Waterfarm 8 Pack - What do folks think?

Event Horizon, Forgot about this modification for increasing the flow of multiple waterfarms... After adding a GH recirculating kit, you change the controller by adding a 1.25" standing water column in place of the pumping column that comes with the kit.... Then you drop 3 pumping columns into the standing 1.25" column of water... Now it will move three times as much water as a regular GH recirculating kit would move...
So it turns out to be what individuals like to do in getting these systems to work in their favor either through modification or creating a system derived from examples they've seen. End of the day folks are gonna do what works best for them. Passing along the differing ideas about how to improve or leave systems alone, have been excellent for us 2 & 3 year newbie growers. This site has been the greatest asset in learning how to get these beautiful majestic creations from Mother Nature to reach their maximum potential. Thanks 420 and the multitude of green-thumbs that continue to help proliferate the almighty trichome.
I am going to start growing hydro in January (definitely not my first grow though) and have been doing a lot of research on different out of the box systems. I am currently leaning toward the waterfarm 8 pack system. I like it due to its simplicity and plan to use a 1000watt HPS cooled light in a space perfect for this system.

This is a picture of the waterfarm 8 pack with controller below:


It has 8 drip sites connected to an 8 gallon controller with an additional 13 gallon reservoir on top. It comes ready to go with timers, etc.

At this point I am looking to get some conversation going about the waterfarm 8 pack drip system. Does anyone out there have any pictures of a grow they have done in the waterfarm?

Input both good and bad regarding any experience behind this system is what I am looking for. There also does not seem to be any threads out there dedicated to this system so maybe this would be a great place for people to share their experiences.

Many Thanks in Advance!
Bad circulation and some clogging 😡🤬😁✌️👍 . I have this set up . kinda new with it my self . Ben trying to correct this . I redid how direction said to do with circulation lines . I took a 90gpm small frog pond put it inline along with the air pump.got rid of the line set up they have for the air line .just used blue hydroponics line . put small hole in it , enough to put air line in right at the out hole and put about 5/6 inches out the line outside of tank . .gotta adjust air and water pump to low . Keeps over flowing first bucket of you don't . And don't use elbows.if you can help it slows down water flow . . Still have flow problems ,🤔🤔 .not as much as I would like flowing . To try and cure this ,Im going to have 2 out lines and 2 return lines to main tank . Having one line controlling only 4 buckets . Whith 2 air pumps and 2 frog pond 90 gpm frog pond pumps for the flow . If this don't work . getting new bottom buckets, and going up to upgrade to one inch lines 😁✌️👍 . Ps you will need a ph controller and water chiller and a lot more lol 😁👍✌️
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