Why do I suck at cloning?


Well-Known Member
It's my second year successfully growing and I have yet to have a clone not die. In my latest attempt, i got rockwool cubes. Something i never had before haha. Anyhow, I took these clippings 2 days ago. I have clonex, a humidity dome, and temps between 80-90. Are these clones going to die? they dont look very good. I havent touched them since i placed them down and will be patient. just dont want them to die!

what am i doing wrong?
try trimming the ends off the fan leaves and keep your rock wool damp. maybe in bowls of R/O water or at least some kind of tray with water in it. Also maybe get some Super Thrive to mix in your water. By trimming the fan leaves you slow down the transpiration process.
Hope the best for you buddy:thumb:
Man, that seems tough. I have found cloning to be pretty easy. I simply use Rapid Rooters with RO water and a tiny bit of growth nutes then put a humidity dome over it. Pop it in my veg tent and spray them with De-Stress spray daily. After 9 days, we have healthy clones ready for transplant.
I just came across a product called "Clonex clone solution" today, and was thinking about trying it. It's not the Clonex rooting hormone, it's for watering/feeding clones. It had great reviews... I'll try it if my first attempt at cloning fails, I should know in a few days.

Did you use ~5.5 pH water? Are you watering the rockwool a couple times per day? I have next no experience with cloning, but have read a good deal about it... it's my understanding that you also want shorter stems. The ones I took have about an inch below the node and the node is just about touching the rockwool. They wilted a bit yesterday, but this morning they perked up a little. I think they may be rooting. Many people also say it helps to lightly scrape the sides of the stem, supposedly it makes it easier for roots to start.
IMO sorry but those have a slim chance of making it. If they don't perk up by tomorrow chalk it up to a loss, start over. If this is the case, here is how I have had my best results. Try taking a cut about 4 inches. Shave the node starters up to the very last node or two. Most likely u will have 2 shade leaves left. Cut the first 1/4 of the leaf tips off. This makes the plant stop transpiring through the leaves. Next step is to cut the remaining stem 2-2.5" from the bottom of the node structure at a 45*. In the past I have made an x cut in the bottom of the stem. Cutting about 1mm up the stem but have not noticed a notable difference in making that cut. Then using your clone-x growth hormone(purple goo) dip the stem. Leave it in for about 2 mins. Directions say just dip, but I like a prolonged dip. Have the RW block soaked in a pre mixed batch of clone-x solution. The cone-x solution is a all included solution with balanced newts, including all of your micronutrients. Read the as to which method applies best for you. Directions say 5-10ml per gallon I believe. Make sure to keep the rock wool damp at all times. Just a notion of drying out could stunt/really slow or even kill them. If they wilt from the shock it's ok. They will perk up by morning. Once again this is IMO, just has been my best results. Good luck!
Hey man how are you. I have had a really hard time with rock wool. The water to air ratio is not done like in the rapid rooters. The rapid rioters have so much better success with. This is all trial and error and you will get the products you like and products you dont but keepn on trying. If possable id take a couple more cuttings throw on some clonex jell and throw in rapid rooter. Put in humidity dome and let a little bit of water in the bottom. Make sure you are cutting at 45 degree angle and everything is sterile and clean. That can cause clones not to root and die. One other thing if U have a big bottle of clone jell make sure u onky out enough in a shot glass and you not just puting you cuttings in the big bottle. That can cause a bacteria and everytime from there on out your clones will get sick and wont root. Hope i was helpful. You ever need any questions answered let me know ill help you with the best advice i got. Happy hemping


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I take a very relaxed stance on cloning. Cut at an angle, split the stem, clip bigger fans, dip in rooting hormone and put it in perlite in a plastic cup. Put another cup with a few holes in it over top and put it on the windowsill. Mist with water and hit it with great white and 1/8 strength nutes. So far im 20 for 20 successful rootings. Maybe its just luck but that seems to work just fine for me. Good luck brother.
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