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last outdoors gdp, is getting sticky and this will be the one that gets re-vegged and is the base for future grows and breeding



Mr sunshine sure developes great buds does it not Skinwins ? Nice buds !!
MR?....I thought it was Miss Sunshine. yes she does. lol I wish i had done my outdoors differently. there all the cast offs from indoors, the runts and sick plants but no worries with a little love they turned out ok lol. plus next year needs to be in the ground, pots are ok, but plants in the ground are so much easier and bigger. Thanks alot
Skin, Do you have neighbors to deal with ? I'd love to do an outdoor grow , but I have to many nosy neighbors to take a chance. Nothing worse than watching your lovely plant grow and bloom and carefully nurture and crop and just before your ready to chop some fucken low life climbs over the fence and rips you off !!Happened to me many years ago when I was growing in my yard ... now its a tent and closet !? Damn I need to move out to the country !!
old lady on one side and very cool older couple on other, no worries from them. it's my g/f's son(22) who has friends over every once in a while who worries me, but i have them scared to death of me so no problems so far and there in pots so a few times when meter reader shows up i just move them to garage before he comes back, 2 big dogs keeps him out until i put them away
Theres a guy done the street who last year had at least 10 plants in his yard.On his 6' fence he added another 4' of paneling but you could still see these monster plants had to be at least 10' tall you could see them just by driving by !! All the neighbors knew about this and noone gave him any crap !! He must have gotten 20+ lbs off these . I havn't seen anything creeping over his fence yet this year so far .. Oh yeah speaking of dogs he has 3 BIG pit bulls in the yard !! Whoever the guy is he sure doesn't talk to anyone here ... Live and let live I was hopping to get to ask him what strain he was growing but he stays inside ! ?
lol, i have 16 full jars curing, 3 plants outside with in a month of harvesting, 8- 3 to 4 ft tall plants in veg outside just starting to flower and i don't even smoke, just like growing. i have not even sampled anything that i have grown yet this year( i did smoke the scissor hash) and i won't sell any. but my g/f is happy lol. i started last week grinding up full jars of buds to make tinctures for her. fun fun fun. i'm more excited by my big dragon fruit cactus and it getting ready to set fruit.
crazy, maybe he's just keeping them shorter this year

Theres a guy done the street who last year had at least 10 plants in his yard.On his 6' fence he added another 4' of paneling but you could still see these monster plants had to be at least 10' tall you could see them just by driving by !! All the neighbors knew about this and noone gave him any crap !! He must have gotten 20+ lbs off these . I havn't seen anything creeping over his fence yet this year so far .. Oh yeah speaking of dogs he has 3 BIG pit bulls in the yard !! Whoever the guy is he sure doesn't talk to anyone here ... Live and let live I was hopping to get to ask him what strain he was growing but he stays inside ! ?
well rebuilding the g/f's house, today start the re-pipe. sorry haven't been on much, i work all night, then in day work on g/f's house then try and sleep a few hours before i start working at night, aghhh lol. see u all later time to crawl under the house i'm thinking about 6 hours today under there. quite, cool and nobody buggin me, lol will be a peaceful day
Hey gang I'm back again, and still sick as a dog.
The bigger problem is my babies are too!

I have done everything I can possibly think of, but I can not get the PH under control.
I have done res changes where I made up 6 separate gallons of nuted and PH'd water, put them in the tank only to see the PH fluctuate wildly.
The other day I checked my PH and it was 4.8!
I added a little PH up, waited 20 minutes and was getting a steady 6.2.
I again checked it about 3 hours later and it was at 7.9!
There are no light leaks, yet my water is cloudy and I'm getting brown places on my roots.
I have been adding hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per gallon) and it doesn't seem to help.
To deal with the heat issues, I have been removing 2 gallons from the res everyday and replacing with 2 gallons of fresh nuted PH balanced water, and then at night I put ice packs around the res to keep it cool.

I really don't know what else to do and now because of the PH problems, I am getting what looks to be nutrient lock out (going by the pics in the problems thread), I have rusty spotty leaves and the others that don't are dull and drooping down.

I'm getting really frustrated and this Sunday is 4 weeks vegging and the tallest plant is only 6 inches above the top of the res.

I'm going to try to get some pics tonight, but if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears, since I am at my wits end! :loopy:

Barto, I forgot what kind of water you are using but if it is sink water try bottled. In the winter I had bad ph problems because of rain when using sink water.

Now I am growing veggies and it is way harder then weed omg it is a pain. I think I am either going to replant them or just toss them. They all grew fine first two weeks now are dying for no reason. Well I am sure there is a reason but hell if I know.

I am using sink water since I really don't care and the Ph is also a bit wild but as far as I knew veggies can take higher ph. I guess I did learn that only bottled water for weed will work.
M that really sucks. Scary state that AZ. At least they didn't show up at anybodies house to arrest. They just took them and planted them for there own use. Stop buying seeds the cops like get the shit they don't like:rofl:
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