The plant drains water


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!
I have some questions about my beauty.
Strain unknown
3weeks old from seed
Hesi nutrient
She is now 3th day in flower im doing the force flowering cuz i was too late this year..

I was watering with nutrition 2days ago for the first time and now this happening this morning i put only the water to se whats heppend.

i found drops of water on the leaves and when i touch it with my finger from this drop a crystal is formed it looks like salt when it dries on the finger and the leaves turn brown where this drop was on.. the plant making this drops like water drops.



Thanks both for the answers,
I was reading about guttation and transpiratiom right now and its seems to be some kinda guttation yes.

I start to force flowering 3days ago and i put the plant in to dark place without vent
I will make some airflow in this space

The plant growing outside 12h sun and 12h in totaly dark.

Day 3 in flower and 26 in total.

What do you think is this female or its to early to say ?


Congrats on the lady. One early indicator that may not always be accurate but was here is the long parts touching or crossing. I don't know the term for them here but here they are touching.

Edit: so I was a bit unsure of this although my ladies always have them crossing it does not seem to be a good reference point. The word I was looking for is stipules.
I really dont know why is come to guttation before but now she looks healthy again with some damage on leaves..

This is how she looks now day 35 from seed and day 7 in flower she is in 1.5gallon pot and im watering with the hesi fertilizer looking good healty and smelling very strong for this size of plant in early flower.





I really dont know why is come to guttation before but now she looks healthy again with some damage on leaves..

This is how she looks now day 35 from seed and day 7 in flower she is in 1.5gallon pot and im watering with the hesi fertilizer looking good healty and smelling very strong for this size of plant in early flower.





Nooo waaaay that last picture looks like
she’s covering her face with her hands. Probly cuz she’s camera shy.
Congrats on the lady. One early indicator that may not always be accurate but was here is the long parts touching or crossing. I don't know the term for them here but here they are touching.

couple pics didn't have me entirely convinced. but as it's all one plant i think you're right.

Edit: so I was a bit unsure of this although my ladies always have them crossing it does not seem to be a good reference point. The word I was looking for is stipules.

yes that's the word. it's good to have that knowledge. :)
so many of us just grow a plant, with no real appreciation of what it really is, and what it consists of.
I've never had it but I believe that is a genetic mutation that I have seen a few others have on here. Its a good thing in general I believe. Others will have more experience and knowledge tho. Happy Friday!
when a plant has 3 nodes it’s called whorrled phyllotaxy but I think yours is just telling you that it’s a sexually mature chick with staggered nodes. When starting from seed plants typically grow even nodes or even pairs of limbs that join the main stalk at the same place (one growth tip on left and an opposing one on the right) but when the plant gets sexually mature the nodes become staggered .
clones cut from low on the other plant will usually exhibit even pairs of nodes and clones cut from the top of the plant will often have staggered node spacing….. not always but generally speaking
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