What is going on?


420 Member
not sure whats happening...my plants are just wilting in certain spots,not the whole plant, just some branches and now the top???? wtf??



Something is likely eating that branch, it's no longer getting water that it should be. Either a caterpillar ate a hole in the branch, or there is a mold problem in the roots and possibly that stem. Go to the base of the dying branch and look for issues there.
Something is likely eating that branch, it's no longer getting water that it should be. Either a caterpillar ate a hole in the branch, or there is a mold problem in the roots and possibly that stem. Go to the base of the dying branch and look for issues there.
Agreed, I'd look for some kind of borer. I had something similar, but it was my fault, I was doing some LST and when the plant was small I tied it down, but I made the knot too tight, so as the plant grew the string cut into the branch and strangled the branch.
not sure whats happening...my plants are just wilting in certain spots,not the whole plant, just some branches and now the top???? wtf??
Has the problem gotten worse or has it gone away? Do you have a newer photo?

It could be an insect as some have mentioned but to have several areas all get an insect attack at the same time is a little unusual. It could be a fungus that has caused a blight and that has hit the newer plant growth and it is what is causing the wilting.
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