Weed fire?


New Member
That was odd. I just smoked a bowl as usual smoking when all of a sudden a big flame is in the bowl so blow it out and i heard poppin before that and I looked down and saw a wut looked like seed.
that's happens occasionally with shwagg, no biggie
Well this stuff is dank which is why I was like woa! I don't kno what it was but I think it was a undeveloped seed or something I don't know.
moisture trapped in seed espans and pops causing a flame sometimes. I had one blow a joint apart and it startled me and shot weed and ash into my eye.
Kinda dangerous for a pratical joke.

greasygerbil said:
reminds me of the time I packed a firecracker in a cigarette and then stuffed it with tobbacco....my friend who wears glasses was about to smoke it , but then the friend who knew about it grabed the cigarette and through it over a hedge
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