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Hi Boot. I have found that at Wally World you can find exactly what you need. 6500 K 26watt (Daylight) cfls for veg and 2700 k 26 watt for flower. Actually you need to mix them to get full spectrum. I have 8-2700K and 4-6500k in my set up. :peace:

If you want the bigger ones, 105 watt and above, you won't find those at HD, Lowes or Wally's place. has every bulb you ever will need. I just picked up a 105 watt 4100k for 25 bucks, because the one I had burned out.


I have a little trick I use these days. I used it in the past but didn't have a name for it. I try to treat myself and others as I would my plants. They need it, I can get it, they got it. I'm sure you treat others very well. Now treat yourself with the same kindness and patience and general fortitude displayed here.

Imagine a pitcher of water. You go pouring your kindness and love to those in need but it leaves you drained and wanting more. Go back to the source of your "water" and get yourself some more. It is there for the asking and always will be. That will lead you to the peace you seek.

I thought you tortured your plants......


Many of us are currently out of work due to the Economy, which is out of our hands. But I have just come from an interview and am a bit angry with the out come. I have been working in the same trade for close to 20yrs. I followed my father and grandfather's lead and started working in the family business when i was sitll in highschool. They made me learn everything the hard way, using old school technique and methods. thinking out of the box and finding solutions to problems before finding the problem..Our family business closed due to the economy. people just cant justify spending the money to improve their homes..any how, I go to this interview and was told that even though my skill level and qualifications and knowledge are more than they could hope to have hoped for, I DO NOT SPEAK ENOUGH SPANISH. there for they can not offer me a job..Now did I miss something here?? when did it become a requirement to speak spanish IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?? Is this not discrimination? now when I truly started thinking about it driving home I became very angry at the fact that because I was born in this country I still can not find work because I do not speak the language of our neighbors to the south?? and there sitting at a stop light it hit me, My best friend's son goes to the exact same elementry school that I went to as a kid. When I went there there were only 4 kids in the school who were not white. 2 brothers who were "african american" 1 kid from japan, and 1 kid of mexican decent..My friends son made the comment the other night that he wanted to go to a different school because he is the only white kid in his class, and he does not like that he has to wait the longest for a teachers help because he is also only 1 of 6 students in the class that speaks english. Now please DO NOT take any of this as racism. it is not, I am not racist. but when as AN AMERICAN born and raised in this country to parents born and raised in this country you can not find work because you do not speak the language of another country, or as an AMERICAN youth who is being forced to sacrafice education because they are the minority in their school IS JUST SIMPLY WRONG.
Please note that this post in not meant to offend or discriminate anyone of any race color or creed. I just dont think it is right that Americans are being denied good education and the prommise of a descent job because they are AMERICAN and only speak the language this country was founded on..
Yes, I do torture them but at that point I'm getting ready to kill them and potentially eat them which is rarely my intent in other communications. LOL!

That's just a part of me I take for a walk now and then so that it's doesn't find itself cropping up in my daily life. My little testosterone fix! Psychologically speaking I need it too. What kind of guy would I be if I can treat you like a queen for months on end and then kill you the next day? The plants are surprised enough when I poke them with thumbtacks! LOL!

On the 400 HPS vs CFL question - It's all about the lumens. With a 400 HPS I could get between 50-55,000 lumens. You'd get into the 30-35k range with 400 watts of CFL's.

Sorry guys, I'm no help on posting pictures.
Many of us are currently out of work due to the Economy, which is out of our hands. But I have just come from an interview and am a bit angry with the out come. I have been working in the same trade for close to 20yrs. I followed my father and grandfather's lead and started working in the family business when i was sitll in highschool. They made me learn everything the hard way, using old school technique and methods. thinking out of the box and finding solutions to problems before finding the problem..Our family business closed due to the economy. people just cant justify spending the money to improve their homes..any how, I go to this interview and was told that even though my skill level and qualifications and knowledge are more than they could hope to have hoped for, I DO NOT SPEAK ENOUGH SPANISH. there for they can not offer me a job..Now did I miss something here?? when did it become a requirement to speak spanish IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?? Is this not discrimination? now when I truly started thinking about it driving home I became very angry at the fact that because I was born in this country I still can not find work because I do not speak the language of our neighbors to the south?? and there sitting at a stop light it hit me, My best friend's son goes to the exact same elementry school that I went to as a kid. When I went there there were only 4 kids in the school who were not white. 2 brothers who were "african american" 1 kid from japan, and 1 kid of mexican decent..My friends son made the comment the other night that he wanted to go to a different school because he is the only white kid in his class, and he does not like that he has to wait the longest for a teachers help because he is also only 1 of 6 students in the class that speaks english. Now please DO NOT take any of this as racism. it is not, I am not racist. but when as AN AMERICAN born and raised in this country to parents born and raised in this country you can not find work because you do not speak the language of another country, or as an AMERICAN youth who is being forced to sacrafice education because they are the minority in their school IS JUST SIMPLY WRONG.
Please note that this post in not meant to offend or discriminate anyone of any race color or creed. I just dont think it is right that Americans are being denied good education and the prommise of a descent job because they are AMERICAN and only speak the language this country was founded on..

Wow. Crbanshee, Did they want you to be a foreman or something similar supervising a crew of Spanish workers? That sure sounds skewed. It ALMOST sounds like a potential lawsuit to me. That's discrimination, no doubt about it. Unless, of course, you live in Puerto Rico and I am unaware.

My feelings go out to you my friend. Not quite sure how I would handle that situation.


Wow. Crbanshee, Did they want you to be a foreman or something similar supervising a crew of Spanish workers? That sure sounds skewed. It ALMOST sounds like a potential lawsuit to me. That's discrimination, no doubt about it. Unless, of course, you live in Puerto Rico and I am unaware.

My feelings go out to you my friend. Not quite sure how I would handle that situation.



Sue to get a point across to them and the public
What the heck s up with this website Now?????????????????</p>
I can't use smilys, spellcheck, or multi-quote. Hmmmm

As such I can't multi-quote the 6 or so posts I wanted to, but I will say this. I purchased "The Secret" almost 3 yrs ago and my life is better in all aspects. It is also available on DVD for those who do not like to read. Notice I said "is better" not "getting better" or "will be better", not just because it is better because it is, but because the Secret teaches you must think in the present not the future. If you say "my life will get better" then you will always waiting for your life to get better. Instead beleive what you want to change and say it "my life is getting better" or better yet "my life is better" then beleive it and it will be so. And if you focus on negativity you get negativity. For example saying "I am not depressed" will keep you depressed because you are focused on being depressed. That is the energy you are putting out into the universe, so that's what you get. Instead say "I am Happy"

my 2 cents (wish I could have multi-quoted and spell checked)
Wow. Crbanshee, Did they want you to be a foreman or something similar supervising a crew of Spanish workers? That sure sounds skewed. It ALMOST sounds like a potential lawsuit to me. That's discrimination, no doubt about it. Unless, of course, you live in Puerto Rico and I am unaware.

My feelings go out to you my friend. Not quite sure how I would handle that situation.



No sir, the job was going to job sites and doing repairs and evaluations of new products. for example. the company comes to your home and replaces all your windows and sliding doors, and 1 of the latches on the window is defective. the foreman on that job calls me I come to the job and either fix the defective parts, or order the new replacement part.I would be working independantly, and only dealing with their office staff, suppliers and the 2 foreman the company has. both of which just happen to only speak place in the job add they placed did it say anything about being bilingual..and what truly got my goat is when durring the interview one of the guys in their production shop was having a problem and I seemed to be the only person around that could offer the corrrect advice, and tool (which i let him borrow off my truck) something he had been having a problem with for over an hour and here is this guy being interviewed that had the solution and tools to fix the problem in less than 5 minutes...Now it might just be me, but if im interviewing a potential employee and durring the interview he not only helps but teaches another employee fix an issue... well That IS the guy I would hire..
No sir, the job was going to job sites and doing repairs and evaluations of new products. for example. the company comes to your home and replaces all your windows and sliding doors, and 1 of the latches on the window is defective. the foreman on that job calls me I come to the job and either fix the defective parts, or order the new replacement part.I would be working independantly, and only dealing with their office staff, suppliers and the 2 foreman the company has. both of which just happen to only speak place in the job add they placed did it say anything about being bilingual..and what truly got my goat is when durring the interview one of the guys in their production shop was having a problem and I seemed to be the only person around that could offer the corrrect advice, and tool (which i let him borrow off my truck) something he had been having a problem with for over an hour and here is this guy being interviewed that had the solution and tools to fix the problem in less than 5 minutes...Now it might just be me, but if im interviewing a potential employee and durring the interview he not only helps but teaches another employee fix an issue... well That IS the guy I would hire..

I would have hired you on the spot!
I can't use smilys, spellcheck, or multi-quote. Hmmmm

As such I can't multi-quote the 6 or so posts I wanted to, but I will say this. I purchased &quot;The Secret&quot; almost 3 yrs ago and my life is better in all aspects. It is also available on DVD for those who do not like to read. Notice I said &quot;is better&quot; not &quot;getting better&quot; or &quot;will be better&quot;, not just because it is better because it is, but because the Secret teaches you must think in the present not the future. If you say &quot;my life will get better&quot; then you will always waiting for your life to get better. Instead beleive what you want to change and say it &quot;my life is getting better&quot; or better yet &quot;my life is better&quot; then beleive it and it will be so. And if you focus on negativity you get negativity. For example saying &quot;I am not depressed&quot; will keep you depressed because you are focused on being depressed. That is the energy you are putting out into the universe, so that's what you get. Instead say &quot;I am Happy&quot;

my 2 cents (wish I could have multi-quoted and spell checked)

You noticed that to A!
I've been writing a book for 5 years, I might not ever finish it.

The title tells it all and applies to what you said above.

You are 100% convinced that you are good and give and give, and get kicked in the ass for it.

I am convinced I am good and give and give, and I get blessed and rewarded for it.

What we believe is what we get. We, you and I are doing the same thing and getting different results. WHY? Because of what we believe and expect.

Reality is what we believe and expect from life and we all have different realities.

Consider this:
Members of the following religions Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism all have beads that they pray with. They all ask for a prayer to be answered and they all expect it to be answered and they all have faith and hope it will be answered as asked and they all often get thier prayer answered. WHY? Because they all believe it and expect it.

To change your reailityl change what you believe and expect.

Alien, you are a child of creation, a child of God, a child of a Higher Power, a child of The Force, a child of THE LAW. You are a wonderful creation, created "in the image of God" or created along the same laws and principles as the Force that created you. You exist and live on those same laws that made you. And within you is the ability to create too, with your mind and with your words. Today, you are creating your tomorrows. TOMORROW will be the harvest of what you created today. Try telling yourself that today is the first day of the rest of your life and from now on, everyday wil be full of peace, joy, happiness, love,, kindness, gentleness, goodness and faithfulness. Tell yourself you do not give out harsh words, so consequently you do not deserve harsh words. Tell yourself you do not give out hatred , so consequently you do not deserve hatred. Tell yourself you do not give out unhappiness, so consequently you do not deserve unhappiness. Tell youself you are going to start having a better day tomorrow and every subsequent day will get even better. Tell yourself that tomorrow and everyday afterwards wil be full of gifts and surprises and blessing and rewards. You deserve better so you wil get better.

Try it.

thats awesome roseman if you ever finish let me know.
And the answer is......

See the button directly above the text box (opens up the smiley menu)

Also - check out the new button to the left of the smiley's - direct link to your gallery

It's a surprise upgrade ;)
I still can't select any of the tools above the text box or the smileys, I can't multi-quote, on profile pages I can't select contact info (only visitor message is available) to PM, I can't send a PM by any method. Anyone else having this problem? I thought it was just me so I ran virus scan and malware on my 'puter and it came back clean. I use an online RC Forum and everything works fine there. Is this an isolated incident?
Alien8 , I believe you have the right attitude you should be happy doing what it is you do. The $ amount doesn't really matter, or at least it shouldn't . I don't believe in luck , shit happens , sometimes it's good shit and sometimes it's just plain ol shit ! But were never given more than we can deal with ! The more you get the stronger person you must be !! I know some people we'd call lucky good health nice job , car etc , and there miserable !! I've got other friends barely makin it between checks and yet they're happier than pigs in that shit we were talkin about . it's just attitude and you got a good one Alien8 :thumb: relax smell the roses while everybody else runs by !:peace:

Your right shit happens and even when I am positive. So let's take today for example. I was all positive after reading the posts. My son called bus turned around and went back to school. Told him don't come home cause we needed to shop anyhow. I went and picked him up. Through the schedule off but shit happens. Then not to go into details I crashed the front end of the my scooter. For must I really can't explain it is not like crashing a car. I scooter or wheelchair ect is an extensions of your body so it hurts way more. It is ugly now. I am going to try to hot glue the pieces back on. This is the same spot that the airline broke and had to get me a whole new piece.

So Ol Hippy shit happens but it happens a lot to me almost daily. Yes I am very strong and bounce back fast but just wish it wouldn't happen I still spoke to people, still smiled and did what I had to do. My family did have to keep reminding me I was driving but that is normal too. My head doesn't work to well as it is and when I get upset it is really messed up.

That was my day so far now I am doing impt stuff like smoking.
I have a little trick I use these days. I used it in the past but didn't have a name for it. I try to treat myself and others as I would my plants. They need it, I can get it, they got it. I'm sure you treat others very well. Now treat yourself with the same kindness and patience and general fortitude displayed here.

Imagine a pitcher of water. You go pouring your kindness and love to those in need but it leaves you drained and wanting more. Go back to the source of your "water" and get yourself some more. It is there for the asking and always will be. That will lead you to the peace you seek.

That is part of my issue I am sooooooooo giving and so nice to others I am really hard on myself. If I am not perfect and I am not even close I am bad. I always strive for better which I think it a good think but was a mess load easier before I got crippled. I know logically I have to take care of me but I have trouble doing that. The strange thing as good as I was to others and as much as they relied on me when I became a crip I lost almost all my friends. There loss but was mean.
alien you sound like a true friend, to who ever you choose to shine that light, i envy them. I could use some true friends, why does it seem only 1 in 2500 people give a mutual respect in a friendship or relationship etc. Good for you.
Many of us are currently out of work due to the Economy, which is out of our hands. But I have just come from an interview and am a bit angry with the out come. I have been working in the same trade for close to 20yrs. I followed my father and grandfather's lead and started working in the family business when i was sitll in highschool. They made me learn everything the hard way, using old school technique and methods. thinking out of the box and finding solutions to problems before finding the problem..Our family business closed due to the economy. people just cant justify spending the money to improve their homes..any how, I go to this interview and was told that even though my skill level and qualifications and knowledge are more than they could hope to have hoped for, I DO NOT SPEAK ENOUGH SPANISH. there for they can not offer me a job..Now did I miss something here?? when did it become a requirement to speak spanish IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?? Is this not discrimination? now when I truly started thinking about it driving home I became very angry at the fact that because I was born in this country I still can not find work because I do not speak the language of our neighbors to the south?? and there sitting at a stop light it hit me, My best friend's son goes to the exact same elementry school that I went to as a kid. When I went there there were only 4 kids in the school who were not white. 2 brothers who were "african american" 1 kid from japan, and 1 kid of mexican decent..My friends son made the comment the other night that he wanted to go to a different school because he is the only white kid in his class, and he does not like that he has to wait the longest for a teachers help because he is also only 1 of 6 students in the class that speaks english. Now please DO NOT take any of this as racism. it is not, I am not racist. but when as AN AMERICAN born and raised in this country to parents born and raised in this country you can not find work because you do not speak the language of another country, or as an AMERICAN youth who is being forced to sacrafice education because they are the minority in their school IS JUST SIMPLY WRONG.
Please note that this post in not meant to offend or discriminate anyone of any race color or creed. I just dont think it is right that Americans are being denied good education and the promise of a descent job because they are AMERICAN and only speak the language this country was founded on..

I am surprised this is your first rant about stuff like this. We are denied a lot of stuff that we worked for. I won't go into it because this is not the place for it. When our investors moved here that made this there country. American was the language we used. It was a melting pot. This is not the case any more you can be illegal or whatever never make this your country and get all teh services from this country. That is the short of it

I am sorry this happened to you and yes it is discrimination. You would have to read if it is part of the statue and my guess speaking another language isn't. If I am right you have no case. But it is very sad.
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