And some use feminized seed and some don't, again just personal preference.
Some of the decisions have to do with price or expense, some of it has to do with ease of use, and some have determined that clones make smaller plants than starting with seeds.
And many do not have access to clones, and many newbs don't know how to make clones.
Thanx for the welcome Deep Water Culture.
After 4 days P/H is hanging around 6.0 +/- 1.-2. from time to time.
I've mainly flowered with LED they did o.k. they never did as advertised, I've used them with equal amount of CFL on 2 grows and doubled my harvest, go figure, I recently decided to move them to the veg room where they almost live upto there "As Seen On T.V." type claims, I'm a big LED fan, after almost a year I have a pretty good idea of what they can & can't do.
I put in a U.V. aquarium water filter last night, it has a 210/gpw pump in it, I was able to very easily adapt the output to use the pump to deliver rez water to the girls, I love multi-tasking if it doesn't do its job of keeping the water algae free it makes a good pump source :).

Yeah I was almost stunned when I saw the red tinted water, after 25 gallons of flushing and it cleared out, next time I'll only rinse what I need and I'll randomly rinse out everything from time to time and I won't wait until I need it to rinse it.
When I have some girls worthy of bubble's I'll plant'em, this was more of a practice run, one of the girls is actully doing very well, may keep her in bubbles, the other two I'm not expecting much from.
Biggest issue is heat this week in So.Cal, I pick the 1st real week of heat to start my 1st hydro grow, its raining right now, crazy weather, I may need to think up a water chiller for a few weeks a year, maybe a larger tote that the Deep Water Culture tote fits in to pack ice around, just thinking out loud.
So am I now allowed to add the Deep Water Culture logo to my sig?
John Whorfin
Welcome, John! Your doing a couple of things different than most of us here. That's good because we can learn! Peat to Coco is one. If your ph stay stable then that works and is good info to know! Your nutes are solid. You can compare what happens in soil vs hydro dirrectly when using the same nutes.

The LED is different for a lot of us also. The tech keeps improving and if the price ever caught up there would be a lot of them around.

The red tinted water was probably because you didn't flush your hydrotron out well enough. Chauk it off to a learned lesson.

I'm ready to take a ringside seat.
hey, I LOVE all of you folks out there (Deep Water Culture,the whole world) if I can tell the world anything it would be stop poisoning yourself w/ soda pop! long and short of it it dissolves your bones!
i still like dr. pepper and cheetoes :peace:


that is great advice and would be a great new thread to start:

IF I COULD TELL THE WORLD ANYTHING.................blah, blah, blah........

If I could tell the world anything, it would be

Seek a relationship with Jesus, Jehovah, Budha, Allah, Sophia or GOD and listen to the wisdom that they offered and live it.
:peace:man I know about gout! it's like having a toothache in your big toe. a breeze from a fan is like hot lava, every pulse from your heart shoots pain up the leg,just looking at it or thinking about it makes it scream! am i any where near w/ my description?
I personally feel that MMJ has changed lots of things here in Cali.
I'm a quitter,I managed to do 5 years of NA the whole time I just couldn't find ANY evil in weed(other than it makes you fat and lazy)( not true!) we all have(or at least want) GOD's medicine to use and enjoy . weed is like salt, you could eat corn on the cob without salt,but boy oh boy put a little salt on it and ah like heaven.
weed is life salt, it makes it BETTER!"Can't we all just smoke a bong?":peace:

Amen, bro, I love it.

Weed to Life is like Salt to corn on the cobb.

Who would or could enjoy one, without the other???
Hey Deep Water Culture, I thought I'd introduce myself, I've been growing for about 2 1/2 years in soil, Rosemans tutorial conviced me to make the swap over to hydro.
I just finished building & fired up my 1st Deep Water Culture unit this week, more or less an expierament, I put 3-707 Headbands in 6" net pots, they started off in peat so I put them into coco cups for liners in the net pots, these are 3 rooted clones that I won't cry over if I loose them, I just wanted something to learn the system with to start off.
I'm using Milwaukee constant P/H & TDS meters, P/H is riding at 5.9 & TDS around 600, I'm using Botanicare Veg, thats what I was using before I started going more organic in soil, I'm familar with the line and there sitting on the shelve, I'm also using R/O water amending it with 5ml/pg of CalMag and superthrive in veg.
Vegging under 252w of LED, after 3 days 1 of the girls are looking very good and the other 2 I think one will go south & the other is on the cusp right now, no biggie like I said I chose these 3 because like Rambo there expendible if I become the "Canna-nator".
Any nute's advise for future grows I'm open to or any advise at all, I think my biggest issue this week is keeping the temps down, I'm not thrilled the rez temp reads mid 70's.
I had red tinted water the day after so I did a practice water change to try & clear the water, something I was not looking forward to, no muss no fuss, simple, messing with the addional water has been the biggest issue why I've put off going hydro, much to do about nothing.
Can't wait to get rid of most of my soil, except for mothers.
John Whorfin

Welcome to Home of the Deep Water Culture, John, I hope you join our gang and display our logo. How to Become a Bubble head < link

"red tinted water" I think 99% of the time, that is hydroton not rinsed well, or perfectly.

We are all here to help as much as we can, plese link us to your grow so we can visit and enjoy your grow.
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