White House Rebuffs Marijuana Legalization Petitions

Jacob Bell

New Member
As promised, the White House has responded to the online petition to "Legalize and Regulate Alcohol," and seven other similar pot petitions as well, but the response wasn't favorable. That's not particularly surprising, given that the person chosen to deliver the response, Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP -- the drug czar's office) head Gil Kerlikowske, is mandated by law to oppose legalization.

"Isn't it time to legalize and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol?" asked the petition submitted by "Erik A" of Washington, DC. "If not, please explain why you feel that the continued criminalization of cannabis will achieve the results in the future that it has never achieved in the past?

The threshold for an official response was at least 25,000 signatures by 30 days from October 3. The marijuana legalization petition was by far the most popular, with more than 74,000 signatures as of Friday night. Another seven petitions similarly calling for one form of pot legalization or another, which Kerlikowske also included in his response, carried an additional 76,000 signatures.

The marijuana legalization petitions far exceeded all other petitions. Currently, the other leading contenders are banning puppy mills (30,234), abolishing the TSA (28,515), and two other issues that are closely related to marijuana reform -- allowing for industrial hemp (20,498) and ending the war on drugs (18,614).

The official response from drug czar Kerlikowske is certain to disappoint and infuriate marijuana legalization supporters and drug reformers, but should come as little surprise. Under the 1998 ONDCP Reauthorization Act, the drug czar is required by law not only to not spend any money to study legalization but also to "take such actions as necessary to oppose any attempt to legalize" a Schedule I substance, a category that under federal law includes marijuana. The drug czar could no more come out for marijuana legalization than the 17th Century Holy Office could endorse a universe without the earth at its center.

That the administration chose the drug czar to respond sends a strong signal that legalization talk will go nowhere in this administration. That it chose to release its response during the late Friday afternoon "news dump," when it will hopefully vanish over the weekend suggests that it realizes it isn't going to win many political points with its position.

"Our concern about marijuana is based on what the science tells us about the drug's effects," Kerlikowske begins before warning that "marijuana use is associated with addiction, respiratory disease, and cognitive impairment." He then wheels out marijuana treatment admissions and emergency room visits, reminds that potency has increased, and concludes that "simply put, it is not a benign drug."

Kerlikowske asserts that the administration is "ardently support[ing] ongoing research" into marijuana as a medicine, but scoffs at smoked marijuana as a medicine. Then he actually addresses the petition.

"As a former police chief, I recognize we are not going to arrest our way out of the problem," the drug czar continued. "We also recognize that legalizing marijuana would not provide the answer to any of the health, social, youth education, criminal justice, and community quality of life challenges associated with drug use."

Instead, Kerlikowske recommends, not surprisingly, his own 2001 National Drug Control Strategy, "emphasizing prevention and treatment while at the same time supporting innovative law enforcement efforts that protect public safety and disrupt the supply of drugs entering our communities." What is needed is not marijuana legalization, but more drug treatment and more drug courts, Kerlikowske concludes.

The legalization petition was drafted in response to the White House's We the People campaign "because we want to hear from you," according to the web page. "If a petition gets enough support, White House staff will review it, ensure it is sent to the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response."

The drug czar's recitation of the harms associated with marijuana use is certainly debatable and will doubtlessly be thoroughly criticized in days to come. But as the administration response makes clear, that marijuana is a dangerous drug that Americans cannot be trusted with to use responsibly is their official line, and they're sticking to it.


News Hawk- Jacob Ebel 420 MAGAZINE
Source: stopthedrugwar.org
Author: Phillip Smith
Contact: Contact Us
Copyright: StoptheDrugWar.org
Website: White House Rebuffs Marijuana Legalization Petitions
It seems as if we don't matter to the federal government. Another thing to despise them for.

(Off topic question )
How do you like the Justice department coming out publicly and saying that they want "LYING to the American people " set as official policy.


How are we as citizens supposed to uphold, trust, support or serve in any way shape or form?

What a steaming , stinking foul pile of excrement our once Great nation has become.

I am highly ashamed of my government.
Didn't their parents teach them that lying is dishonest behavior that makes you an untrustworthy piece of sh-t.
Seems that there is a huge backlash on this canned response from Obama's drug czar. There are a bunch of new petitions to look at now if you like. Also of note is that they removed the other 7 valid petitions pertaining to marijuana. You can't see them now but as many know this canned response did not answer the other petitions directly either. One new petition is a demand to answer the other 7 petitions individually, lol. You know the guy that dreamed this idea up is in the hot seat or has been fired by now. Some of the other petitions are:

Take these petitions seriously
Open for debate the legalization of marijuana...and not simply deny the people that debate
Publicly request the resignation of Gil Kerlikowske (Haha, the drug czar)
Reform the FDA and remove all the corrupt FDA officials

There are at least 4 new petitions (and my favs)with the general idea of:
Regulate Alcohol and Tobacco in a similar manner to Marijuana

Oh well, I'm sure Obama will ignore all of these too, but I put the information out there for each to decide if they wish to engage...
I wonder why so many still offer there support to this administration? An administration that has lied not only to those of us that support decriminalization but to those that would end the war on drugs completely.
I urge all that have read this article to imprint in their minds exactly what Obama is all about. Get the votes, get the presidency and forget the promises!

I would also like to note, The references and links that are provided in the emails and pages linked regarding the so called problems with "MJ addiction" and whatnot are ALL government related sites. Not one of those sites they use for references go to any credible study outside the current administration.

When was the last time someone who ran out of MJ for any period of time got dope sick? I am 100% sure that someone who smokes MJ never has to go to the ER for withdrawal reasons. Can someone on other hard core drugs say the same? Never that I know of.... It sux for all patients that need this medication to have to resort to measures outside the law in order to get what they need. I am a supporter of legalization for either medicinal and/or regulated purposes. Needless to say that the many thousands of people that got the response from signing the petitions have more reason not to vote for this administration again....
Yeah MJ addiction is a load of crap, and I absolutely can not stand anyone who says its a gateway drug. If that were the case I would argue that breast milk is the first mind/mood altering substance that humans are introduced to followed by sugar and caffiene. Which im sure we might all say are more addictive than MJ, and besides addiction varies per person. Some are more prone to becoming addicted to certain things (well people can be addicted to just about anything on this planet). Anyway I could go on but you get it im sure, good day and keep up the fight!
Dickheads, all of em. There's no one left to vote for. The country is destined to have 20 million criminals in it because some dickhead says so. Pure bullshit.
The only value to them for CANNABIS is prohibition.It keeps the checks coming in. :peace:
mj addiction is nothing compared to the withdraw and addiction to pain killers. I didnt think they would give the petition any real chance any how. The city state and fed makes to much $$$.$$$.$$$.$$ off Prohibition along with the judges lawyers. + now seizure of car homes their raking in to much for them just to let it slide by the waste side. Imagine how states deficits would look with out mj criminal citations/ court costs :(
i love my country,i consider myself a patriot , my government on the other hand is a whole nother ball of stinky poo! as much as i am feeling betrayed by the current administration i shudder at the thought of "if the other guy had won" so it seems theres nobody to vote for then or in the next election, i think we need much more than a simple "changing of the guard" unfortunatly theres no new continent to run to from the king and his taxes this time ,seems as tho we need total re do of government, laws in every area are out of control!

im very addicted to coffee,sugar,nicotine, and prescribed oxycodone,, and the one thing i wish to take more of is mmj but i forget to all the time, see it does not cause me to crave it,need it,etc.
because im having withdrawals, (all the other things cause powerful symptoms of withdrawal) so as a gateway drug mj is a joke to me,
it also works really well on my disability /pain/insomnia, my dr is all for it as medicine and a better alternative for recreational usage compared to booze,drugs, etc. however it makes him nervous to talk about, recommend, etc. on the record, due to the ambiguous legality of it.
the funny thing is what he says about it "off the record" he told me prior to it becoming legal (sort of) in my state, "why dont i just do my thing(grow my own meds) and just be very careful" because he really worries about my long term pain pill use and how it will affect me!
and really prefer i use mmj if it works for me!, he is thrilled with the health benefits he has seen in me, (lost 15lbs,lower blood pressure,better cholesterol scores,less pain pills consumed and no longer need Valium for insomnia less pain in general)
so the point is here's just one ordinary m.d. (he is also a mormon) that cant deny the positive results he is seeing in his patients,(off the record he & i talk ,he knew nothing about mmj till i started talking to him ,and has recommended it to several of his other patients )
i have to think there's so many more docs out there just like him, wanting to see their patients get better and discovering mmj is more POWERFUL/EFFECTIVE/HEALTHIER than the "drugs" that big pharma push them to push at us
so the key to getting this problem fixed lies in the hands of us the ppl we have to push harder,speak louder,share info,educate, and refuse any answer but YES ,even more than we have been so far ,i vow to up my efforts because i know this plant/herb (i refuse to call it in its natural state a
"drug" to me a drug is a result of processing,dont see a aspirin bush anywhere but its made from an herb the white willow and its never called a drug till its refined into aspirin) can save the planet from many of its current maladies (clean renewable fuel,plastics,cloth,paper,building materials, and a whole host of health concerns)
we must make our representatives earn their over inflated pay, buy doing what they promised to do,, represent us!!!! i have massive faith in the ppl of this country to make the changes needed if we put our minds and actions to work
Lets be smarter then they are and force their hand. Instead of petitioning for all out legalization, in which we've already learned "Under the 1998 ONDCP Reauthorization Act, the drug czar is required by law not only to not spend any money to study legalization but also to "take such actions as necessary to oppose any attempt to legalize" a Schedule I substance, a category that under federal law includes marijuana" we petition to change it's scheduling. Why should marijuana be classified as a schedule I substance? If that is addressed and corrected than the drug czar wouldn't be forced to oppose.
Jg, as long as it is on the schedule of controlled substances, it is still illegal to cultivate, possess, distribute or use without a prescription on the federal level and would remain illegal under most states' laws with or without a prescription until those states ammended their laws, if they even chose to do so. Also, personal cultivation would still be illegal as well on both state and federal levels (except for medical purposes by the 16 states with laws already regulating it).
BudBro, you must not be understanding my suggestion. We know it is a schedule I drug under the Controlled substance act of 1970. Under this act however, schedule I drugs are classified in that manner because of the following classifications:
(A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision."

Marijuana, although classified Schedule I, does not meet the qualifications like all of the other schedule I substances. It does have credible medical standing in the US and there are safety measures to regulate it's medicinal use. The only thing missing is the low potential for abuse because it surely will be abused. But even being, marijuana is a substance that can withstand abuse with little risk. I.E. No overdoses or major problems associated.

Now back to my original point, if you're still with me BudBro, is we need to petition the White House to REMOVE MARIJUANA FROM SCHEDULE I. Even if it went to a schedule II or III (which more accurately portrays the substance) we would than have a foothold against the Drug Czar who cannot by law consider the legalization. If it is no longer schedule I, the Drug Czar is no longer required to defend the mindless prohibition he is forced to support because of the aforementioned act. Once we get the uninformed to stop FEARING marijuana as if it is a hard drug or any other schedule I drug we can have honest debate about it's benefit.

Last thing I want to add is, if we could revitalize the HEMP industry in a significant way there is NO WAY any government around the world could repudiate it's many uses. Cleaner burning fuel via HEMP SEED OIL, less deforestation via HEMP PAPER, ROPE, and other industrial material. A man just built a completely HEMP home in Africa cheaper than any compatible home has been built. This has the potential to change the world but is buried under the politics. The entire 420 community needs to get organized and STOP overreaching for all out legalization. This will take organization, planning and intelligent baby steps to get what we want. Society isn't yet ready to let go of their biases so don't rush them. Make them understand by example. Convert your diesel to run on hemp seed oil and tell Obama if he was serious about reducing carbon emissions and "stopping global warming" (WHAT A SHAM) he would have promoted legalization and a revitalization of the HEMP industry!!
I would also like to note, The references and links that are provided in the emails and pages linked regarding the so called problems with "MJ addiction" and whatnot are ALL government related sites. Not one of those sites they use for references go to any credible study outside the current administration.

Even if you believe 100% the addiction information they write up, it's still not good reason to keep marijuana illegal. A 9% addiction rate, as reported by the government, is hardly a dangerous substance (this is similar to caffeine's rate). And of course the withdrawals are very mild. I suspect most people "suffering" from cannabis withdrawal just think they're having a slightly bad day.

Pure BS.
Well of course it is BS. We already know due to impartial SCIENTIFIC studies, not the unscientific bs the government spews, marijuana can only cause mental addictions, nothing physical. Withdraws from marijuana are real but induced by a mental addiction, pure habit, desire and cravings. Physical symptoms can occur because of the mental disposition but nothing like the physical withdraws you will experience breaking a hard drug habit. But like you said psychical symptoms from the mental addiction are extremely mild juxtapose even a caffeine addiction withdraw!
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