Week 5 Flowering


New Member
30/11 -Bit late in the game to be starting a journal but here goes! This is my 1st grow and these are my 4 x blue cheese girls going into week 5 of flowering. I fear they are quite short at this stage being at just over 2 foot. Trial and error I suppose. I also fear that the buds are forming quite slowly but I'm told there should be rapid bulking during weeks 6-8. I have 2 x 400w lamps covering 4 girls. I'm using Canna Flora for nutes with a fan and output. The smell is non existent at the moment unless I go very close but again I hope that this would increase further down the line. Any input welcome, tips tricks, and it would be nice to get some oponions on whether they look like where they need to be at this stage? .




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6th of December (5 weeks + 1 day flowering) my plants have stopped stretching and have ended up around 2ft. As it's my 1st grow I'm trying to plan ahead on what to do different next time. I have an output fan but also a rotating fan inside my tent under 2 x 400w lamps over 4 girls. I'm thinking larger pots than 10L next time. I suspect the roots may have become bound. And also bring in an input fan. Get some real air in there. Buds are starting to connect together, I'm told to expect some rapid swelling from 6 weeks onwards with blue cheese. My main thought is do they look like where they need to be.....?





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Looks great! I think they look healthy, most of the grows I've seen always are on the short shrub looks. Possibly try LST next grow, I've been told you can really increase your yield.

I love you Mary Jane
Thanks cloney. I'm hoping they start to swell up soon, as you can see its mostly hairs so hoping the bud will start to form properly soon. I've looked at LST and for sure is a technique I'd like to try next time

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Thanks cloney. I'm hoping they start to swell up soon, as you can see its mostly hairs so hoping the bud will start to form properly soon. I've looked at LST and for sure is a technique I'd like to try next time

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They really tend to get super plump and swollen in about the sixth week, definitely will be tasty!

I love you Mary Jane
6 weeks 1 day flowering. Still no swelling of the buds. I'm starting to see a lot of orange hairs come through but it is mostly white hairs on the bud sites with no actual fattening of the bud. My impatience is driving me crazy! Also there is very limited smell unless I go very close. Not 100% if they are on the right track but I'm sure time will tell






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As far as your feeding schedule are you using the whole line of Canna Bio ? Boost , bio flores ,or the rhizotonic .. I have had great results with this. Your plants look fine I would say ..
Thanks mustardtiger ✌ with regards to the feed Jed I'm using Canna Flora once every three days or so with some additional plain water here and there.

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7 weeks 1 day flowering. Nothing major to report...I think because I keep checking and inspecting every day I'm not seeing rapid change. A load of white pistols , some orange beginning to show on 3 out of 4. My 4th, the shortest but the one which semms to be the strongest (labelled C in pictures below) has loads of orange hairs, however I'm not seeing much swelling. Still no real smell.





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1st grow - 59 days flowering. 8 weeks 1 day. I've started to flush them out with a sip of water every 2 days or so. As mentioned in previous weeks post I'm still slightly concerned due to the lack of swelling and lack of smell coming off the 4 plants. All 4 have a stopped stretching at 2.5ft. The leaves are starting to turn yellow which I believe is a sign that they are close to complete. Can anyone suggest what would be a prime time to harvest based on pics below and if you also think there is some swelling of the buds due imminently. This is a steep learning curve for me so any advice or guidance is greatly appreciated.







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Looking good ....
Have you harvested them yet?
If you have a scope ... take a look at the trichomes ... I'd guess with yours, you'd still be looking at all cloudy and maybe a few starting to turn amber.
Depends on how you like your smoke .... most advocate harvesting at 30% amber trichomes.
At least if you leave them, they still have time to swell up some more ... it does look as though the calyxes could still develop a bit.

A good mantra is is you ask if they're ready yet, then they can be left a week or two.

It's painstakingly slow progress ... but I'd continue the flush for at least another week

Are you continuing to use molasses through the flush?
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