UV Lights

Hey Cody and welcome with your first post to :420: While I can admit I have never used UV bulbs myself I have read on this site from multiple growers that using UVa bulbs has improved tricome production but using them for too long can overstress the plants, I believe I read some leave them on for 15 minutes-half hour twice a day I believe is what one user was doing and another was using them for 2 hours once a day. I can’t remember their names or I’d tag them but someone will chime in before too long that has had experience with them, cheers and have a great day

Has anyone used Solacure 4 foot UV lighting in the flowering processes? Do these lamps increase THC levels and kills pests like whitefly or spider mites?

That's an interesting question...IDK about the THC levels :hmmmm: maybe trichome production...and I'm organic and don't have bugs my nematodes makes sure of it :morenutes:
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