ToroToro - Sweek Skunk Auto LST Balcony/Tent Sun/LED 2023

I dont have any evidence but I would asume girlz or most have better organizational skills. So and that is somewhat needed for consistent and improved experiences cultivating plant.

Learn what the plant likes and encurrage things down that path is also needed.

I see many people that dont care Bout maximizing yeild or other things. Some forget their plants and come back 3 weeks after.

Those are in general not girls imo
2 days from being 9 weeks old.

9 Weeks old.
I've trimmed it up, so waiting a couple of days before I show.

Had a decent closure on the day yesterday, took this one around 23:00 from the garden space - in the evening ( I live north side on the planet so in summer, it never really gets totally dark )

Will post week 9 images one of the next days.

Smoking not allowed this weekend, I only made 4.5% this week 27.
The 2 weeks before that I abslutely killed it and is up 78% in 3 weeks. So I would have been allowed to smoke both Friday and Saturday in week 25-26.

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